Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 The Mayor gets a very low evaluation on safety re: the low flying plane....check it out
Dominick DeRubbio gets straight to the point in letting us know his stance on the mayor on all issues but the latest is the low flying plane that had New Yorkers evacuating buildings and calling 911 bringing back bad memories of Sept. 11
Email to the mayor this morning....
The streets of New York are in terrible condition and dangerous. Two example one by the 9th Precinct 5th Street between 3rd and 2nd Avenue and the street in front of Ladder 9 which is Great Jones Street between the Bowery Lafayette. These are just two examples. Mayor Bloomberg pushed a way too rapid tsunami of community crushing development on a delipidated infrastructure and I continue to worry for the safety of New Yorkers. Example he and Amanda Burdens reckless green light to Cooper Union supersizing by delipidated subway stations at Astor place. They are allowing Cooper Union to exploit their status as not for profit to supersize by Astor Place twice -- first the supersized mirrored building and now tearing down the Science building both having nothing to do with higher education. Welcome to Mike Bloombergs New York City.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Just remembered Mike Bloomberg used my legs & thanks&gratitude sign for his first term advertisements, NYPD can you arrest him for theft or 3rd term?
*Memory just came to me -- when Mike Bloomberg was running for his first term his ad people used my legs -- I was wearing shorts and holding a sign "Thanks and gratitude" . Even though they did not use my face people recognized my legs and told me they saw me on tv. How ironic since if Mike Bloomberg had just hinted he had a tsunami of community crushing development in mind, I would have never voted for him and asked him to cease and desist using my legs and hand painted sign.
I was sent the link below and I do not do drugs or have ever used them but this video makes you wonder if someone dropped some mind altering substance in to your computer screen....scary...
Whom ever conceived of this video must agree with me that the Bloomberg campaign is Orwellian and that Mike Bloomberg is in love or addicted to positions of power, any position....
When you see the Mike Bloomberg ads projected on city buildings it just evoked pain because I have to worry about the NYPD giving me summons or what some might call harassment although so far so good. I spoke with sanitation and I feel confident I should not have a problem with the sanitation dept.
On the other hand my friend David Kaufman who wrote the new bio on Doris Day said my no third term poster was so good the mayor may have me bumped after seeing this video starring Mike himself, I felt relief, at worst maybe just harassed,oops I mean or a visit from his special unit NYPD for the mayor that stops and hands out their business card to anyone perceived as a saw the granny worst....I know I need to embrace any tickets, problems that may happen although I prefer they don't happen but I try to convince myself it just means publicity and the kind Mike has been getting is minus 3 million dollars of the 8 million that may go up to a billion.....
The Mayor and Quinn taxing New Yorkers? The New York Daily News article taxing read....
I posted this comment in response....
Bloomberg is running an Orwellian ad campaign & he thinks if he bombards us with his ads a billion times before Nov. we will be chanting his propaganda oops his message that he is the man. He and city council denied us a referendum to vote on term limits. Tony Avella is the only city council member to have a perfect attendance record, vote not to term limits being extended & no to city council giving itself a raise which is a conflict of interest but so it extending term limits! Sad raising taxes means Albany take a cut & city dweller don't feel the love! Watch my youtube Bloomberg ads Orwellian thank you, Suzannah B. Troy
I posted this comment in response....
Bloomberg is running an Orwellian ad campaign & he thinks if he bombards us with his ads a billion times before Nov. we will be chanting his propaganda oops his message that he is the man. He and city council denied us a referendum to vote on term limits. Tony Avella is the only city council member to have a perfect attendance record, vote not to term limits being extended & no to city council giving itself a raise which is a conflict of interest but so it extending term limits! Sad raising taxes means Albany take a cut & city dweller don't feel the love! Watch my youtube Bloomberg ads Orwellian thank you, Suzannah B. Troy
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Bloomberg ad campaign Orwellian Team Bloomberg Team Orwellian
Dad and me at Danal on Fifth Avenue with my No Third term for king of New York Mike Bloomberg art poster!
Last year was very rough for me and Dad and me having to move was so traumatic along with a surgery with Dad that went wrong as in they opened the wrong side so I am so thankful to have my Dad 84 and 3/4 years old with me and I get to show him my art in the window at Danal. Dad served in World War 2 and has a Phd from Columbia University in Economics which he paid for on the GI bill.
go to youtube search engine and type Mayor Bloomberg, 2 of my videos come up and one at the bottom looks like Mike behind bars!
