Now over half hour - just awful -- 3:41 still not up. NYT published 9 of letters - now I am anti Bloomberg - on censorship list - have info on this not blogging about but look at my work even on this topic!!!!
I made two youtubes on my experiences but I am afraid NY Times censors will block my links plus another activist who's YouTube is referenced in the letter. They made me remove an article of art and a protest sign. In my opinion the DB spokesperson is less than truthful and it would been a matter of time before the other rules were enforced with the goal to evict OWS. Not reported -- verbal violence by one private military DB and all refused to tell me there names and employer; again of DB less than honest behavior. The DB security abuser repeated "I am not a civil servant.". He told me I would have to leave!!! I have written about a new disturbing trend set by DB and Brookfield of hiring private military or police that wear no identification which is unacceptable. It is yet another abuse of authority.