The article leaves out the fact Rattner stepped down from his job as Car Czar he said to spend more time with his family here in NYC. Is Mike Bloomberg his family? Everyone else believes he was forced to step down because of the pension fund scandals which would splish splash all the way to the White House. Denial is the new crack cocaine. Rattner wrote a book on rescuing the auto industry and he hopes to still plug the book with the help of his other bf the owner of The NY Times who I believe he also money manages. Rattner believed Quadrangle would take the fall -- not him so he shifted 5 bill of Mike money out to create a new firm. What is the name of this new firm? He was wrong Quadrangle disavowed him. In a pathetic bio on Bloomberg by Joyce Purnick also a gal w/ a book that gets the full support of the NYTimes she points out Rattner urged Mike to run for a 3rd term. Gee I wonder why? It was a huge conflict of interest for Rattner's company to be involved in pensions and is Steve Rattner a whiz or someone who just doesn't respect limits and the rules? Rattner has shifted a small amount of Mike's billions for charity to the Cayman Islands and Mike and Steve are less than forth coming on this just like everything else. Impeach Mike Bloomberg and the SEC needs to ban Rattner.
Click on the link for Cayman Islands -- “QAM Select Investors (Offshore) Ltd. -- when Rattner tried to set Quadrangle up for the fall he shifted 5 billion of Mike Bloomberg's money out. Did he shift it to QAM -- is that the new company he created to handle Mike Bloomberg's money?
Guess what? I called The NY Daily News how many times asking is Mort Zuckerman money managed by Steve Rattner? No answer. Now I have my answer.
Mike Bloomberg ran for mayor urged by Steve Rattner to do so and had the backing of Rattner's other clients he money manages beside Mike Bloomberg and that includes the owner of The New York Times and The New York Daily News as I understand it. Remember getting any info is extremely difficult. Can we see a full list of Rattner's clients? Anyone this NYPost article refers readers to Vanity Fair which is coming out today with Lady Gaga on the cover!