Oh article is up but so poorly written not worth the read -- Peyser looks great for her age but all the hair dye must have killed her brain cells?
I was the only one to report 6 months before the election Mike might not win due to voter anger.
Bloomberg's thugs so scared of the truth they illegally removed my youtube channel. Google apologized. Quinn is in far worse shape. She may barely win or flat out lose.
No arrest and NYPD first precinct fixed this violent attack. The NY Times did not credit me for my Christine Quinn. Mini me moniker. The ny Times doesn't think it was news worthy one if Mike's most out spoken critics YouTube Channel removed before an election to close to call and I laughed on YouTube stating the press the media had to go off script and finally report news.
Not news I was almost blinded in a violent attack by Dr Andrew Fagelman's receptionist office manager Delita Hooks and my neck beyond harmed no arrest because The First Precinct fixed it.
Like Adrian Schoolcraft 50 mill law suit trial, like Ramos one of the NYPD top 100 über criminal corrupt cops and there are so many -- NYPD rapists, drug dealers, gun traffickers, murderers not news worthy. The NY Time published a letter of mine after 9-11 demanding a raise for FDNY and NYPD but since I won't back Bloomberg Quinn not news worthy.
Media been murdering news including on 911 tech corruption, CityTime even 311 which is another tech nightmare we pay mega bucks for what? 911 and 311 failed Hurricane Sandy. What is the on going price tag for 311.
Bloomberg Quinn pushed thru an illegal third term, ask them about pushing thru illegal wrong corrupt over rides on tech contracts and consultants adding up to billions of tax payer dollars in abuse and ditto for corrupt illegal real estate deals on old NYC's infrastructureS!
Is that in part why The First Precinct fixed me being violently assaulted and it is not news?