Mayor Bloomberg Immunity Again of SAIC CityTIme goes to Court....Why Mike Bloomberg and SAIC don’t want to have a trial but make this go away asap but the tax payers perhaps will be robbed because both covering up... Part 2 Mike Bloomberg Naked SAIC CityTime Scandal....
why SAIC and Mike want this shut down -- a settlement but how the NYC tax payers are being screwed because this went way back to ---- perhaps the beginning or pretty darn about Rudy Giuliani who brought in CityTime and SAIC?
I did a lot of posts today -- and you have to go threw each one and reach what I wrote about Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg, Rudy (and check out the lobbyists post I did way back on SAIC, TechnoDyne, Northrup Grumman, and any and all connected to be tech NYCAPS Accenture, infact time to look at Accenture 311? Commetors also complain about IBM, etc.