New Yorkers are lucky that the campaign is so transparent most of us shrug our shoulders, shake our heads and say to each other what utter "baloney" (not the words we actually use.). His over priced campaign managers are clearly "tv culture" and think if we are bombarded hard enough with his Orwellian Campaign we will actually believe he wants to help the middle class rather than the harsh reality we all endured of his community crushing development that crushed what was left of the middle class. The most pathetic ad offer loans to small businesses that can't afford their rents suggesting they dig themselves in to a bigger financial hole. Welcome to Mike Bloomberg's new hideous New York like the "new" Yankee Stadium which most New Yorker's can't afford. To bad this obscene spending can't go to relieve the "pension catastrophe and scandal", feed the homeless, keep fire houses and libraries open, instead it goes to "Mike Bloomberg's Camper" pushing "Camp Orwellian". One activist said to me, the ads are so dishonest they most be on LSD! I had to laugh but it is not funny and Mike Bloomberg may set a record on spending and lose to Tony Avella who will set a record spending the least.
Thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Mike Bloomberg's people trolling youtube?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Testy Mike, Suzannah B. Troy's response to NY Post Article
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Promise of New York Documentary by Raul Barcelona (and he is a fan of Suzannah B. Troy so you gotta love him!)
Documentary about mayoral elections
Hi Suzanna,
I've been a fan of your youtube videos and running expose of "King Bloomberg."
I wanted to write because I have made a film about the 2005 New York Mayoral elections, but fro the point of view of the little guys, that we're gonna be showing this year to coincide with Bloomberg's 3rd term bid.
We just put up the trailer last week and thought I'd let you know about it--I think you'll really dig it.
The trailer is here:
And the site for my movie is here:
Love the "No Bloomberg" stickers and look forward to more videos from you!
Raul Barcelona, Filmmaker
The Promise of New York
THE PROMISE OF NEW YORK-a Raul Barcelona Motion Picture (Trailer)
A blogger turned stand-up comic, an obsessive political gadfly and a high-school math teacher compete against each other and arch rival incumbent Michael Bloomberg for the post of New York City mayor. As these ordinary citizens take politics into their own hands, The Promise of New York explores the meaning of democracy and the identity of a city with hilarious irreverence and thought-provoking sensitivity.
Shot, Edited, Written, Produced and Directed by Raul Barcelona
Produced by Cassandra Hohn
Music by Mike Pettry
Featuring: Michael Bloomberg, Ed Koch, Christopher Brodeur, Seth Blum, Andy Horwitz, Jessica Delfino, Chris Riggs
Don't pull up to my bumper baby, see Suzannah B. Troy with her NO Bloomberg! bumper sticker!
To see more don't pull up to my bumper baby go to my other blog!!!!!!
Mayor Mike calls reporter a disgrace for asking question, NO mayor you are the disgrace!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Mayor Bloomberg berates courageous news reporter & continues to insult the people of NYC and democracy
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Suzannah B. Troy holding NO BLOOMBERG! bumper sticker
Due to financial crisis cuts in spending for park, read on
By RICH CALDER/May 26, 2009
Only two years ago, Mayor Bloomberg was hailed as a city green space champion after announcing a $386 million plan with fancy renderings to redo eight downtrodden parks through his sweeping PlaNYC initiative. But with the city in fiscal crisis, the mayor's new spending plan cuts funding in half for five of them.
The mayor through PlaNYC also pledged to convert 290 schoolyards into community parks so every New Yorker would be within a 10-minute walk of a playground by 2030. But this plan was also hit hard by cuts, the council study says....Of the 221 yet to be built, funding has been slashed by $13.3 million, from $77.2 million to $63.9 million. Geoffrey Croft of the watchdog group New York City Park Advocates called the department's capital program a "disaster, especially PlaNYC." He said the city continues "to make promises it knows it can't deliver on some projects while spending like drunken sailors on others."
The rest of the story is at
Another sinkhole lower east side - please watch my youtubes "Mike Bloomberg's streets of New York part one & two" search my youtubes infrastructure
The Mayor without any legislative process, ordered a time limit on challenges to developments
Email sent to my by Rob Hollander:
Friends and neighbors,
On Feb. 2, Mayor Bloomberg, without any legislative process, ordered a time limit on challenges to developments. Ordinary citizens will now have only and exactly 30 days to challenge the legality of a development once a permit has been issued.
