Rewind: Rudy threw away AutoTime created and run by City Workers for CityTime an Orwellian Time Clock and a lemon from the get go that required very expensive outsourcing and when Rudy brings SAIC in - SAIC got life time maintainence vs AutoTime maintained by City Workers. Rudy leaves but his deputy mayors become lobbyists for SAIC and his pension lawyer for city lobbyist TechnoDyne on CityTime and Northrup Grumman on even more corrupt 911 tech system called ECTP -- after DOITT job.
Looked to Doitt - wink wink - high turn over - how about DOI? DOI didn't shut down SAIC in 2003 or 4 --- hmmmmm or 2005 - last year hardee har - explain why US attorney still working with DOI?
I have a YouTube of me confronting infamous Stephen Goldsmith who made Washington DC his home base at Crains breakfast his 1st day - I catch Liz Holzman right on top of him possibly lobbying for SAIC.
Who is watching lobbyist. On line we need their resumes to pop up and how much cash in total per year and lifetime as lobbyists along with $$$ figure pension.