Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included
mayor bloomberg, de Blasio I call Bloomed Blasio, Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton, Reznick, O'Neill Know a lot about fixing crime don't they?

See bottom of Blog to see info Unions, Wiki page, Vote Quinn OUT! etc.

See my YouTubes & Blog Postings on CityTime Corruption starting w/ May 27, 2010 Suzannah B. Troy's 1st YouTube on CityTime calling for NO renewal w/ SAIC and a full investigation!!! Reminder: Rudy gave us SAIC & CityTime (We didn’t need either-Mike ran with it Tax Payer’s Titanic)
Don't believe the news, New Yorkers are angry & will not vote for BLOOMBERG! Note: Mayor Bloomberg and his top deputies & key staff all took immunity in the Haggerty trial. Why? Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and committed perjury Haggerty Trial. Next the CityTime Trial with Team Bloomberg suffering amnesia yet again! Stay tuned! Vote for Christine Quinn if YOU want Mike to have a 4th term from the golf course! In front of SAIC NY offices demanding way more than 600 million $ back for The People of NYC ! Letter in Defense of Suzannah's YouTube Channel GoogleE-Burka by Louis Flores URGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed!
Mike Yelled down Aug. 20 CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech

Friday, November 21, 2014

Peter Schiff FYI Besides Wall St Implosion 2 I Blame Cy Vance and Others for Being Goldman Sachs and Others Puppets were/are #NYPD Taking "Gifts" From Banks?

Peter Schiff FYI Besides Wall St Implosion 2 I Blame Cy Vance and Others for Being Goldman Sachs and Others Puppets were/are #NYPD Taking "Gifts" From Banks?

You saw the NYPD come out and be the bankers' thugs when in fact bankers should have be arrested and they never were (just like top dogs CityTime and ECTP 911 NYC gov) and I am extremely happy Cy Vance and some ignorant FBI agents where exposed in Michael Lewis's book "Flash Boys" which will hopefully be turned into an Oscar award-winning film and I believe the film will have far more current damning information on Cy Vance at least that's what I'm hoping!

"His (Peter Schiff's) book: “The Real Crash: America’s Coming Bankruptcy — How to Save Yourself and Your Country,” was published two years ago."

Hey Peter besides the US's  $16 trillion plus debt which China owns huge chunk of just look here at New York City government we have a budget of what $69 billion a year and where is that money going? The 911 tech corruption under than mayor Mike Bloomberg went over budget over $1 billion PLUS dollars and contractors and consultants in my opinion were stealing lobbyist  profiting and making sure Hewlett-Packard just want example the lead contractor  at the time with no 911 experience did not lose the contract even though they were over billing and not delivering and every contractor had to know that as well as anybody who  could do simple math at New York City government but instead Bloomberg and now (BloombdeBlasio)  de Blasio's head of DOI  Mark Peters continue to insist there was actually no criminal action just  -- miss management which is a lie and Rose gill Hearn I''m alleging got to kick back positions from Mike Bloomberg even more power for covering up very serious crimes.   

The NYPD we're going to arrest me for running punched to  my head at a doctors office  Dr Andrew Fagelman's 155 Spring St by the First Precinct by a violent lying  receptionist  Delita  Hooks who  is still sitting behind the long closed off desk she came out from behind menace me oh and by the way Lance Armstrong lied and lied and lied like Delita Hooks and her gang at Dr Fagelman's as well as NYPD fixers internal affairs and a Manhattan DA in my case for how many years and Lance Armstrong  even sued innocent people and won even though he perjured himself I'm sure like a lot of NYPD (plus mayor Bloomberg during the Haggerty trial) but now Lance Armstrong is going to have to compensate all the people he lied about and certain companies he may contracts where he lied and lied and lied and also tried to destroy anybody who exposed him for what he is. 

It took years for Lance Armstrong to be exposed and it is clear the same is happening with all the corrupt players in NYC Gov....just disturbing it is taking so long.

I filed a notice of claim yesterday and I don't know how many years it's going to take but I feel like one of Lance Armstrong's victims I'm going to get justice and vindication regarding New York City government the NYPD internal affairs and a Manhattan DA and also 911 Tech corruption which is bigger than CityTime.  It is tragic because besides over the billion dollars over budget it also puts our lives at risk and Ray Kelly appointed and NYPD chief chief Chuck Dowd was not qualified to be head of technology and who is taking graft from one of the contractors at least one read my lawsuit noticed the claim below.  Ray Kelly was excepting free rides for him and his wife from Mayor Michael Bloomberg and it also makes me wonder if any other top or any employed NYPD we're taking free rides from Michael Bloomberg or any other gifts from contractors consultants lobbyists and banks the shortlist.

