[-] SuzannahBeTroy 1 points 0 minutes ago
Bloomberg should be impeached. He broke so many laws and Cy Vance gives him immunity. Mike perjured himself during the Haggerty Trial his Watergate and perjury not covered by immunity but Cy Vance only wants to go after innocent protestors. Vote Cy Vance out of office. Do not allow Christine Quinn Mike’s mini-me to become mayor. I did two youtube parodies...the 2nd one 37 seconds long has annotations and one is how she abuse Picture the Homless. If you want to learn more about how she banned intro 48 google picture the homeless intro 48 which would have forced the City of NY to be accountable for all empty buildings....I have two posts here one to PtheH intro 48 and the other to how Quinn banned Picture the Homeless from attending City council meetings until Norman Siegel taught Quinn’s lawyers about the US Constitution