WSJ: Bloomberg Cash Still Missing.
The Haggerty trial could be Mike Bloomberg's Watergate if Haggerty decides to spill the beans. I was at the forefront of the "Bloomberg No Third Term" resistance and mysterious things started to happen to my YouTube account like countless comments by "Bloombergforlife" and when I removed them a torrent of YouTube messages to everyone that had ever commented on my YouTubes. Than all my YouTubes, 343 YouTubes were removed a month and a half before the election to close to call. Norman Siegel and many activists, friends and film makers contacted Google on my behalf and my work was restored. After the election which Mike Bloomberg barely won, Tony Avella, a mayoral candidate's identity was stolen and used on YouTube to contact me and the stolen identity "TonyAvella" bragged about celebrating with Mike at the Sheraton. Identity theft is serious, violating YouTube and Googlle's terms of agreement including stealing other YouTube member's identities is serious. My point is king Mike so far has been very luck so little of his campaign dealings have not been fully looked at and investigated. It is worrisome that Bloomberg holds the purse strings to Cy Vance's department and also another possible conflict of interest is that Maura Keaney worked with Haggery and Maura Keaney is married to Mark Guma who I believe Cy Vance's is working hard to pay back a campaign debt to. It is like six degrees of separation but really one degree and it may be a conflict of interest.