Note in 2003 I wrote a  short story of fictional short story called chopping the street one megamillion at a time I essentially predicted the implosion of Wall Street due to the fact that Wall Street and white-collar businesses are above the radar costing taxpayers billions even if it's just trying to prosecute them but mostly just allowing them to steal and break the laws and get around laws and rules.  The New Yorker and Playboy passed on my short short story about a woman that takes over Hells Angel like international club and turns them into financial services firm on wheels.   I wanted HBO to do the film and they passed on it and then came the caveman version of my short story called sons of anarchy.  

At the end of the short story I talk about arm dealings but I had no idea now I'd be suing the city of New York and NYPD and involved is me whistleblowing involving top military contractors I alleged were stealing from New York City government tax payers above the law and nine when one the largest example $1 billion+  over budget and besides the stealing lies money under the table over the table,  NYPD graft plus everyone who wanted their slice of greed pie  putting our lives in even more risk especially if we have a large-scale terrorist attack or series of small attacks all at once.   

Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  

please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you. 
Vid 4 second highlights Vine

Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Under Corrupt mayor bloomberg ray Kelly Nypd IAB fixing time to write us senate

Writing US Senate re Dr Andrew Fagelman NYPD Internal affairs and Cy Vance the Manhattan DA I call Charle Hynes Jr. Calling for Federal Laws to hold Abusers Accountable

PTS 2:30 am I may be exhausted from lack of sleep from PTS but my brains working and I know what the goal is to write the U.S. Senate and make change because of what happened to me at Dr Andrew Fagelman's a running punch to my head by Delita Hooks and than NYOD IAB DA fixing and retaliation. I allege Dr Andrew Fagelman made calls and got NYPD fixing in favors.  

If you want to be an accomplice to the crime you're gonna do the time.  

If you do the crime you're going to do the time.  

That's my goal to contact the U.S. Senate get a committee where people from across the country.

Eric Holder says contact your local FBI department but clearly that is a cruel joke.  

What did the NY FBI do about Eric Garner?  Makes you wonder if the FBI are protecting corruption rather than exposing it except in the ramose case where no one to cover that up.  Now guilty FBI can use the terrorist  card to trying get off the hook if they are proven accomplices to police corruption fixing in favors in retaliation.  

and when you report that the NYPD Internal Affairs and the Manhattan DA are involved in what I latch a criminal activity where they've actually become accomplices to crime and we need federal laws changed to hold every agency and individual accountable. 

I allege that the MD made a phone call and then the threats began and then the crimes piled up like a 10 car auto accident on the highway.  

Stay tuned more news coming.  I am going to begin writing US Senate re Dr Andrew Fagelman NYPD Internal affairs and Cy Vance the Manhattan DA I call Charle Hynes junior.  
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you. 
Vid 4 second highlights Vine

Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Bloomberg tells employees how to wear ID tags

Bloomberg tells employees how to wear ID tags

Ask than mayor Mike if it is okay to do running punches to medical patients had to make holes in the redness apparently it's okay with Mike Bloomberg in KKK Ray Kelly.  
Mike Bloomberg Anal King Micromanaging Email on Name tags! Mike Queen or retaliation fixing favors?

please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you. 
Vid 4 second highlights Vine

Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

Friday, November 7, 2014

El Diario First Media To Report Demand for New Commission in to #NYPD IAB DA corruption

El Diario First Media To Report Demand for New Commission in to #NYPD IAB DA corruption 

El Diaro article and photo including exposing dirty DA Cy Vance NYPD IAB Fixing poster of the Dr Fagelman Violence great joy for me -- see the damage to face?  A hole in my retina (dr Fagelman's Delita Hooks savagely attacked me filed a false cross complaint 24 hours after me and even signed a letter to her NYPD fixers threatening me!) and damage to both eyes and DA NYPD IAB retaliated against me for exposing a way bigger grease machine and Serpico ever could imagine from his era.  Cy Vance excoriated in Flash Boys Cy Vance Goldman Sachs boy.  How about a forensic audit of NYPD and IAB spending their massive budgets and a look at NYPD retired NYPD and contractors like Chief Chuck Dowd taking graft involving 911 tech titanic.  Tip of the iceberg? Ray Kelly and wife taking free rides on Air Bloomberg.  Well oiled machine A whole new concept since the Serpico days.  

