Is Ashlee Dupree writing this trash? Truth: Mike Bloomberg trashed himself. Actions speak louder than words even written by people doing his false p.r.. Fact: Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn pushed through a slushy third term and flushed democracy downthetoilet. (Trying to get by NY Post word police). Bloomberg's best friend money manager pleaded the 5th more times than Mike has been mayor, actually 62 times so explain how Mike is going to teach children right from wrong re: term limits and democracy and the message is stand by your corrupt BF and what about off-shore Cayman Island investments? Explain all that to school kids and the 62 emails he won't turn over to the NYPost he sent Haggerty. What is he teaching kids to win at all costs and not be honest and forth coming aka transparent? Get it right or resign to Bloomberg Quinn and whom ever wrote this drivel.
If you want to read an intelligent and interesting piece on Bloomberg Black etc.