Hilarious! Top wall street firms march their mega million dollar baby earners in their tax attorney's office and tell them buy a home any where but NYC and this has been going on for ever. Not a new practice. Mike Bloomberg has celebrity actors and athletes endorse him for a 3rd term and none of them can vote for Mike because they declare Florida, Conn, any where but NYC as their primary residence. Mike Bloomberg's has some of his money shifted to the Cayman Islands by Steve Rattner who may be banned by the SEC for his role in pension fund scandals. Are the Cayman Islands in Conn.? John Sexton ran down to City Hall and the president of the community crushing real estate magnate NYU testified king Mike has to have a 3rd term. Who else is going to let NYU get away with shady zone busting real estate deals but I was just wondering despite amazing real estate and close to a 2 million dollar salary where does John Sexton declare his primary residence? Did he even get to vote for Mike bloomberg?
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/living_on_the_hedge_Nv8mbQtT1owRYGkYaSsELP#comments#ixzz0vXcJ7xkz