Prior to the mayor's order, there was no time limit on challenges. Since the city allows developers to self-certify their plans (yes, approve their pans themselves), the only oversight lies in citizen challenges.
This time limit sends a clear message to developers: plan developments without regard for the law. The thirty-day window severely decreases the likelihood of any challenge at all, and if challenged, the development will be only at most thirty days into construction. At worst, the developer will merely have to alter plans (and borrow less money). So developers will never have to remove a story -- or thirty stories -- of construction no matter how egregiously those stories violate the zoning and violate the neighborhood.
It's a call to any unscrupulous developer to submit self-certified illegal plans.
Here's the mayor's press release. Notice the headline, spun as procedural improvement. Scroll down to the last two paragraphs before the bullets to learn the underlying motivation: to streamline illegal development. Think about it: as long as the plans are legal, developers have no worries about challenges at any point in the process of construction. Challenges are only a burden to development if the developer is banking on illegal plans.
This is government administrative sponsorship of activity in violation of government legislation; government sponsoring criminality. It's a deft brushing aside of the laws that protect this city and its neighborhoods, and handing the city itself to developers for their fastest buck, no urban planning, no community voice, no legislative process. Just thirty days. Let's close the city council down and let Boss Bloomberg rule in the great tradition of Mussolini and Tweed. (That's an insult to Tweed. Tweed, for all his corruption, responded to his voting base, the Irish working class.)
If developers generally submitted legal plans, this order would never have been. The mayor's order is a response to a problem of excess illegality. His response: make it easier to commit fraudulent and illegal activity and increase the likely profit. Forgive me, it's just so unbelievably outrageous.
Rob Hollander
Lower East Side Residents for Responsible Development
Rob Hollander
Lower East Side Residents for Responsible Development
Sunday, May 24, 2009
No third term Mike Bloomberg poster, Tony Avella flyer and No Bloomberg bumper sticker!
I was showing my poster display to Dominick when two older women came up and read it. They were most unhappy with all the mailings they were getting from Bloomberg!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Stimulus Money? Mayor where is it & what about the pension fund & collecting DOB & ECB fines?
Everyone calls you the developers' mayor but mayor Mike why haven't you collected the outstanding fines from developers and contractors from DOB and allowed them to continue working full speed ahead. I am told the fees are in the millions and I am told ECB is owed a quarter of a billion dollars as well?
I look forward to hearing your answers!
I voted for you twice because I did not know that your goal was to make my neighborhood the East Village, Lower East Side and look like a bad xerox of midtown and Dubai and push our community members out for even more mega dorms. NYU mega dormed the East Village to death!
I was able to get my hands on these nifty links about stimulus money and I couldn't help this cynical response....
all very nice but so far no trickle down -- have your felt any seen any smelt any?
Have you felt the trickle down?
Seen any trickle down?
ps I want Tony Avella for mayor, not a financial whiz or a man who will put developers before the people of NYC. Bloomberg was in office for two terms and his fortune doubled? while the
city fell in to greater black hole and City Council voted themselves a raise. Avella is the only city council member to have a perfect attendance record, to vote no to city council giving themselves
a raise (remember city council did that when the NYPD's starting salary was lowered) and Tony Avella voted no to extending term limits! He shows up and has integrity and that makes very attractive to the people of NYC!
Tom Kennedy a youtube art makes a No Third Term for Mike Bloomberg youtube with my poster!!!!
DOB was one of many City Agencies plus Con Ed that could not keep up and people died and were injuried.
DOB finally starting handing out fines but the city had not collected and let greedy developers and contractors and landlords continueon as usual while if the average NYer did this they would be in jail!
Below a link to my video that relates to this topic. There is a link now to an article that says a council member is pushing a bill to force developers & contractors to pay up or else. I don't understand why we need a bill when in fact isn't it the law. If you don't pay up your fines and you are not rich and connected you go to jail rather continue on with developments all over the city? This was all way too corrupt and done at a lightening pace for that exact reason. I keep thinking of the pension scandal and again where is the accountability? Is the average citizen pulled this crap they would be in jail already?
Thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy
Friday, May 22, 2009
When the front of the store was briefly unattended someone ripped down No Third Term poster!
NYC Gov Enironmental Questionaire! Fill it out & demand accountability! Demand they put our safety environmental concerns before greed ex. NYU listen
The mayor is planning to undermine government regulation and the public voice yet again.
The public's most powerful protection against destructive development is called the "Environmental Review" process.
