They are all on the outs but Tiger Woods is back in like Errol Flynn. For youngsters Flynn was allegedly having sex with everything that moved.
Tiger Woods has a new young blond girlfriend and I read some where she the daughter of a sports star - but her dad didn’t marry her mom....something like that -- perfect for Woods. I don’t really care. I think he is gross. I just know I wrote this piece about his sex life and got 5,000 hits in less than an hour. I would not want to spend any quality time with any of these guys let alone pay to listen to Charlie Sheen. No way...
All these guys are gross to me but there is someone or plenty of people that would cozy up to them.
Hopefully Kadafi will be out soon enough....can’t be soon enough and that is how many feel about Mike Bloomberg. The NY Daily News has exposed more corruption like Christine Quinn who wants to be Mike jr., his puppet mayor was sued several times for not paying rent and yet has gone to contract in a luxury condo where she used tax payer money to help the condo with garbage problems with a neighboring building.
It is hard to believe that Charlie Sheen sold out tickets to Radio City Music Hall,,20474615,00.html You would think the only sane people would be the NYPD running there to arrest him. As I have said before on this blog Charlie Sheen suing anyone at this point could be a Pandora’s Box for him and even law enforcement because they never ever arrest him for breaking the law.
Theses guys are “out” but they will always have people that want to cozy up to them. Scary.