Rewind and I will repeat until the investigative journalist do their jobs. Valcich refers to other communications between NYC gov and SAIC.
No one interested in Foiling those emails, faxes and letters? Ho hum SAIC and NYC gov had auditors. NYC had DOI but Dept of Investigation the mayor's arm and Mike was busy pushing SAIC like a drug king pin pushes heroin. Ho hum. Bloomberg praised SAIC after Spherion consultants exposed stealing 80 million tax payer dollars. Mike praised SAIC to press. Now we forced him to ask for 600 million back and I was the only person to say Mike low balled us. I want a billion x 3 as in RICO.
What are we paying SAIC right now for help with a system we will most likely toss in garbage? Valcich from hero to zero to say. Why? Mike, Rudy, SAIC all want Denault to take the fall - hmmmm sure looks like CityTime a lemon no lemonade from get go a cash cow for some and a black hole I dubbed The Tax Payer's Titanic. John Liu dubbed ECTP CityTime 2. I am guessing ECTP way bigger flawed scam than CityTime.