09/20/2010 8:18 AM
Before the steam pipe explosion by Grand Central, I would write dollarbill Dan Doctoroff about infrastructure and he had a woman from DEP write me back assuring me everything was ok. I even dropped off my letter published on these concerns re: infrastructure, the safety of the people of NY and the tsunami of development to Con Ed and asked Con Ed to tell the mayor to slow down the development and put the safety of NYers first.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/ticking_pipe_bomb_jAKKrXsugvJtxBwGC4kPKP#comments#ixzz104UzGbDj
If you go to YouTube and type Suzannahartist or my name infrastructure you can find plenty of tubes and look on this blog....
this is a very long YouTube on infrastructure....