Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Shame on Mike Bloomberg
sent his this email:
Shame on you Mike Bloomberg. You honor the NYPD and FDNY for their work in
Haiti but to date you deny them their rank for the ultimate sacrifice in the
line of duty Sept. 11.
Shame on you for hiring Wolfson and other campaign people when the citys budget
is bust. You have to pay for sycophants out of pocket rather than rob tax
payers by burdening us and again shame on you for give Unions raises you knew
the City could not afford = layoffs. You put developers first =more mass
evictions push out of NYers.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Bloomberg talks cuts after creating new positions for campaign staff City Hall
Friday, January 22, 2010
mayor Mike Bloomberg gets a mouthful editorial The Wall Street Journal
Thursday, January 21, 2010
mayor Mike Bloomberg booed at Jets Rally Times Square
Mike Bloomberg given an overwhelming "F" on The New York Daily News poll
Adiós is Mike Bloomberg's aid for middle class, lower income and homeless New Yorkers.
Adiós is Mike Bloomberg's aid for middle class, lower income and homeless New Yorkers.
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Push to nix City Council pay perks - what a joke - they get a base salary 6 figures and perks that make them beholden to Christine Quinn mini - mike
Push to nix City Council pay perks - what a joke - they get a base salary 6 figures and perks that make them beholden to Christine Quinn mini - mike
Suzannah B. Troy
01/19/2010 2:11 PM
Excellent reporting. Sally wrote a piece exposing the fact tax payers are paying forced to pay an outrageous sum of money for Christine Quinn and staff's high priced defense attorney's that specialize in White Collar crime. The lawyers hail from top law firms with hefty hourly fees. Will The New York Post do a follow up article on this and tell us to date how much we are being robbed or should I say forced to pay? Would The NY Post consider putting a running price tag on what tax payers are being forced to pay and who in Albany and City Hall is costing us the most...?
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Saturday, January 16, 2010
David Seifman's piece on Mike Bloomberg's bonuses, Mike gives out bonuses for delivering the most humiliating & most expensive win in NYC history
Suzannah B. Troy
01/16/2010 3:13 PM
Mike Bloomberg did not need a campaign staff. All he needed to do was walk out on the streets of New York and hand out 100 plus millions of dollars to the people and he would have had a better voter turn out. Sub-zero trickle down is the term I made up that aptly describes king Mike from his buying a third term to the slush fund mess at City Hall under his reign. How can you reward campaign staff for delivering the most expensive and most humiliating win in NYC history?
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Sunday, January 10, 2010
Steve Rattner money manager to king Mike's investments going south? NY Daily News article doesn't mention pension fund scandals
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Read my 1rst comment == here is the 2nd article NY Times Pension Funds Quadrangle. Also how could Bloomberg's people be allowed to invest in real estate when he was pushing real estate? That is a huge conflict of interest. Cayman Islands -- isn't that where mega rich hide their money? I am saddened no mention of the pension fund scandals and it is all incestuous -- Rattner being money manger for Mike and other media moguls and having Quadrangle involved in pensions as well as advising Mike to run for a third term.
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David Seifman exposes king Mike's at it again this time creating new positions, hiring when the City is bust, business as usual Mike's other empire
Suzannah B. Troy
01/10/2010 2:17 PM
Again Bravo David Seifman for reporting this because our firehouses are closed, schools are over crowded, libraries are being shuttered and king Mike thinks he can run City Hall like his private empire. Let him pay out of pocket for new positions which the tax payers can't afford. It is also shameful that Christine Quinn, the speaker acts like Mike's mini-me and as if she works for his private empire but as The New York Post reported we the tax payers are paying for hers and other staff's defense attorneys that happen to specialize in White Collar Crime. How much is that bill to date? Thanks for exposing Mike and his mini-me's dealings or else the people of New York might now know at all.
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Friday, January 8, 2010
Mike Bloomberg says NYC is a target because we are symbol of democracy. Well we don't have to worry any more. Even the terrorists know not a democracy
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
King Mike should have called Morgy on his last day to say thank you and goodbye
Sunday, January 3, 2010
The Wall Street Journal on Columbia University eminent domain abuse, I comment add NYU and Cooper Union eminent domain not required to displace people
- Suzannah B. Troy wrote: (your comment)
- You can find my comment in full on page two of comments WSJ at the bottom unless the WSJ removes it!
Friday, January 1, 2010
The New York Times great lie -- they heavily moderated as in you will never see this comment and know there were protestors
Here is my playlist of 5 YouTubes protesting corrupt Mike Bloomberg, Christine Quinn, City Council at the inauguration. The press just like Nov. 3 until 10PM is still not reporting the news. I was on the East side of City Hall, Housing Activists on the W. side of City Hall and before I talked my way out of it, I was being taken to Siberia Ann St. somewhere far, far away to protest where I am sure other outraged New Yorkers. I was photographed and interviewed by 2 reporters but not any one from this newspaper.
If you are reading my comment than know I got past this newspapers constant sensoring of me and know that although it will not be reported in this paper, people were protesting at the inauguration.
Media back to the way it was pre Nov. 3 10PM Orwellian Blinders not reporting the protests at City Hall during Mike's Inauguration
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Suzannah B. Troy rough going but screamed as loud as possible Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn corrupt flushed democracy down toilet, Stole election!

Bravo to Norman Siegel, famed Civil Rights lawyer that represented Nick Sprayregan and won! I voted for king Mike Bloomberg twice not understanding he was pushing a reckless tsunami of community crushing development city wide and often what I believe was the abuse of eminent domain came in to play. I even renamed the "old" Grey Lady The New York eminent domain Times. People pro-deveopment do not mind as long as they are not the ones forced to move. I think NYU is the no. 1 real estate magnate and like Columbia University and now even Cooper Union real estate wheelings and dealing are their no. 1 priority and "higher ed" is a tax shelter for land grabs including busting through zoning and in Cooper Unions cases supersizing and leasing land which has nothing to do with higher ed. The Bloomberg administration and city council favored developers over the people and Nov. 3, we the people of New York City sent a powerful message even with Mike Bloomberg gross obscene spending and I know City Council got the message even if king Mike and his socialite mega millionaire city planner, Amanda the people's Burden did not. We are not going to take it anymore. Bravo to Nick Sprayregan and Norman Siegel who also represented me when Google removed all 334 YouTubes of mine and the majority were about Mike Bloomberg. Google apologized and my YouTubes, my history was restored including this series on Columbia University abusing eminent domain. Here I am at a protest at Columbia University interviewing and video taping the protest. Without Norman Siegel and other dynamic souls contacting YouTube Google on my behalf you would not be able to watch people outraged and protesting Columbia University's abuse of eminent domain. Columbia U. students spoke up and said "Not in our name!". NYU were I lived for the last 25 years does not even have to abuse eminent domain to get the job done. When Mike Bloomberg says "Progress" it means get your moving van.