Thursday, May 21, 2009
DOB & ECB are owed mega bucks combined but city is not collecting from dead beat developers, etc. Like PENSION catastrophe why no action ASAP!
Go to link and read the comments and the text portion has links to 2 daily news articles by Brian Cates!
Great work Brian.
I am told approximately a quarter billion dollars in unpaid ECB (Environmental Control Board) fines. Why does these finds go uncollected?
Check out the links for Brain's article and again I ask why is the mayor and the city officials allowing this to go and folks if it was you or I being a deadbeat we would be in jail not allowed to continue on and you know how these kind continue you on....they don't respect the rules or the people of NYC.
Again the same question I have for the pension catastrophe, Mr. Mayor why are you not doing something right now.
Watch my pension youtube...
After you watch it you must go to the text portion and click on the first The New York Times piece and The New York Daily News article although they are very thought provoking.
As usual it seems like the conflict of interests were way out of control and allowed to go on at City Hall, so what is new but this one falls in the catastrophic category. I see the pension disaster in two categories -- the catastrophe due to Wall Street greed and stupidity and the scandal aspect which has many players and again it has to do with greed and greed....the stupidity may have been they thought like Bernie Maddoff no one would be paying attention.