Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg = Orwellian Bloomberg
New Yorkers are lucky that the campaign is so transparent most of us shrug our shoulders, shake our heads and say to each other what utter "baloney" (not the words we actually use.). His over priced campaign managers are clearly "tv culture" and think if we are bombarded hard enough with his Orwellian Campaign we will actually believe he wants to help the middle class rather than the harsh reality we all endured of his community crushing development that crushed what was left of the middle class. The most pathetic ad offer loans to small businesses that can't afford their rents suggesting they dig themselves in to a bigger financial hole. Welcome to Mike Bloomberg's new hideous New York like the "new" Yankee Stadium which most New Yorker's can't afford. To bad this obscene spending can't go to relieve the "pension catastrophe and scandal", feed the homeless, keep fire houses and libraries open, instead it goes to "Mike Bloomberg's Camper" pushing "Camp Orwellian". One activist said to me, the ads are so dishonest they most be on LSD! I had to laugh but it is not funny and Mike Bloomberg may set a record on spending and lose to Tony Avella who will set a record spending the least.
Thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy