If you are a corrupt democrat and you need to get off the hook than in my opinion Judge Judy Kaye Ms. Fix-it is your go to gal. Judy could you understand if people perhaps thought you were “ethically” challenged or put it this way -- your name means the fix is in....no justice?
Little birdies whispering dirt on Judge Judy, Working Family Party and some how Bill DeBlasio involved...hmmmm and Judy Judy made it all disappear.... but it won’t lay dead and buried come the mayoral debate.
In the meantime can someone explain this....?
She let off perjurer and crook Dave Paterson and gee why was that? At least NYU and WOR hired Dave who silenced a victim of spousal abuse! He used “polite” intimidation and the only honest folks on his staff resigned! Not Dave Paterson and his 6 foot 9 abuser Dave Johnson and those two have a sordid corrupt past. Judge Judy smoothed out Dave’s troubles for him and NYU and WOR support violence towards women which happens to be up in NYC and under reported!
Any ideas why?
If you can answer that than answer why would Andrew Cuomo distance himself from Vito Lopez and than give Lopez’s corrupt dealings a pork injection.
Bill DeBlasio may not run for mayor and in part because of his alleged role in the Working Party Family scandal is a rumor I hear despite Ms. Fix-it Judge Judy Kaye did her best to make “it” go away but rumor has not.
The Working Family Party Data and Services scandal maybe have been brushed under the carpet by Judge Judy Kaye Ms. Fixer but don’t expect “it” to go away but in fact get ready for “it” and other thangs to be drudged up.
If Bill DeBlasio doesn’t back out than expect his enemies to be fully armed. Some are chatting with me already.
Judge Judy Kaye should be ashamed of herself. She kids herself she is a good democrat doing it for the party but she has caused a lot of hurt and expect backlash including Andrew Cuomo and the Vito Lopez pork fest.
Andrew Cuomo -- You need to re-think Judges like Judy fix it Kaye, Vito Lopez, Christine Quinn and sad to say Bill DeBlasio. I was going to back him for mayor but today I was given info that was not flattering and I don’t think Bill DeBlasio is rushing to change the impression that folks are painting of him and it not flattering.
Christine Quinn is by far the worse though.
Stay tuned.