- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904332804576538923426350218.html?mod=opinion_newsreel9 hours ago
- SUZANNE BROWN replied:
We did ok with Guiliani.
6 Recommendations- 0 second ago
- Suzannah B. Troy replied: (your comment)
Suzanne you obviously don’t know a lot about Rudy and I recommend you rent “Giuliani Time”. The film was made before CityTime was exposed under Bloomberg as the largest White Collar Crime ever in NYC gov and guess who brought it in? Rudy. Rudy’s best friend is Peter Powers the lobbyist for SAIC who is now banned from doing any business with NYC gov and NY State. Rudy knew we needed to move the Emergency Response Headquarters from the WTC as the first bombing but did not move it. Yes the City looked a lot better and was safer but he is as awful as Bloomberg or worse. Rudy did manage to make 31 million bank rolling the false notion he was a hero and great leader. He is lucky Preet Bharara has yet to subpoena him, Peter Powers and other lobbyists on CityTime, TechnoDyne and the 2 billion dollar tax payer guzzler ECTP aka 911 Tech System which is flawed but Rudy’s lawyer handling the pensions Agostino Congemi happens to be the lobbyist for companies accused of fraud, etc. I guess lobbyist pals of Rudy didn’t notice the companies they represented where billing us obscene amounts of money for flawed systems or for services that delivered naught? Rudy is not known for being tolerant although he wanted tax payers to be tolerant of his using tax payer money to give his mistress at City Hall big raises, the biggest for when he dumped her for a much older mistress named Judi Nathan.