It's not about ecology. It's intended to be a public assessment of the impact of a proposed development on the entire community -- on population density, traffic, housing, services... And it includes crucial public hearings.
Developers hate this process. It's an obstacle in their way. They prefer to avoid public review or eliminate it entirely. And now the mayor wants to help them.
Take a look.
The mayor's Economic Development Corporation is seeking to "streamline" the process to "reduce the costs and delays" specifically for "property owners." The questionnaire is designed as a first step towards making it easier for developers to bypass Environmental Review.
Note the wording of the first topic: Topic 1 - Obstacles and Roadblocks
"We are interested in understanding the obstacles and roadblocks that may be experienced by applicants for projects subject to environmental review...."
I urge you to go to the questionnaire and explain why public review is important and should be strengthened. Let the EDC know that
1) The independence of the public review must be ensured. It should not respond to developers' needs, but to the public's needs.
2) The objectivity of the process must be protected. The Environmental Review must not become a rubber stamp for development.
3) The comprehensiveness, detail and thoroughness of the Review must be ensured and expanded. All aspects of impact on the community and surrounding communities must be carefully and objectively assessed by an independent party.
4) Public hearings and public outreach must be expanded.
5) Means of informing the public must be enhanced.
Remember that this is the same mayor who came up with a plan to restrict legal challenges to illegal developments. Without public review, residents and small businesses have no protection against development, against demolition, bulldozing, eviction, gentrification. It's giving the entire city over to developers whose interest is not the public good. It undermines government regulation and public oversight of destructive private interests. It's taking the city away from the public and handing it over to the few who just want to make a killing off your city and your lives.
Rob Hollander
Lower East Side Residents for Responsible Development
622 E 11, #10
NYC, 10009
Rob Hollander
Lower East Side Residents for Responsible Development
Thursday, May 21, 2009
DOB & ECB are owed mega bucks combined but city is not collecting from dead beat developers, etc. Like PENSION catastrophe why no action ASAP!
Go to link and read the comments and the text portion has links to 2 daily news articles by Brian Cates!
Great work Brian.
I am told approximately a quarter billion dollars in unpaid ECB (Environmental Control Board) fines. Why does these finds go uncollected?
Check out the links for Brain's article and again I ask why is the mayor and the city officials allowing this to go and folks if it was you or I being a deadbeat we would be in jail not allowed to continue on and you know how these kind continue you on....they don't respect the rules or the people of NYC.
Again the same question I have for the pension catastrophe, Mr. Mayor why are you not doing something right now.
Watch my pension youtube...
After you watch it you must go to the text portion and click on the first The New York Times piece and The New York Daily News article although they are very thought provoking.
As usual it seems like the conflict of interests were way out of control and allowed to go on at City Hall, so what is new but this one falls in the catastrophic category. I see the pension disaster in two categories -- the catastrophe due to Wall Street greed and stupidity and the scandal aspect which has many players and again it has to do with greed and greed....the stupidity may have been they thought like Bernie Maddoff no one would be paying attention.
From McLaughlin Goes to Jail Political Wall of Silence no outrage
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Suzannah B. Troy's comment on The NY Observer piece on Orwellian "CAMP-PAIN IN THE EHEM" TEAM BLOOMBERG Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg = Orwellian Bloomberg
How to get Mike Bloomberg's Orwellian phone calls to stop their aggressive calls, by Suzannah B. Troy

How to deal with Mike Bloomberg's Orwellian phone campaign
I have another comment actually posted with the article and below is part 2
Here is my youtube lampooning Mike Bloomberg's very aggressive Orwellian phone campaign which is like dealing with NYU's president, John Sexton when we told him "NO! Stop tearing down our historic buildings like St. Ann's, stop supersizing our historic neighborhoood.
Mike like "higher education" doesn't seem to understand the meaning of the word NO so expect numerous phone calls. Repeat the word over and over NO! I will not vote for Mike. No, I don't want to discuss it any further.
If this does not work and his staff harass you with more calls do what I did. Call his "listed telephone number" and give him a piece of your mind. I pointed out his people called me unlisted number x amount of times and therefore I felt entitled to call his listed telephone no.
Since than I have never been harassed by the mayor's campaign staff EVER again. His "camp" does harass my friends though.