I don't get it because the hits are so low to be on the front page but I love it because the mayor
looks like he is in jail!
It is hilarious -- with all the clips from tv news, me, Jackie Mason, Drinking with Bob
(they are men and comedians) and I am the only woman and artist
but most hilarious is the image of
Mike behind bars Lower East Side because he destroyed our neighborhood
and it looks like a bad xerox of Dubai with his tsunami of way to rapid community crushing
development & his term limits back door dealing slush mess make ya wonder....
His philanthropy is welcome and if he wants to help people
find work fantastic but no third term!!!!!!!
If he really believed in a fair fight he would agree to a cap -- a level playing field.
If he wins it will be the lowest amount of votes in his 3 runs.
Suzannah B. Troy
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
AM New York reports a woman gives birth on 5th Ave, I have pregnancy envy! Plus more no third term MIKE!,0,7466482.story
Oh, I just want to do that! The weather is beautiful and NYC has the most beautiful diverse group of babies in the entire world and I want to have one. I don't know how people afford to have kids but I read this story and thought I would like to give birth on 5th Avenue and for now instead I will show you my No Third Term for Mike Bloomberg on 5th Avenue tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!
Mayor heading towards 8 Million so far me 500 dollars
Did you ever feel like we are not living in a democracy as the media only covers Mike Bloomberg and only gives him a voice. What a story -- I have spent 500 dollars and I am hand out poster some that hanging in windows of people's homes.
Thank goodness for blogs and youtubes because the lack of coverage by the press would give the world the wrong impression and that is Mike Bloomberg's propaganda.
A must see -- photo of granny w/ walker she called 311 for help and she got a visit from the mayor's special NYPD unit not the help she needed 311
I sure hope this granny finally gets the help that she called over and over and over again asking for by dialing 311 and thanks to the NYPD for bringing this attention to New Yorkers and the world wide audience following NYC poltics!!!!!!!!!
The photo is fantastic!
I sure hope this granny finally gets the help that she called over and over and over again asking for by dialing 311 and thanks to the NYPD for bringing this attention to New Yorkers and the world wide audience following NYC poltics!!!!!!!!!
In Queens they feel the mayor acts like he is king or should I say emperor Mike.
I join them in my admiration of Tony Avella who is the only city council member to vote no to extending term limits, no to city council giving themselves a raise (which is a conflict of interest despite that pathetic excuse of a board called the conflict of interest committee saying otherwise)
and a perfect attendance record.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York watch the youtube
watch King of New York Part 2 -- I find my inner Mae West to lampoon the mayor.
I made a series of me painting his portrait and turning it in to a political poster for NYC streets.
Everytime I see the mayor's advertisements I get so upset and I want to speak up and say do not vote for him a third time.!
watch King of New York Part 2 -- I find my inner Mae West to lampoon the mayor.
I made a series of me painting his portrait and turning it in to a political poster for NYC streets.
Everytime I see the mayor's advertisements I get so upset and I want to speak up and say do not vote for him a third time.!
Posted another No Third Term today in the East Village
I wake up exhausted and with this intense hair loss which is so upsetting although I try to hide and it is from all the trauma of what lead me to move although I am so glad not to be living next to what feels like a crime scene St. Ann's shady air sale by the USPS to NYU and the newest hideous mega dorm thanks to NYU. It seems NYU and Cooper Union are having a fierce competition to see who can build the most hideous ugly architecture in the East Village. The trauma was multi faceted NYU, St. Ann's the USPS and what felt like a slow motion hate crime but overwhelmingly I am glad to have sold my home of 20 years.
I wake up exhausted and worried I will get ticketed aka harassed for my poster art political statement but I am so proud of the work the painting the text and the process of sharing with people. I have not settled in to my new home part of this new hideous New York thanks to Bloomberg like the new hideous Yankee Stadium that most people can't afford and a team with a bloated salary that most likely won't make it to the play offs again.
I dream of moving yet again although moving is traumatic and my experience even more so but where...