I would like El Diario to ask Serpico about hero Joe Sanchez.  Ask Ray Kelly and Bill Bratton about Joe too. 30 years nothing has changed NYPD IAB corrupt as hell  and courts still the injustice system retaliation police blatantly committing crimes and/or fixing crimes.  

Serpico has a ego bigger than Manhattan (film marganilzed Durk) and he loves to give interviews but it hasn't occurred to him it is time for a new commission.   I gave a teach in to Occupy Evolve years ago on the knapp and Mollen's.   I spoke to Bob Gangi and he made a comment about Mollen's ego naming the Commission after himself. I spoken to cervico Gangi and honorable judge Mollen.  Gangi nice guy huge ego.  Serpico sounds nice but he his Jesus Complex a huge turn off and he won't be interviewed on NYPD Hero Joe Sanchez the subject of my on going YouTube documentary.  I have lost respect for Serpico and deleted his number. Serpico didn't like me calling Joe the Hispanic Serpico? Joe blew the whistle on 2 white supervisor less than ethical and lost his job and pension. Joe took a bullet to his career with 4 sons and a wife to support unlike Serpico and the lies planted still in Joe's file preventing an honorary reinstatement is my theory.   

  NYPD's well greased wheels with the goal for kkk Ray Kelly to be homeland security head and retaliating against me a civilian for exposing HP makes me grateful the NYPD haven't accidentally murdered me yet just threatened me with false arrest twice for a running punch to my head as a medical patient by Dr Andrew Fagelman.  A new commission will have to look in to NYPD graft gifts including from at least one contractor and the 91 one Techsystems.  

Beyond joyful El Diario is the first media outlet to cover our demand for a new Commission.   We had the Knapp and Mollen and clearly the time is now - looks like every 20 years it is time for a new commission.  Note it was my idea for a Commission  and I am an outspoken woman so I can't help but feel it's a misogynist New York City so thank you El Diaro!

Louis Flores y Suzannah Troy denunciaron sus casos de abuso policial.

Louis Flores y Suzannah Troy denunciaron sus casos de abuso policial.

Foto: Victor Matos / Especial para El Diario
OCT 13, 2014 2:30 PM EST

Nueva York  -  Activistas de Nueva Yorkexigieron este lunes la creación de una nueva comisión que controle los abusos policiales y denunciaron que las autoridades de la Ciudad no han tomado las medidas necesarias y definitivas para acabar con losconstantes abusos cometidos contra la población civil.

Un reducido grupo de manifestantes recorrió cinco oficinas gubernamentaleseste lunes demandando que ante “la negligencia” de Junta de Revisión de Quejas Civiles(CCRB), el gobierno debería nombrar otra comisión que se encargue de las quejas contra la Uniformada. Los puntos recorridos por la demostración fueron: la Alcaldía, el cuartel principal de NYPD, la Fiscalía Distrital de Manhattan, la Fiscalía Federal y las oficinas del FBI en Nueva York.

“El nuevo entrenamiento para los policíasdel que ha hablado el comisionado William Bratton no es suficiente”, dijo Louis Flores, uno de los organizadores. “El comisionado Bratton y su política de Ventanas Rotasdeben ser despedidos de la ciudad”.

Flores dijo haber sido víctima de un policía que lo empujó hace un par de años durante una manifestación y que aunque puso la querella sobre el caso ante CCRB con un video como prueba, nunca nadie lo contacto y su caso nunca fue investigado. “Hay una impunidad rampante en NYPD y en CCRB. Es un problema más grave el que enfrentamos en este ciudad, mucho más grave que no se va a resolver solo con más entrenamiento”, dijo.

Lee tamién:

NYPD en la mira por dos nuevos casos de brutalidad policial (video)

Policías tiran a embarazada contra el piso en Brooklyn (video)

Nueva polémica envuelve a NYPD por violentos arrestos en Brooklyn (video)

Por su parte Suzannah Troy, otra activista, aseguró haber sido cohesionada por la Policía para retirar una demanda por asalto. “La Policía es racista y clasista, favorece a los blancos y a los ricos por eso está muertoEric Garner, dijo. En el caso de Thoy, la presunta agresora fue favorecida porque, según dijo, la mujer trabaja para una doctora con influencias. El caso no pudo ser constatado por El Diario tras una petición de información ante CCRB.

