Standing in line for pop corn in case I am bored. Excited to see George Clooney film -- guess why? Hint going to Bloomberg hood dinner party - no Bloomberg Oop on the other side of the park--,stream of unconsciousness ---- chapt in my book --- nyc having openly single pro sex woman mayor giggle I am not running. I am retiring after we get Quinn out of office and I wish Quinn a term in jail.
Movie crowded!!
Movie poorly crafted. Clooney over rated.
Yo had problems posting from iPad -- got it up and made a YouTube from Central Park --
FYI Bloomberg's ken doll Charlie rose in Clooney movie. Clooney just another actor with delusions of being Orson Welles! Thumbs down!!!
Oh boy how many celebs and politicians talk green and fly on private jets George Clooney and Mike Bloomberg? Got any names besides Al Gore?
Watch the short YouTube. What a night. Beautiful. Off to celebratory dinner with a 140 people -- smile tell your more later.