YouTube featured in above link
I cover CityTime - where is the trial? Where is the 80 million Mike said we would get back. All we got was 28? million returned.
We have Haggerty trial -- where are the trials for all the money way more than 1 million dollars stolen?
Tweets from Haggerty trial closing today...
Haggerty adultery with Ms. Moneybags Fiona works for Steve Rattner. If only Costello Vacco has called Rattner and Christine Quinn.
Will Larry Seabrook's lawyers get Quinn to commit perjury like Mike Bloomberg on her back room deal with Mike to use and abuse slush money to push as well as other tactics to push through a third term by denying voters a referendum? TERM LIMITS!!!! deal (ordeal) not forgotten.
almost 5 years major cover-up for water main breaks sewage breaks man hole cover explosions gas leaks -- the story the press won't report because it ties into shocking way too fast development on behalf of Cooper Union (some illegal builds) NYU NY Law hotels -- infrastructure and streets shot to hell
Hospital protest -- Christine Quinn Tom Duane etc. allow hospital to close in their own district --
open 9-11 closed now --
Who at City Hall got their tickets fixed by the NYPD and did PBA do more than fixing tickets and for whom?