Folks, The NY Times has censored me in the past preventing a comment I made on term limits and slush money as I recall so I left out Rattner spending quality time with Mike Bloomberg. There is a comment they did approve that slams Bloomberg and Obama or should I say questions them as well in re: to Rattner.
Someone slams Rattner and says he should be behind bars in jail and I would add no computer access like Bloomberg and Rattner's cyber stalker thug that harasses people aka aggravated harassment that carries jail time besides violating terms of agreement with You Tube and Google.
Below is me trying to get past the NYTimes censors.....
Click on the article and the read the comments....
Let me understand this...There is "pay to play" and than there is "pay to not go to jail?" It must be so nice to be rich, politically connected and or a celebrity and not have to plead guilty and go to jail. Rattner said he stepped down from his job at The White House to spend more time with family and it is common knowledge where he has been spending a lot of time here in New York.
Thanks to everyone sending me the news....