Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included
mayor bloomberg, de Blasio I call Bloomed Blasio, Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton, Reznick, O'Neill Know a lot about fixing crime don't they?

See bottom of Blog to see info Unions, Wiki page, Vote Quinn OUT! etc.

See my YouTubes & Blog Postings on CityTime Corruption starting w/ May 27, 2010 Suzannah B. Troy's 1st YouTube on CityTime calling for NO renewal w/ SAIC and a full investigation!!! Reminder: Rudy gave us SAIC & CityTime (We didn’t need either-Mike ran with it Tax Payer’s Titanic)
Don't believe the news, New Yorkers are angry & will not vote for BLOOMBERG! Note: Mayor Bloomberg and his top deputies & key staff all took immunity in the Haggerty trial. Why? Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and committed perjury Haggerty Trial. Next the CityTime Trial with Team Bloomberg suffering amnesia yet again! Stay tuned! Vote for Christine Quinn if YOU want Mike to have a 4th term from the golf course! In front of SAIC NY offices demanding way more than 600 million $ back for The People of NYC ! Letter in Defense of Suzannah's YouTube Channel GoogleE-Burka by Louis Flores URGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed!
Mike Yelled down Aug. 20 CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Suzannah Troy NYC Round-Up: Cy Vance City Hall Corruption Breasts

1) New YouTube Jane who worked at St. V interviewed on status of condos and hospital W. Village man collapses

The guy who collapsed is okay and was taken to Beth Israel where they promised to follow up with a check up.

Experiencing extreme exhaustion....

Will protest Monday morning probably 9am to 10:45

2)Hilarious Christine Quinn parody of me dresses as Quinn comparing herself to Dr. Martin Luther King and Jane Jacobs!

new blog to add to my mini-me blogs 

7) Cy Vance corrupt da heroin cop locker -- where is St. Vincent's prosecution -- Mark Guma and he -- Mark Guma Quinn

media cover-up CityTime  pc world list CityTime and Deloitte (who happens to be SAIC's auditors...oops

6) John Liu Bill DeBlasio Christine Quinn Bill Thompson -- all crooks
By the way not one mayoral hopeful from NYC gov takes the subway.

6) Expose breasts and corruption City Hall -- Wake UP NYers

well go naked if I can get money for personal trainer  and lose 10 -- 15 pounds if that is what it takes
wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!