Besides perjury, breaking campaign laws, using slush and intimidation along with his puppet Christine Quinn to flush democracy down the toilet denying us a referendum to vote - someone wrote George Washington would have hung Bloomberg for treason, Mike Bloomberg's role in way too many corrupt tech deals starting with Mike pushing SAIC the way a drug king pin pushes heroin. Mark Page has some explaining to do.
Team Bloomberg including ex- heads of DOITT and OPA and DOI explain why we have the Largest White Collar Crimes NYC Gov Ever!!! Explain why the revolving door of corruption? Explain no arrests NYC gov.!!! Hello Preet? Cy Vance a disgrace. Vance came awful close to breaking campaign laws. Guma dismissed some money owed. Was that $ declared donation? Vance campaign debt oi vey. Vance's handling of Haggerty trial and immunity mayor who perjured himself and immunity team Bloomberg almost laughable. US Attorney and Vance give Christine Quinn unofficial immunity slush abuse.
How about Pat Harris? Mike and Team Bloomberg explain CityTime, SAIC deals including corrupt MTA deal -- still want answers from Mike and his MTA board appointees Mark Page and Pat Harris's husband who's son has Cush job in NYC gov IT, explain tax payer abuse theft fraud, CityTime, NYCAPS, countless Board of Ed deals plus Joel Klein's Bear Stearns crew and explain Amanda the People's Burden corrupt green lighting of countless zone busting deals for her pals... USPS illegal air sale to NYU 120 e 12 th st, Cooper Union zone busting - certain builds no education or 1 floor in a massive zone buster - Rudin - People's Burden won't give us zoning protection for a hospital West Village. The record number of eminent domain abuse deals -- Columbia U to NYT building which bankrupted NYT to Brooklyn that profited a Russian billionaire who may be next Russian ruler!!
Bloomberg Burden responsible for most displacement since American Indians. Burden socialite city planner evil witch with a 40 million dollar trust fund for kids.
Mike explain to NYC kids you failed some who can barely read Steve Rattner's role in NY Pensions and how he pleaded the 5th 62 times paid to play paid to not go to jail, gets on your puppet Charlie Rose show and an op Ed piece NYT and banned by SEC and you still employ him like your puppets Ed Koch and you Diana Taylor doll you have on every board that hates poor and middle class people as much as NYU Rudin puppet Mitchel manure Moss, you and Amanda People's Burden.