Columbia University eminent domain battle continues on
Tomorrow, Thursday, May 21, the biggest eminent domain case in
Manhattan's history will happen at 2:00PM. The state appellate court
will hear the issue of Columbia's land grab eviction expansion in terms
of the use of eminent domain against property owners, businesses,
residents and all of us. We urge you to attend at the address below and
give support to the Sprayregens and the Singhs and others who will be
affected like Ramon Diaz of Floridita, residents who live in the
immediate expansion area, and all those facing displacement in the
surrounding community. The case is framed by the property owners but of
cousre this will affect every neighborhood in the city of New York and
beyond. Come out. Get there by 1:45 pm. This will be a very short
appearance. Each side has a maximum of 15 minutes to present its case.
Come out and support the legal battle against the all or nothing
27 Madison Avenue (Cross St. 25th)
New York, New York 10010
(212) 340-0400
Presiding Justice: Luis A. Gonzalez
You can see a series of youtubes I made on a protest rally at Columbia University protesting Columbia U's abuse of eminent domain.
AMNY my letter published my letter
click on the link and read the text portion for Jason Fink's article and to read my letter as well as other links.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The NY Daily News the city is owed big bucks by DEVELOPERS & contractors but ain't collecting money anytime soon
Mayor Bloomberg's streets of NY, see link to NY1 medium size water main break 2 years ago, problems seem to keep arising
Watch my two youtubes on Bloomberg's streets of new york and just this block which you can see on NY1 and the next block which you see in my 2 youtubes seem to be busting open again and again...why is that?
Also giving every perk imaginable and unimaginable to developers who lay down knew infrastructure but connected it to old delipidated infrastructure over supersize so high with heavy trucks and equipment and construction rattling old pipes it is no surprise we have had so many water main breaks, man hole explosions gas leaks etc.
That was why I wanted DEP, DOB and Con Ed to name 3 alone to tell the mayor slow down.
In an ideal world you would make the developers slow down and put infrastructure improvements first but Bloomberg's reckless tsunami of rapid development put speed, supersizng and greed first and the good news for greedy developers is many infrastructure and construction accidents displaced more people which makes room for their greed they refer to as "progress".
Crime is up in Village East and West.
Monday, May 18, 2009
NYC Pension catastrophe $43 Billion dollar hole (Again than you The New York Post)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
No third term Mike Bloomberg underpants, No referendum no MIke NO Mike undies, how do you battle a mega millionaire $ Orwellian ad campaign by Mike?
Read more:
Mayor Bloomberg' is spending obscene amounts of money as if he is saying democracy is for sale.Vote Tony Avella, he spends the least, shows up themost
Vote for Tony Avella and make NYC history showing the world that democracy is not for sale and putting the candidate that has spent the least amount of money and shown up the most fighting mass evictions ala Bloomberg's tsunami of community crushing development city wide; Mike doesn't break the law, he changes the law, city council voted themselves a raise which is a conflict of interest & did it when the NYPD's salary was lowered. Watch my youtubes starting w/Mike Bloomberg King of New York. thanks, Suzannah B. Troy
Read more:
Friday, May 15, 2009
Barbie doll syndrome a slow motion hate crime that can end in murder
Thursday, May 14, 2009
NYC gov notify test phase right now but you can sign up they even has infrastructure warnings
From myspace page, May 4, I write about May 2,man I came across Sat. beaten up bleeding, stabbed in the arm he told me and he had been robbed barefoot
![]() | Category: News and Politics I can't urge people visiting NYC or exploring the night life to be careful enough when you go out at night especially if you are going out drinking. Make sure you go with friends and one friend remains sober and makes sure you commute home together rather than alone. Drug dealers want to sell you drugs because they are hoping one sale will make you a regular aka they own you so don't go there. Saturday morning I saw a young man and at first I was scared by his appearance but the more I saw him the more I was alarmed for him. I ran over to an ambulance and pointed him out. The driver said he may refuse help but he called him over. He told us he had been beaten, robbed, that was all evident, he was barefoot, dirty filthy, his right eye looked practically busted open and than he told us he had been stabbed in the arm -- he was wearing a sweater so I couldn't see his arm but his face was caked with dirt and blood. He said he just wanted to make it to the clinic where there was a doctor. He did not seem to know that he should be in a lot of pain -- maybe he was in shock.... I told him you are hurt bad and should go to the hospital but anyway I left him with the ambulance driver.... sad.... Just be alert and on your guard when you go out to have some fun in NYC. I also would warn you off of mixing prescription drugs with booze and ambien's new commericals worn possible side effects include aggression and suicidal thoughts so go to the health food store and get something for sleeping. Even health food remedies are intense and you have to be careful about not mixing them with prescriptions. Don't live your drinks unattended when you go out to party because someone can put a date rape drug in it and that includes someone dressed in a 2 thousand dollar business suit or a uniform so be careful. Be on your guard. contact right rides if you need a ride home or get a friend to escort you. Don't go home alone by yourself if you can avoid it. |
Murder scene? Near death Village, this is W. Village Tompkins East Village beating related to a death?, will NYU want to send their kids here? Yes.
