Below I sent out to not all but a significant amount of city council members and 2 NY State Senators and some press regarding new trend of private security/military in public spaces with no accountability -- identification and an open door to greater abuses of power starting with Brookfield and Deutsche Bank.
I want to add two other issues -- 1) The NY Times censored every comment I attempted to post on their article on sign prohibition by Deutsche Bank but allowed John Penley’s comment taking credit for contacting Norman Siegel when in fact I also contacted Norman and gave him videos == one of which he refers to in the letter.
Two) I have an old post that investigates ECTP and DOITT -- actually every tech contract that was and or is ridden with scandal and I found this post that has a DOITT Deutsche Bank connection. I am very interested in every top person DOITT and there have been many under Bloomberg + Mark Page + head of Office of Payroll plus Dept. of Investigation.
I want to talk to Rudy Giuliani, Peter Powers, Mike Bloomberg and plenty of others to understand the largest white collar crimes -- abuse of tax payer money -- scandalous tech deals -- CityTime and ECTP as hugely flawed as they are massive black holes to tax payers and this is my short list of people....
Now on to what I sent out last night to come city council and senators here in NYC: This YouTube breaks the news that Norman Siegel won a victory at 66 Wall Street and there will be no more sign prohibiton (we believe was meant to target OWS) by Deutsche Bank security and the NYPD.
Separate issue:
I need to get in touch with every city council person and demand accountability re: new trend -- private security with no identification! If you agree please spread the word and effect change before we have even worse abuses of power.
Who is policing this new trend of private security in public spaces? The security wears no identifying uniform or name plate!
1) Brookfield has hired retired and or off-duty NYPD to police public space Zuccotti Park aka Liberty Park
2) Deutsche Bank hired what appears to me to be their own private military
In both case men have used foul language and there is no identification on their body and this is yet another abuse of power!
Examples beyond foul the worst offender DB guard who said "I f....ed your mother". "you are shi/".
Zuccotti Park unmarked security said -- your fly is down. (he just have gotten embarrassed because he than said "fagg/t"
Please help to alert everyone possible and lead the call for City Council and even perhaps State Senate to demand accountability.
It is unacceptable to plunk down private security with no way of identifying who they work for and individuals who behavior is threatening or verbally abusive.
Thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy
ps We are told to call 311 and we get little to no results....
I have have some re: DOB and slum lord that I have been asking for assistance -- if the building collapses it won't be good because I asked for help repeatedly!