Amanda the People's Burden, city planner commissioner: City Planning conspired with Deutsche Bank to make life as hellish as possible in the Public Space 60 Wall Street and Nazi-esque tactics continue with DB's unmarked retired US Marines - DB 's great shame - so shameful no names of individuals and Deutsche Bank logo. Thanks to the DB employee for not striking me physically when I protested DB's role in the mass murder of millions Auschwitz but just waving your arm up in down in my face. Thanks again for not hitting a Jew and of course DB personnel did not speak to her. The head guy at DB probably gave her a raise. Thanks to DB and NYC gov for allowing OWS, handicap women in wheel chairs and Jews like me the right to use a toilet in NYC gov POP space owned by Nazi-esque Deutche Bank - nice touch to hire American Marines to violate the 1st Amendment Rights and violate the Democratic process of Freedom of Speech via sign prohibition. DB's sign prohibiting signs Orwellian.