I also was thinking of my short story Murderville and I thought this morning if I die prematurely I am coming back as a ghost....I really want to serve justice but I felt so exhausted I realize these posers because they are even posing as human are their own punishment.
I am proud of my work and I do have to thank the mayor for one thing although he destroyed my neighborhood and that is he got me to paint and that poster is very smart and funny better than his mega million dollar campaign.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Mayor Bloomberg NO THIRD TERM poster still there
I want to hug and kiss the building to see my poster still there -- days and days maybe hugging and kissing a building is against the law...I really don't get what is legal and what ain't. I once had to call 911 no police in sight, must have been very busy at the precinct but I could just seeing me kissing the building an NYPD convention showing up like the other day there was a large turn out for a person standing in a phone booth that did not seem like a dangerous threat of any kind. Don't understand the turnout and sometimes almost none at all. I really don't understand or know what is the law although I am trying to learn and than I gather there is something called interpretation there of... I just felt like kissing the building or someone to see my poster up... especially with Bloomberg taking advantage of his mega bucks with his ad campaign.
If the mayor believed he could do this with out his mega bucks he would, he would agreed to limit his spending but he won't. If he wins he will have to spend close to a billion and he will just barely win with the lowest amount of vote in his third attempt
my jacket with patches and pins honoring rescue workers is part of the Sept. 11 museum and that includes the NYPD and sanitation dept. but maybe they are going to harass me attempt to take away my freedom of speech because their boss is Bloomberg.
Just glad to see my poster up....and at other spots around town as well...
Do not believe the mayor Team Bloomberg campaign ads and here is why....
All my videos on had Team Bloomberg ad campaigns which I wrote about and now poof they are you think that will be the way his campaign goes and poof no third term?
Team Bloomberg has his ads up next to mine on viddler and other websites that pick up my videos lampooning the mayor, sometimes two adds attempting to dominate my video but than gone, kind of like Mike Bloomberg's political never know which party he is going to run on....let's face -- it is not an issue of Republican, Democrat or Independent but rather Mike Bloomberg loves positions of power Mayor....President....
he has mega-billion worth of self esteem....
Some people are buying his ad campaign telling me we need him because he understands finances.....well folks he has been office this entire time and his knowledge didn't prepare us for this economic meltdown but than again it didn't effect him. He just became even richer....actually the richest man in New York.
Some people are buying his ad campaign telling me we need him because he understands finances.....well folks he has been office this entire time and his knowledge didn't prepare us for this economic meltdown but than again it didn't effect him. He just became even richer....actually the richest man in New York.
People tell me he has turned schools around and even has inspectors pop in with surprise visits....well if he has done something that works it can be kept by the next mayor. If he and his team really do love the city they can continue to help the city...I am sure the next mayor and the people of New York will welcome his help as long as it doesn't have to do with the tsunami of community crushing development he forced on us that was reckless on old New York's infrastructure, further crushed the middle classes and low income and brought way to many deaths and injuries construction and infrastructure related. Thanks to Mike and socialite mega millionaire city planner Amanda Burden I renamed "gentrification" supersification.
Have you noticed the empty store fronts, the death of small businesses for nightlife bars and thanks Mike, two terms were too much.
If he had shown me his intention to make the East Village, Lower East Side and Bower in to a bad xerox of Duba and NYU-Ville, Cooper Union-ville -- Cooper Union intent on making the Bowery look like the set of horror sci-flick with their new studio building, NY Law-ville, SVA-ville and The New School-ville I WOULD NEVER HAVE VOTED FOR HIM ONCE!!!!!!!
The last political poster of a mayor was Rudy looking like Hitler but despite Mike destruction of my neighborhood and community I could not bring myself to go that route but rather make him warm and friendly like his campaign ad but with a warning in Latin like the side ofcigarette box -- before of people (princes) in positions of power that want to be your friend or should I say promise to help because for instance I don't believe Mike Bloomberg will help the middle classes since he has driven so many of them out as more and more people chant -- I love New York -- I just can't afford to live here anymore!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Mayor Bloomberg's king kong advertising blitz pulled from my videos? Can't keep up with team bloomberg one minute my vids bombarded by him next poof!
All my videos on had Team Bloomberg ad campaigns which I wrote about and now poof they are you think that will be the way his campaign goes and poof no third term?
