Reminder, Mike's money manager Steve Rattner pleaded the 5th more times than Mike has been mayor. Rattner pleaded the 5th 62 times so how can he be blaming Quadrangle when he pleaded the 5th 62 TIMES!!! Also a reminder Steve Rattner just earned 8 million dollars for handling Mike's charities and some of it was via the Cayman Islands so that makes the dealings subpoena proof sort of like Mike Bloomberg's emails to Haggerty -- the 62 the NY Post asked to see which Mike Bloomberg's refuses to turn over!!! Haggerty and Rattner and our mayor thought it was business as usual. Interesting Haggerty's lawyers won't subpoena Mike Bloomberg and either with the District Attorney's office! Rattner thought he was above the law. The only good news about people who think they are above the law is that they actually believe that so there is hope they will get busted one day eventually.
p.s. BF stands for Best Friend