- The Paucity of Mike Bloomberg and the massive corruption NYers don’t seem to know about as disturbing as Bloomberg’s Blizzard fo 2010 or worse and Bloomberg wants to prop up a real light weight Christine Quinn who has been sued 4 times for back rent to run NYC!
Mike Bloomberg The End of Tolernace Wall Street Journal
- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904332804576538923426350218.html?mod=opinion_newsreel
- Suzannah B. Troy
- wrote: (your comment)
Reminder Mike Bloomberg says there is not enough room to include rescue workers either. The FDNY, NYPD, PAPD, EMS died in record number Sept. 11. This was the largest loss of rescue workers in our Nation, State and City’s history as well as with in each dept. and if you survived you are not invited because there is no room. A decade later St. Vincent’s located in Christine Quinn’s district is closed. Christine Quinn is Mike Bloomberg’s mini-me and she and Mike are pushing the Rudin family development instead of a hospital that would serve the community. They let St. Vincent’s close which was open and treated rescue workers 9-11. Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn are no leaders but attempt to use everything to serve greed and stupidity not the People of NY. This years memorial like the WTC site itself is a disgrace.