Los organizadores planear realizar otras marchas en noviembre 24 y diciembre 22para continuar presionando para que se cree una comisión diferente a CCRB que investigue los casos de corrupción de la Policía.

NYPD no comentó sobre la manifestación ni los reclamos de los activistas.

Dr Andrew Fagelman 155 Spring St KKK Ray Kelly Charles Campisi Detective John Vergona Andy Dwyer Sgt Chen ISB Lt Fikru IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell Lt Agnes Chief Reznick Bill Bratton chief Banks taught me it is time for a new Commission in to NYPD IAB DA corruption from crimes committed by NYPD to being accomplices to crime including internal fairs in the DA.  

please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you. 
Vid 4 second highlights Vine

Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mayor Bloomberg's appointee Jeff Friedander representing in my opinion corrupt NYPD IAB in my case rather than the City Owning Up

Mayor Bloomberg's appointee Jeff Friedander representing in my opinion corrupt NYPD IAB in my case rather than the City Owning Up

Also harassed on YouTube today either by the doctors office or the dirty corrupt cops or both and I blame the NYPD internal affairs and the DA for  on going aggravated harassment.  

I've emailed  faxed and FedEx Jeff Frielander defending Ray Kelly, Campisi ex head of IAB, Det john Vergona etc.  and I just walked into court and you can see my leg is in a cast so that is not easy and handed in the paperwork I need to to continue the appeal process!!!!!!!

I will not vote for any  mayoral candidate or any political official who hasn't taken action re my case and NYPD IAB DA corruptionor and for officials who don't hold the City accountable.  I won't be satisfied until  the city owns up and responsibilities taken.

If only we pull vote on our iPhones on corp counsel officials all politicians and we get t vote yes or no on tax payer money being spent to protect corrupt cops in my opinion.  This is an opinion blog.  

A second lawsuit is coming, ethics complaints are going to be filed against lawyers at the Manhattan DA and I hope to testify in front of the new commission into NYPD DA and internal affairs corruption as well's in front of the U.S. Senate regarding my case along with many other victims or their Family.  from across the country.

please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you. 
Vid 4 second highlights Vine

Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

Exigen crear nueva comisión que investigue quejas contra NYPD

Exigen crear nueva comisión que investigue quejas contra NYPD

Activistas aseguran que la CCRB es negligente y que la Ciudad necesita otro panel que se haga cargo de las quejas contra la Policía

Note from Suzannah B. Troy I am suing Ray Kelly under Mike Bloomberg -- Bloomberg Kelly fixed crime like a las vegas casino

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mike Bloomberg Control Freak Buys Domain names Mocking Him but not my 4 blogs!!!!

Mike Bloomberg Control Freak Buys Domain names Mocking Him but not my 4  blogs!!!!  If I sad Mike I sell you 1 you can delete which would he pick?  Hardee Har Har.  

Mike bought the NYPD, an election and  now 400 Domain names that could embarrass him.  

Reminder I allege Bloomberg's thugs removed my entire YouTube channel before the election he barely stole/bought.  I am allege his thugs possibly behind deleting the Wikipedia page on me being censorship.  

No arrest of my attacker Dr Andrew Fagelman's I am treated like a Jew in the Early Stages Nazi Germany fixing favors retaliation - I blame Bloomberg and Ray Kelly.  Ditto for 911 the largest tech Titanic in New York City government history Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg, rose gill hearn, Christine Quinn and Ray Kelly's fault for allowing it. 

Mike bloomberg the deposed king of NY deposed a sitting mayor during Haggerty trial where he and Team  Bloomberg had to be given immunity by corrupt cy Vance and Mike committed perjury as per Tom Robbins NY1!!!!  Mike not only testilied  but he also broke campaign laws but Vance a corrupt DA wasn't going to prosecute them for that!

Mike Bloomberg's Legacy is more than tarnished but he's the only one who doesn't seem to know instead he's focusing on buying up any website domain name that could embarrass him.  

So proud I have mayor bloomberg kind of NY blog and bloombergnewzzzz
Oh - I have mayor bloomberg 911 corruption blog and cityTime blogs!

Michael Bloomberg's Hilarious Domain Names

Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  

please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you. 
Vid 4 second highlights Vine

Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

#NYPD Bratton Over de Blasio 1 Term Stringer Banks or Kelly 911?

please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you. 
Vid 4 second highlights Vine

Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015. 

The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!