NYU kindergarden hero, how higher education destroyed NYC with their real estate greed & hide behind public relations & not for profit status
Suzannah B. Troy 's new blog on NYC
Queen's Crap has link to Politiker NY article where I posted this
posted by SUZANNAH B. TROY
Tony Avella shows up to eminent domain abuse rallies and there are many under the Bloomberg administration because he favors pushing out the people from their communities for his friends and in NYU's case NYU doesn't even need to use and abuse eminent domain to get the job done. I have demanded NYU give us community outreach resource centers in every mega dorm where they busted through zoning using the term community facility and they exclude the community. These centers should be in the front of the buildings so students see and get involved in helping community members and small businesses remain in their community.
The term media whore is offensive for many reasons and Tony Avella shows up and that takes so much patience and time, he speaks up which takes guts and if you do not get media coverage how do you get your message out and sadly people like Mort Zuckerman that owns the NY Daily news writes letters on behalf of Mike Bloomberg to stay in office a third term and The New York eminent domain Times acts like Mike and his socialite mega millionaire city planner are on their board.
Mike Bloomberg's ads are Orwellian and he thinks if he repeats he helps the poor and middle classes rather than crush them we will believe it. He thinks giving loans to small businesses that are being crushed by his tsunami of community crushing development will help them rather than send them further in to debt.
The bottom line is Mike Bloomberg's "NEW" hideous NY is like he NEW hideous Yankee Stadium, New Yorker's can't afford it.
Tony Avella for mayor
I have done a series of youtubes starting with Mayor Bloomberg King of New York. I have an old school political poster I hand painted lampooning King Mike as well as youtubes talking about his Orwellian ad campaign and my newest show 'Bloombergs Streets of New York" which are in horrifying condition.
My newest shows 311 and the 911 call they transfer me to for a hole in the street that goes down 3 and half to 4 feet deep have done nothing for the safety of people so I ask a Con Ed worker for a cone to warn people of the danger. Mike Blooomberg's New York -- no thank you.
Suzannah B. Troy
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
No Third Term Mike Bloomberg Posters Around Town
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
new facebook friend sent me these links
Monday, May 11, 2009
on health and NYC living not to mention the obscenely high cost of health insurance or the lack there of.
Suzannah B. Troy's comment on Mike bloomberg Plutocrat piece on by Sherman Yellen
Bloomberg is an oligarch & NYC has become oligarch central littered with mini-mike wannabes. NYU has mega dormed the Village to death. NYU is the evil empire of the E. Village & Mike Bloomberg & mega million side kick socialite city planner act like they work for NYU & not for NYC! They pushed thru a shady air sale over St. Ann's 120 E. 12th by the USPS to NYU but oops the USPS did not notify the State of New York as they were legally obligated to so the state could examine is this air sale over a historic site from 1847 in the best interest of the community, environmental concerns etc. Bloomberg & Burden pushed a tsunami of community crushing development way too rapid, reckless driven by greed. Watch my youtubes starting with "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York". Cooper Union is NYU jr. & Burden gave them the green light to tear down their yellow science building & supersize like they did across from the cube with that sky piercing hideous mirrored building that reflects a history destroyed & a community no longer welcome & Cooper U. land leases that property and will be a landlord for the new monument to greed by higher education & the art students couldn't be happier instead of standing by our community protesting they are as bad as NYU students. Smoke & mirrors, Bloomberg's soulless NYC & his ad campaign Orwellian & laughable. if you want to visit NYC pre-Mike, visit
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mike Bloomberg's streets of New York horrifying because he put greed before safety. make sure to go to youtube and see the links
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
NY1 reports teenager want to run for city council!
Suzannah B. Troy , don't believe the news -- New Yorkers are angry and they are not voting for Mike Bloomberg for a third term!!!!!