Explosion a reminder of NYC's aging infrastructure
I guess no one remembers the explosion when Mike Bloomberg was mayor by Grand Central that look like a terror attack also the pipe was ancient -- team
Bloomberg was all about greed and super sizing development not about the safety of the people of New York and infrastructure concerns and Dollar bill Dan Doctoroff brushed aside our concerns -- Dan said he was the commissioner of infrastructure and Mike refused to appoint an actual commissioner of infrastructure.
Bill De Blasio was not even answered my letter on being assaulted at the doctors office asking for justice so I'm not holding my breath.
I wrote Dan Doctoroff asking for help repeatedly,
Please look at the top of Suzannahbtroy blog talks about infrastructure--- the very top of my blog!!!!
Our ex Mayor Mike Bloomberg pushed a reckless tsunami of community crushing development on all New York and city Council, Amanda the People's Burden, DEP, DOT and Con Ed all said go for it.
Mike Bloomberg is on the front page of my opposition to the city New York throwing out my lawsuit involves corruption city time and 911 HP
On the actual lawsuit front page there's a reference to his.Commissioner and ties right into him and the police fixing and doing favors front page of my lawsuit
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.
ps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you