Team Bloomberg has his ads up next to mine on viddler and other websites that pick up my videos lampooning the mayor, sometimes two adds attempting to dominate my video but than gone, kind of like Mike Bloomberg's political never know which party he is going to run on....let's face -- it is not an issue of Republican, Democrat or Independent but rather Mike Bloomberg loves positions of power Mayor....President....
he has mega-billion worth of self esteem....
Some people are buying his ad campaign telling me we need him because he understands finances.....well folks he has been office this entire time and his knowledge didn't prepare us for this economic meltdown but than again it didn't effect him. He just became even richer....actually the richest man in New York.
Some people are buying his ad campaign telling me we need him because he understands finances.....well folks he has been office this entire time and his knowledge didn't prepare us for this economic meltdown but than again it didn't effect him. He just became even richer....actually the richest man in New York.
People tell me he has turned schools around and even has inspectors pop in with surprise visits....well if he has done something that works it can be kept by the next mayor. If he and his team really do love the city they can continue to help the city...I am sure the next mayor and the people of New York will welcome his help as long as it doesn't have to do with the tsunami of community crushing development he forced on us that was reckless on old New York's infrastructure, further crushed the middle classes and low income and brought way to many deaths and injuries construction and infrastructure related. Thanks to Mike and socialite mega millionaire city planner Amanda Burden I renamed "gentrification" supersification.
Have you noticed the empty store fronts, the death of small businesses for nightlife bars and thanks Mike, two terms were too much.
If he had shown me his intention to make the East Village, Lower East Side and Bower in to a bad xerox of Duba and NYU-Ville, Cooper Union-ville -- Cooper Union intent on making the Bowery look like the set of horror sci-flick with their new studio building, NY Law-ville, SVA-ville and The New School-ville I WOULD NEVER HAVE VOTED FOR HIM ONCE!!!!!!!
The last political poster of a mayor was Rudy looking like Hitler but despite Mike destruction of my neighborhood and community I could not bring myself to go that route but rather make him warm and friendly like his campaign ad but with a warning in Latin like the side of cigarette box -- before of people (princes) in positions of power that want to be your friend or should I say promise to help because for instance I don't believe Mike Bloomberg will help the middle classes since he has driven so many of them out as more and more people chant -- I love New York -- I just can't afford to live here anymore!
Youtube check youtube search engine Mayor Bloomberg see Mayor Bloomberg King of New York part 2
Drinking with Bob (Bob is very very angry and his speciality is ranting.) This is one in a series where he wears a black t shirt that says "Be Poor Join the NYPD" AND I WANT TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT WHILE CITY COUNCIL VOTED THEMSELVES A RAISE WHICH IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND CITY HALL GAVE THEMSELVES A RAISE WHILE THE NYPD'S STARTING SALARY WAS LOWERED!!!
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York
Jackie Mason with his Vlog rage
Drinking with Bob (Bob is very very angry and his speciality is ranting.) This is one in a series where he wears a black t shirt that says "Be Poor Join the NYPD" AND I WANT TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT WHILE CITY COUNCIL VOTED THEMSELVES A RAISE WHICH IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND CITY HALL GAVE THEMSELVES A RAISE WHILE THE NYPD'S STARTING SALARY WAS LOWERED!!!
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York
Jackie Mason with his Vlog rage
Youtube check youtube search engine Mayor Bloomberg see Mayor Bloomberg King of New York part 2
Drinking with Bob (Bob is very very angry and his speciality is ranting.) This is one in a series where he wears a black t shirt that says "Be Poor Join the NYPD" AND I WANT TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT WHILE CITY COUNCIL VOTED THEMSELVES A RAISE WHICH IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND CITY HALL GAVE THEMSELVES A RAISE WHILE THE NYPD'S STARTING SALARY WAS LOWERED!!!
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York
Jackie Mason with his Vlog rage
Drinking with Bob (Bob is very very angry and his speciality is ranting.) This is one in a series where he wears a black t shirt that says "Be Poor Join the NYPD" AND I WANT TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT WHILE CITY COUNCIL VOTED THEMSELVES A RAISE WHICH IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND CITY HALL GAVE THEMSELVES A RAISE WHILE THE NYPD'S STARTING SALARY WAS LOWERED!!!
