03/11/2010 8:07 AM
Mike Bloomberg is soooo funny his hiring his gang of campaign staff to what The New York Post estimates will cost the tax payers over 2 million with all their 6 figure salaries and Wolfson $200,002 salary at the tax payers expense has his over paid campaign staff laughing all the way to the bank. The campaign staff laughed at Mike behind his back for being payed obscene amounts of money to deliver the most humiliating and expensive win in NYC history. Your staff laughed when they got huge bonuses. Too bad there was sub-zero trickle down with the 108 million and you hire your staff in the midst of harsh lay-offs. Mike you said you will work twice as hard this 3rd term you purchased. Does that mean we have to pay you 2 dollars a year? Will you consider a pay cut? How about 50 cents? At least Ravitch is working hard which is more than Paterson and Mike are doing. Can the people of NY assign a special surcharge or tax to Mike's billions he earned during company time? That would help close the budget crisis.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/to_borrow_nS5cMtiDtGyNu1xAzZYMJM#comments#ixzz0hsByAT7D