p.s. This is the YouTube http://youtu.be/yaTzHHJNLD0 where I use humor to educated -- It is a press conference where Mike Bloomberg is forced to resign and I look like a cross between Richard Nixon and Mike Bloomberg. If you want radical change -- if you want a revolution we need a clean sweep from City Hall to community board and OWS you have to watch who you are embracing because they are hurting you.
I covered on my blog from the moment OWS took back Liberty Park. Of course the NY Post demonized OWS as usual. If you want to effect change you have to wake up to who are the bad guys and posers here in NYC and I am said to say you haven’t. NYC gov corrupt officials down to community boards and certain city councils members are living large and they must be exposed and forced out of office if you want change.
You do not know the largest White Collar Crime case NYC gov is starting pre-trial Jan 5 -- all info on my blog -- and the US Attorney will not go back in time to Rudy throwing out AutoTime created and run by City Workers who are now being laid off as corrupt crooks make a fortune from Bloomberg being the king of out sourcing. http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2012/01/911-tech-scandal-aka-ectp-did-verizon.html I get so sick of going on and on trying to wake up New Yorkers I dress in drag as Mike Bloomberg and announce I, mayor Bloomberg am resigning 2012 -- abuse of slush term limits, pension abuse, Tsunami of community crushing development -- mass displacement, CityTime -- he pushed SAIC -- SAIC now exposed for role in killing innocent civilians Afghanistan and 911 Tech has military Northrup Grumman and ex NYC gov DOITT are lobbyists or working for them now... If you want a revolution you have to get the message out -- there are the largest white collar crime ever NYC gov - no NYC gov officials arrested! The People have to learn and we need clean sweep leadership from NYC gov to community boards -- the People are not beign represented.