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York
Jackie Mason with his Vlog rage
Drinking with Bob (Bob is very very angry and his speciality is ranting.) This is one in a series where he wears a black t shirt that says "Be Poor Join the NYPD" AND I WANT TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT WHILE CITY COUNCIL VOTED THEMSELVES A RAISE WHICH IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND CITY HALL GAVE THEMSELVES A RAISE WHILE THE NYPD'S STARTING SALARY WAS LOWERED!!!
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York
Jackie Mason with his Vlog rage
Drinking with Bob (Bob is very very angry and his speciality is ranting.) This is one in a series where he wears a black t shirt that says "Be Poor Join the NYPD" AND I WANT TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT WHILE CITY COUNCIL VOTED THEMSELVES A RAISE WHICH IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND CITY HALL GAVE THEMSELVES A RAISE WHILE THE NYPD'S STARTING SALARY WAS LOWERED!!!
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York
Jackie Mason with his Vlog rage
Monday, April 20, 2009
Jackie Mason posts his video on my Mayor Bloomberg King of New York Oy vey to post his video on Bloomberg or Oy vey not to post that is the question..
I sent Jackie Mason a message thru youtube that made it clear I was not Mel Gibson and included my Mayor Bloomberg King of New York youtube. He sent me back a video response.
I had to ponder --- oi vey oy oy oy ovey to post or not to post? That is the question and the answer, what the hell,
I post his youtube so visit mine and see his or maybe leave his out and just watch mine.... I am much better looking and smarter!
I sent Jackie Mason a message thru youtube that made it clear I was not Mel Gibson and included my Mayor Bloomberg King of New York youtube. He sent me back a video response.
I had to ponder --- oi vey oy oy oy ovey to post or not to post? That is the question and the answer, what the hell,
I post his youtube so visit mine and see his or maybe leave his out and just watch mine.... I am much better looking and smarter!
April showers yet again as I post more NO Third Term Mayor Bloomberg King of New York posters up! The stress, anxiety and the joy!
The ones I posted outside today I fear will fall off because I am using a gentle paper tape. I stopped by La Mama and I was sorry to hear the owner, a super dynamo that created La Mama was in the hospital. I left a poster there for her, across the street up in the offices downstair lobby of the other theatre, I handed a poster to the someone that works at the PS (too tired to remember the name of the performance space 10 and 1rst)
Mailed off some as well...just tired and anxious...Do everything to be a good citizen but wish I could put them up where every one else does but I try to resist temptation like light poles as an example.
I also feel so much delight to see them up....some are supporters, some just support freedom of speech but either way want to hug them and kiss them for giving me a space to put them up but maybe that is against the law to...just see some plainclothes police man pulling up in an unmarked car arresting me for over zealous hugging!
Have to rest now!!!!!!!
Newstoday smash hits picks up my youtube mailing mayor Bloomberg my poster & they post it next to TWO Bloomberg advertisements!
Check out the not one BUT TWO Bloomberg advertisements and there is a breast video on how to self check for breast cancer also -- NOT MINE -- and not from the USA because you know our country's attitude about breasts.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
youtube check youtube search engine Mayor Bloomberg see Mayor Bloomberg King of New York part 2
Go to youtube search engine and type in Mayor Bloomberg
you will see all clips from tv plus three unique personalities
Jackie Mason
Drinking with Bob (I don't always agree with him but he may have the best rants -- funny angry and thank goodness he doesn't carry a gun.)
me...They are comedians with much bigger followings but how moving for me to see
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York part 2 on the front page of youtube's search list on mayor Bloomberg!
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York part 2 is also a tribute to Mae West -- I find my inner Mae West although the mayor shut her down -- her play Sex and had her arrested and sent her off to jail. Mae being Mae made the best of it, as I recall she spent 30 thousand on legal bills and estimated that she received a million dollars in publicity and from there Hollywood.
I don't want to follow her route and I am double her age but what a cutting edge woman she was and she seems from the future not from the past.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Mayor Mike Bloomberg's people must read my writing because his ads on viddler are no longer next to my NO THIRD TERM Mike Bloomberg videos!
I loved going to to specifically enjoy his ad campaign next to my videos but I guess the got the King Kong advertising campaign in contrast to my humble low budget efforts...and poof "team Bloomberg" ads are gone.
