The many ways Bloomberg rewarded a culture of failure -- NYC gov are so many - a book thicker than a phone book could detail. Remember Feds dropped mortgage investigation because of 9-11? Lucky for Mike and all major contractors and sub-contractors on CityTime and ECTP that the US Attorney is too over-run -- already finding paper work CityTime -- what I call 2nd half of The Tax Payers Titanic quicksand -- US Attorney not interested in Richard Valcich 's whistle blowing letter - Feb 2003 - either was Bloomberg, Thompson or DOI! SAIC and NYC gov wanted Gerard Denault to be fall guy -- but he comes in with corruption part 2 -- after Valcich letter. Hmmmm- my guess Rudy had to know flawed early on! ECTP 911 tech system bigger scandal but ssssshhhhh -- than there is NYCAPS, what about 311. Can I see a flow chart of DOITT heads and deputy mayors starting with Rudy and who they worked for after leaving NYC gov. Some profited from Bloomberg rewarding a culture of failure. I didn't even touch on Board of Ed-- huge or NYCHA -- Bloomberg's tech dreams tax payers nightmares. You will be glad to know NYC gov no arrests like NYPD PBA fixes and favors -- nyc gov officials may have gotten fixes and favors but not news!!! What we do know NYC gov revolving door corruption!!! NYC gov to Albany to The White House cess pool -- tax payers hugely robbed tax payer $$$$ abused but politicians profit and contractors!!!! Let's make flow charts -- include lobbyists!!! (note: FBI got SAIC treatment as well aka tax payers beyond screwed as usual ... Than SAIC went on to assist NYC gov and Peter Powers lobbyist on SAIC MTA deal as 1 little example! )
Hey Mike, Mark Page, Pat Harris, Dollar Bill Dan Doctoroff, Rudy and Peter -- care to comment?