Get out your barf bags.....
1) Cy Vance (soon to be voted out along with Christine Quinn -- voted off NYC gov. like a bad reality tv show we don’t have a choice but to watch...) first tried to prevent John Haggerty from defending himself.....
2) Than Cy Vance gives Mike Bloomberg, Patricia Harris, Kevin Sheekey, Allison Jaffin all on Mike Bloomberg pay rolls -- plural as in private empire, public empire aka nyc gov. , their are fake dummy companies not called Bloomberg News that Mike funneled money to Jaffin and 2 other over paid admin. assistants on NYC gov. salaries -- what could these women be doing that Mike gave them 2 salaries, the charity, etc. Mike the funneler of money and he pays your legal fees when you aid and abet him in breaking laws!
3) Corrupt Christine Quinn pushed through a third term using slush aka tax payer money -- a Bloomberg puppet longing to be the next emperor of NYC with unofficial immunity so go to town Christine Quinn and break any laws you want except murder is a tough one not to prosecute.
Cy Vance is to Mike Blooomberg what Christine Quinn was to push through a third term.....Cy Vance has protected Mike Bloomberg and his guilty gang from facing responsibility for any laws they may have broken like campaign laws and not only we reminded of massive conflicts of interest all over-rided as well as the most creative means possible of shunting money.
By the way....does anyone know the name of The NY Post reporter that made Cy Vance even prosecute John Haggerty?
Is he still employed by The NY Post. Tell me his name and you win a free trip on Air Bloomberg, you get to stay at his many homes, have his servants take care of you like all of Mike’s guilty pals get to share Mike’s guilty pleasures.
Cy Vance Dirty DA Boy Toy Story -- well I can’t wait for part 2 which will include the Haggerty trial and Cy Vance’s handling of the NYPD Rape Cop HEROIN!