Do you think that might work on him reconsidering running for a third term?
Oops -- just some of the time his ad campaign is not there maybe he is trying to save money.
Viddler doesn't get the traffic of youtube at least yet.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York my youtube from Oct 2 2008 reposted today on next to Bloomberg campaign ad
My Mayor Bloomberg King of New York video from youtube October 2, 2008. I copied it and posted it on viddler so I can see the mayor's ad campaign next to my video saying he isn't going to break any laws, just change them...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
posted Mayor Bloomberg King of New York NO THIRD TERM just above Union Square Park
I am sure the people that own the place do not sure my passion for Mike not serving a term but any legal place to post my poster I am going for it because it frightens me right now there is only one voice and it is Mike Bloomberg's telling us how he can solve all these problems when he is one of the major factors of why I went to bed in the East Village and woke up in a bad xerox of mid town turning into a bad xerox of midtown and NYU ville and Cooper Union is NYU jr. becoming as greedy a real estate magnate as NYU the no, 1 real estate magnate and Mike's and Amanda socialte mega millionaire city planners good friends.
Evictions continue to rise including small business so no thank you Mike.
My neighbor doesn't feel the way I do about Mike but she said my art is GREAT.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
follow me on twitter as I post NO THIRD TERM Posters around NYC!!!! Follow me around New York as I posted Mayor Bloomberg King of New York NO THIRD TERM is democracy for sale? Posters!
No Third Term posters Blue Stockings Bookstore and other cool places East Village Lower East Side! Follow me around New York as I posted Mayor Bloomberg King of New York NO THIRD TERM is democracy for sale? Posters!
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York behind bars? No Third Term art poster on display Outlaw Art Museum 161 Essex Street, Lower East Side, NYC Follow me around New York as I posted Mayor Bloomberg King of New York NO THIRD TERM is democracy for sale? Posters!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Suzannah B. Troy talks about putting up The Mayor Bloomberg King of New York No third term posters and how she wishes she could have seen....
To read text portion go to youtube link...You can also see my series on painting the portrait and turning it in to a poster plus photographs of the poster around NYC.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Mayor starts with 3 million dollar tv campaign, remember last election he spent aprox 83 million dollars, is democracy for sale?
Photos of poster No third term for King Mike East Village!
Some people like this pizza place and the bar let me post because they are nice and they had no feeling one way or another about politics....some people were very pleased and told me they would post in the windows of stores and or their home. Others asked for additional copies.
I just asked people not to post on NYC public property or litter with my posters and I would be happy to give them more!
Some people like this pizza place and the bar let me post because they are nice and they had no feeling one way or another about politics....some people were very pleased and told me they would post in the windows of stores and or their home. Others asked for additional copies.
I just asked people not to post on NYC public property or litter with my posters and I would be happy to give them more!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Suzannah B. Troy bummed mayor's face in the poster is too red, didn't translate well from painting but huge uplift by wonderful activist
Also see text portion of youtube for links to photos of poster in the East Village.
The text portion of my youtubes are as important as the youtubes.
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York Part 2
Sometimes it gets tedious to talk about the mayor and his goal to be mayor of New York for a third maybe fourth or fifth term so this is my most humorous video where I find my inner Mae West to lampoon the mayor.
Suzannah B Troy youtube is her art, Mayor Bloomberg when he decided to change the law he became a central muse for NYC artist!
I have an entire series of youtubes starting with my very first one "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York" and I have made one almost every day since I discovered youtube and many are about the mayor that would be king as well as city politics. My newest youtubes document a portrait I paint of the mayor and I have it made into a poster on the smallest budget possible and take it to the streets of New York starting in Brooklyn and East Village.
I want to ride the cyclone soon so I will sticking my posters up in Coney Island and in the Bronx as I am excited to visit the Bronx botanical garden and all this will be documented on youtube.
Suzannah B. Troy, The New York Observer, struggling to hold back Bloomberg tide & Suzannah Troy confronting the mayor on John Gambling show
Above link you can find my name and my city council going to unvote themselves a raise? with a link to my youtube "Gloomy Bloomy News sub zero trickle down"
I voted for mayor Bloomberg twice but if he had just shown me a head of time what he and socialite mega millionaire city planner had in mind for the East Village, Bowery and Lower East Side allowing NYU to tear down St. Ann's from 1847 so NYU could finally mega dorm the East Village to death and allow Cooper Union and greedy hotel and condo developers to supersize turning the Bowery in to a bad xerox of Dubai I WOULD NEVER HAVE VOTED FOR BLOOMBERG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please note Cooper Union is NYU jr. and weighing dangerously heavy in my opinion on our old infrastructure including the leaking rotted subway stations by where Cooper Union was allowed to abuse their not for profit status and supersize while moving out and leasing the land at Astor Place. New York Law took a one story building and supesized it with sky piercing dorm with balconies on 3rd Street, SVA built a dorm and The New School also has a mega dorm all having confused the East Village with dorm fodder.
Do you think the East Village Bowery Lower East Side down and including China Town having so many infrastructure related breaks and problems had anything to do with this reckless tsunami pushed on us by the Bloomberg administration? The street conditions were better in colonial times and some of the water pipes that have been bursting like the one in the West Village was from before the Civil War! Many people do not feel safety was but first but as usual it was greed first.
All these supersized housing needs to give us community outreach resource centers in the store fronts of their building to aid the community including small businesses in staying in their neighborhoods with free computers, volunteer table, a place for seniors to sit where students can join them and volunteer.
This was true city wide as Bloomberg --Burden favored developers before the historic neighborhoods and communities and pushed a dangerous tsunami of community crushing development on the people of this city -- city wide how many construction related and infrastructure related deaths and injuries did we have? Too many!!!!!!!!!
Bloomberg and Burden act like they work for NYU, Cooper Union and Columbia University and as if they do not represent the people of New York.
Hear me confront mayor Bloomberg on the John Gambling show about the tsunami of community crushing development and the need for community outreach resource centers in every mega dorm in the East Village.
+ go to link
pick the top option for "archived link" which gives you the stream with out down load
move the cursor to 29 minutes (almost the end!!!)
OCTOBER 19, 2007
Live from City Hall with Mayor Mike and John Gambling
Above link you can find my name and my city council going to unvote themselves a raise? with a link to my youtube "Gloomy Bloomy News sub zero trickle down"
I voted for mayor Bloomberg twice but if he had just shown me a head of time what he and socialite mega millionaire city planner had in mind for the East Village, Bowery and Lower East Side allowing NYU to tear down St. Ann's from 1847 so NYU could finally mega dorm the East Village to death and allow Cooper Union and greedy hotel and condo developers to supersize turning the Bowery in to a bad xerox of Dubai I WOULD NEVER HAVE VOTED FOR BLOOMBERG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please note Cooper Union is NYU jr. and weighing dangerously heavy in my opinion on our old infrastructure including the leaking rotted subway stations by where Cooper Union was allowed to abuse their not for profit status and supersize while moving out and leasing the land at Astor Place. New York Law took a one story building and supesized it with sky piercing dorm with balconies on 3rd Street, SVA built a dorm and The New School also has a mega dorm all having confused the East Village with dorm fodder.
Do you think the East Village Bowery Lower East Side down and including China Town having so many infrastructure related breaks and problems had anything to do with this reckless tsunami pushed on us by the Bloomberg administration? The street conditions were better in colonial times and some of the water pipes that have been bursting like the one in the West Village was from before the Civil War! Many people do not feel safety was but first but as usual it was greed first.
All these supersized housing needs to give us community outreach resource centers in the store fronts of their building to aid the community including small businesses in staying in their neighborhoods with free computers, volunteer table, a place for seniors to sit where students can join them and volunteer.
This was true city wide as Bloomberg --Burden favored developers before the historic neighborhoods and communities and pushed a dangerous tsunami of community crushing development on the people of this city -- city wide how many construction related and infrastructure related deaths and injuries did we have? Too many!!!!!!!!!
Bloomberg and Burden act like they work for NYU, Cooper Union and Columbia University and as if they do not represent the people of New York.
Hear me confront mayor Bloomberg on the John Gambling show about the tsunami of community crushing development and the need for community outreach resource centers in every mega dorm in the East Village.
+ go to link
pick the top option for "archived link" which gives you the stream with out down load
move the cursor to 29 minutes (almost the end!!!)
OCTOBER 19, 2007
Live from City Hall with Mayor Mike and John Gambling
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