The New York Post word police was blocking my posting to I broke it up in sections -- later I figured out it was that was the problem. Note: Why is this photo here? What the YouTube for another Bloomberg cover up and it is a big one.....
Interesting....the idea you put forth by a Bloomberg-supporter -- why would he steal money when Bloomberg would have paid him lavishly? Maybe Bloomberg can push forth an anti-crook initiative from politicians stealing tax payer money at City Hall and Albany to his campaign gang to petty criminals = pay them not to steal and lavishly!
The reason I am posting in sections is I am trying to figure out what the "word police" at the new york post is objecting to -- here is part 3
and only at the very bottom step in a smaller font it says Bloomberg word police company website How much did he pay for that ad? Did the same people work on his campaign ads? Is he advertising both his name as political person and his private empire? When I think of Rattner and Bloomberg I think of many blurry lines that need investigating.
Interesting....the idea you put forth by a Bloomberg-supporter -- why would he steal money when Bloomberg would have paid him lavishly? Maybe Bloomberg can push forth an anti-crook initiative from politicians stealing tax payer money at City Hall and Albany to his campaign gang to petty criminals = pay them not to steal and lavishly! CityTime - is anyone at The New York Post going to investigate this Bloomberg techno-nightmare? Why certain companies were brought in to over see and consultant all being paid lavishly starting at just below half a million to a million and please explain Joel Bondy's role and a retired city employee that collects a pension and also got one million to consultant. CityTime is suppose to be renewed this Sept but instead we need an investigation in to Mike's techno-dream -- the tax payer's Titanic on it's way to the billion dollar mark and why to keep track of low tier union workers or to make well connected people and groups even richer? Cy Vance has his hands full and he may need outside authorities to come in that is unless Mike and gang are above the law? Read more: