Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Suzannah B. Troy's muse, subject of her documentary in hospital -- we are suppose to meet at City Hall to talk politics
My muse, the subject of my first documentary I am starting is in the hospital. We had a date for our first meeting at City Hall to talk NYC politics.
I will keep you posted. I am going to start my documentary on my IPhone because I want to be part of a new wave that tells an important story using a video camera on my phone plus an inexpensive video camera and Final Cut Pro Express (200 dollars at Apple) and do all of it myself.
I want to post this weeks start immediately on YouTube because the story has to be told right now!
I will keep you posted and tell you more soon... Praying my muse feels better and heals fast.
Human Rights Talk? Christine Quinn is not a housing advocate and ditto for gay rights. read the letters below
Sunday, September 27, 2009
"Banned from YouTubeland" Clayton Patterson Suzannah B. Troy
Gee, don't you know, Clayton and I had a YouTube discussing Mike Bloomberg and all the multi-billions he made while NYC is belly up and heading for financial tsuanmi and it just vanished off of his Captured website....
Click the link to read more and see our newest YouTube "Banned from YouTube Land"
Saturday, September 26, 2009
From Bloomberg Watch a must read on a mayor that wasn't spending quality time with city council, he just RULES them
Hey...has anyone noticed that Bloomberg and Quinn pushed the term limits votes through city council denying us a referendum when they knew that city council members and staff were being --- and are still being investigated for corruption.
Friday, September 25, 2009
1010 Wins Mayor Bloomberg takes a Chopper to U2 Show not so green
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Mike Bloomberg book review, the review sounds like me!
Mike Bloomberg pushed a tsunami of community crushing development -- way too fast and reckless....
Read the article....the author is dazzled by Mike (so what is new -- his money seems to hypnotizes people) but the reviewer....not a fan.
From the last paragraph...
"....the mayor might want to start by extricating the city from the fiscal hole he has dug for it." Fred Siegel author of the article....
Hey Fred, Mike bought a third term so that is his punishment and as far as I am concerned it is not good enough.
I posted this comment:
Someone told me to read this piece because the author's reference to a "tsunami of expenditures" sounded like my words. I have been saying for years Bloomberg pushed a tsunami of community crushing development. My first YouTube, "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York was last year in response to the fiasco with term limits. I also painted a portrait of Mike with a small grin and an oversized crown with red, white and blue gems and transformed the portrait in to a political poster asking "Is democracy for sale? No Third Term". Bloomberg is going to win and his punishment for denying us a referendum is the third term. I am glad Fred Siegel is not dazzled by Bloomberg and his wealth. On my poster above Mike Bloomberg's shoulders, it says "Principum Amicitias!". I borrowed these words from the newly discovered Shakespeare portrait. Many New York voters may not know the translation but they share the feeling. Mike will win but I predict with the lowest amount of votes and put that in context of the record amount of money he spent. Thanks for publishing this book review. Siegel paints an accurate portrait.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Apology from YouTube actually "Google" and my response
On Sep 23, 2009, at 5:35 PM, Scott ////// wrote:
Dear Ms. Troy,
I received your emails about the suspension of your YouTube account. I am writing now to let you know that we looked into the suspension and discovered that a technical glitch caused us to falsely identify your account as spam. Your account has been restored. Please accept our apologies.
From your emails, it sounded like you are also having some negative experiences with other YouTube users. If you haven't done so already, please check out our Safety Center, and follow the Harassment and Cyberbullying link. You can use our Help and Safety Tool to manage communications and comments from other users. If you can't resolve these difficulties on your own, contact us, and we can help.
We value you as a member of the community, so please let us know if you have more questions or concerns.
Scott /////
Dear Scott: Based on the horrifying forms of harassment including one member I believe that took on many different identities, changed ages and genders, including taking my own, Suzannahartistcensors and Bloombergforlife it is hard for me to believe that being reported as spam would remove my entire account and ban me without any notice.
I am pleased that my account says I am in good standing. I have done so much good for my community and been acknowledge for helping Giuseppie Logan, homeless and thought dead, very much like "The Soloist". I felt every YouTube is a short film and so many people were outraged. They have my YouTubes posted on blogs and websites around the world. One film maker I interviewed told me he felt Youtube reached in to a website on him where a YouTube interview of mine was posted and just took the YouTube away with out any notice or explanation.
I am in shock.
Just stunned so it is hard for me to believe that this was because of spam but thank you for your response.
Suzannah B. Troy
Dear Ms. Troy,
I received your emails about the suspension of your YouTube account. I am writing now to let you know that we looked into the suspension and discovered that a technical glitch caused us to falsely identify your account as spam. Your account has been restored. Please accept our apologies.
From your emails, it sounded like you are also having some negative experiences with other YouTube users. If you haven't done so already, please check out our Safety Center, and follow the Harassment and Cyberbullying link. You can use our Help and Safety Tool to manage communications and comments from other users. If you can't resolve these difficulties on your own, contact us, and we can help.
We value you as a member of the community, so please let us know if you have more questions or concerns.
Scott /////
Dear Scott: Based on the horrifying forms of harassment including one member I believe that took on many different identities, changed ages and genders, including taking my own, Suzannahartistcensors and Bloombergforlife it is hard for me to believe that being reported as spam would remove my entire account and ban me without any notice.
I am pleased that my account says I am in good standing. I have done so much good for my community and been acknowledge for helping Giuseppie Logan, homeless and thought dead, very much like "The Soloist". I felt every YouTube is a short film and so many people were outraged. They have my YouTubes posted on blogs and websites around the world. One film maker I interviewed told me he felt Youtube reached in to a website on him where a YouTube interview of mine was posted and just took the YouTube away with out any notice or explanation.
I am in shock.
Just stunned so it is hard for me to believe that this was because of spam but thank you for your response.
Suzannah B. Troy
Suzannah B. Troy back on YouTube! Thank you and says you made the difference and thanks Norman Siegel also!!!!

I have 91,366 hits on my YouTubes in less than a year and I had over 170 subscribers but now only 2 but I am back.
There was no explanation when the entire body of my work was pulled and none when my work was just returned now.
Again, thanks to Civil Rights lawyer Norman Siegel and everyone that wrote passionate letters on behalf of me and posted this travesty on their blogs and websites.
It says Your account is in good standing. FYI my account is in good standing! What a shock...this has been shocking. I am writing a piece on this and hope to post tonight.
YouTube took me down I did not do anything wrong and this is a serious, Clayton Patterson points out the bigger picture - censorship with no notice
Clayton Patterson pointed out that YouTube removed my work, my history, entire record.
I have been pointing out my free speech and youtube to point out Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn broke the law -- actually they didn't break the law, they changed the law.
Why no warning....why taken down all the YouTubes. YouTube took down my archive, my record my history which is truly frightening.
Clayton Patterson pointed out this not only affects me but globally the bigger picture about freedom of speech and censorship.
There was no notice and thousands of people has link and or posted to my YouTubes. I helped many people including Giuseppie Logan who now is going to record new music and his old label is going to re-release his music before he crashed in burned in the 1960's and people assumed he was dead until my YouTube.
I did nothing wrong and YouTube censored me, cut me off and everyone that was linked to me with no notice. Many felt the videos posted on their blogs and websites were as much their's as mine and they are gone with no notice, warning and along with it my archive.
YouTube has done this before and thanks to everyone that has written and will write a letter for Suzannah B. Troy wrongly suspended by YouTube
YouTube has done this before -- and then, when pressured, has subsequently restored at least one account : see Wiki cite below :
YouTube blocked the account of Wael Abbas, an activist who posted videos of police brutality, voting irregularities and anti-government demonstrations.[22] His account was subsequently restored.
Filmmaker Raul Barcelona, The Promise of New York writes YouTube, greater supporter of Suzannah B. Troy
Dear Press Reps of :
I am a filmmaker in New York City and have been a great supporter of YouTube since its inception. Your services have greatly contributed to relevant public discourse among citizens who otherwise do not have access to mainstream (read:old) media outlets to voice their thoughts, views, beliefs and opinions. I always tell people YouTube is the greatest democratizing tool ever invented!
However, I am gravely concerned that the following YouTube account, belonging to a citizen journalist and artist, Suzannah B. Troy, has been suspended by YouTube for inexplicable reasons:
However, I am gravely concerned that the following YouTube account, belonging to a citizen journalist and artist, Suzannah B. Troy, has been suspended by YouTube for inexplicable reasons:
I have followed Ms. Troy's blog for a long while now and have even posted blog articles on my film's website,, featuring her insightful videos about a citizen's perspective on the current (and controversial) New York City election. These videos are now empty links, as a voice that was once an example of the free speech we enjoy in our city as well as in our country, has now been silenced without explanation by your team.
I am familiar with, and have again read just recently, your terms of use and do not see anything in there that would warrant a suspension of this account.
Your vague rationale for this suspension leads one to consider the possibility that powerful and rich political candidates in the current New York mayoral race, disatisfied with the content of Ms. Troy's videos, might be behind this decision.
It would be a shame if it were so and, as I have always been such a champion of YouTube and its role in enabling people to exercise their right to free speech, I hope it isn't.
Why was Ms. Troy's account suspended? She has posted a few hundred videos (vlogs) focusing on various topics, most importantly on the upcoming (and controversial) city elections here in New York City. Can please explain how it makes the distinction between featuring and highlighting the Iranian citizen journalist videos, meanwhile, supressing Ms. Troy's citizen journalist videos?
I ask that you reconsider your decision and that you promptly reinstate Ms. Troy's account so she can continue to share her valuable insights and opinions to the ongoing discourse about the current election with other New York City voters.
Raul Barcelona, Filmmaker
New York, NY
I am familiar with, and have again read just recently, your terms of use and do not see anything in there that would warrant a suspension of this account.
Your vague rationale for this suspension leads one to consider the possibility that powerful and rich political candidates in the current New York mayoral race, disatisfied with the content of Ms. Troy's videos, might be behind this decision.
It would be a shame if it were so and, as I have always been such a champion of YouTube and its role in enabling people to exercise their right to free speech, I hope it isn't.
Why was Ms. Troy's account suspended? She has posted a few hundred videos (vlogs) focusing on various topics, most importantly on the upcoming (and controversial) city elections here in New York City. Can please explain how it makes the distinction between featuring and highlighting the Iranian citizen journalist videos, meanwhile, supressing Ms. Troy's citizen journalist videos?
I ask that you reconsider your decision and that you promptly reinstate Ms. Troy's account so she can continue to share her valuable insights and opinions to the ongoing discourse about the current election with other New York City voters.
Raul Barcelona, Filmmaker
New York, NY
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Rafael Martinez-Alequin, Your Free Press picks up my story as well, very honored.
Suzannah B. Troy posts the David Yassky breaks the law and he is not alone video on rival site to YouTube
I also posted Christine Quinn doing the perp walk...
Queens Crapper demands Justice for Suzannah B. Troy
Three write ups so far and Queens Crap is my most favorite!
Queens Crap breaks the news my YouTube account suspended
Norman Siegel asked me for the name of who to call at YouTube and I don't have a name.
We are agreed about why this happened.
I have contacted YouTube for more info.
Welcome to NYC Subways, hard hats required from Queens Crap
How many YouTubes have I made about the subways being in awful shape and NYU and Cooper Union supersize with zero respect and concern for our safety by Union Square and Astor Place.
To date the illegal air sale by the USPS - illegal because the USPS never notified the State of NY when selling air over St. Ann's -- 120 East 12th Street -- to NYU -- and the State never examined is this in the best interest of our community, safety concerns, environmental concerns and I would have hoped the dilapidated subway at Union Square as a concern as well since NYU sets the record for weighing heaviest on our dilapidated infrastructure with reckless high speed builds of mega dorms because NYU can't cram students into mega dorms fast enough and all are dangerously and disrespectfully out of scale with the neighborhood and they give nothing back. At least Zeckendorf gave the MTA an escalator not that it ever works.
The city is a mess thanks to Bloomberg's reckless tsunami of community crushing development so much like what brought the collapse of Wall Street -- the speed of greed....
where hard hats where ever you walk and try to avoid sink holes or streets in such awful shape you could break your ankle just attempting to cross the street.
Special nod to wicked witch of the East Village, Amanda socialite mega millionaire -- the people's Burden, mega millionaire city planner, a very good friend of Mike Bloomberg who helps out her good friends, NYU, Cooper Union and Columbia University -- Columbia U. displaced an entire neighborhood with Mike and Amanda's help...Manhattanville but in the East Village, NYU and Cooper Union just do it one building at a time and use spin like Mike Bloomberg and Cooper Union has blatantly lied saying the community just loves what they do.
Where your hard hats....thanks to the very same kind of greed that brought down Wall Street, New Yorkers are in danger above and below ground.
Monday, September 21, 2009
NYC construction accidents Up, but on your safety belts Dear New Yorkers and be careful where you walk, Mike is gearing up for Tsunami part 2
We all suffered the tsunami of community crushing development by Mike Bloomberg and his administration that city wide "made over" the city -- so hideous ugly -- the city is unrecognizable and soulless with mass evictions of entire neighborhoods to the death of small mom and pop businesses.
We had way too many deaths and injuries from construction and infrastructure accidents and more is too come because Mike believes there is one way only to stimulate the economy and that is too push a reckless tsunami of community crushing development.
Based on my experience yesterday in the subway -- the MTA emergency call was ineffective - was that because of how their call was handled or was it...? I don't know what is happening below ground and above but I worry for the safety of the people of New York.
I have great respect for our rescue workers but what if they way the emergency calls to them is not be effectively dispatched or communicated?
Are we going to have more water main breaks, steam pipe explosions, man hole covers exploding because the mayor caters to mega rich ruthless developers as even more New Yorkers are forced out by ruthless land grabs with corrupt laws that seem to either protect them or are just not being applied to them?
We need changes in legislation to protect the people not corrupt dirty dealings by landlords and developers.
How many developers and landlords have DOB fines and ECB fines and are allowed to continue their dirty dealings.
The Bloomberg administration had to know there was no way DOB and DEP inspectors could keep up with the way too rapid development and ditto for Con Ed. I wrote Con Ed asking them to tell the mayor to slow down.
And that only covers honest inspectors because I fear some are on the take or incompetent -- more than has recently been exposed in the newspapers.
Either way Dear NEW YORKERS, BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU WALK, we are about to have Mike Bloomberg's "tsunami of community crushing development part 2" when he buys his third term in November and we are not safe here in NYC.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York (my first YouTube -- Oct. 2, 2008)
Rafael Martinez-Alequin is a political hero blogger reporting what the newspapers don't always tell you
Hey mayor Bloomberg, where is his press pass?
Mayor, I would like a press pass and I have some questions for you on term limits and the pension fund scandal your friend/money manager Steve Rattner!
We believe Quinn is sending a message -- obey her or she will retaliate. So what is new?
Donny Moss commented on this article and pointed out what I call "in like Quinn" -- he points to Quinn's tactics of sending a not so subtle message. Obey her will or expect retaliation.
I added a comment with the YouTube of Quinn's head bowed so low, her head is on her chest. She is no leader for this great city.
Donny Moss commented on this article and pointed out what I call "in like Quinn" -- he points to Quinn's tactics of sending a not so subtle message. Obey her will or expect retaliation.
I added a comment with the YouTube of Quinn's head bowed so low, her head is on her chest. She is no leader for this great city.
Christine Quinn,
Mike Bloombergs puppet,
We believe Quinn is sending a message -- obey her or she will retaliate. So what is new?
Donny Moss commented on this article and pointed out what I call "in like Quinn" -- he points to Quinn's tactics of sending a not so subtle message. Obey her will or expect retaliation.
I added a comment with the YouTube of Quinn's head bowed so low, her head is on her chest. She is no leader for this great city.
Donny Moss commented on this article and pointed out what I call "in like Quinn" -- he points to Quinn's tactics of sending a not so subtle message. Obey her will or expect retaliation.
I added a comment with the YouTube of Quinn's head bowed so low, her head is on her chest. She is no leader for this great city.
Christine Quinn,
Mike Bloombergs puppet,
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Matt Damon another celebrity who is either willfully obtuse or stupid when it comes to the mass evictions and community crushing development ala Mike
You guessed it, I won't be watching any Matt Damon movies anytime soon.
These celebrities endorsing Bloomberg are either stupid or willfully obtuse.
Columbia University mass evicted Manhattanville although a few families are fighting it out in court. Covered a protest up in Harlem and is posted on YouTube.
I have seen Damon with is kids in the East Village so he knows the ugly truth about what Bloomberg has done and how under Bloomberg the neighborhood now looks like a bad xerox of Dubai thanks to Cooper Union, NYU and other hideous developers.
Ratner development, Brooklyn,
Willets Point Queens,
and more,
hey Matt, what about every empty store front.....
Matt like so many rich New Yorkers claims anywhere but NYC as their residents and Florida goes easy on rich people's income so like Jorge Posada that is where he "votes".
Mike Bloomberg I demand you stop sending me your campaign mailers, enough is enough!!!!! Stop it!!!!!!!!!
Mayor Bloomberg has a special NYPD unit that handles harassment but I wanted to know if the NYPD has a special unit ready to protect the people of New York from being harassed by the mayor with his non-stop over the top campaign blitz which I feel happens to also be down right dishonest!!!!!
Enough is enough!!!!!!!! Do not mail me anymore mailers.
Save the papers, save the trees, save the bull----loney.
If we can get x amount of New Yorkers, maybe just 4 to 7 million New Yorkers, to file a group harassment complaint against the mayor do you think we could at least get him to stop mailing us unwanted materials and stop calling us. Ditto for the ads on the internet, tv, etc. Mike if you keep this up you may be the first mayor to be arrested by the NYPD for harassment for over kill with campaign mailers etc. No more, stop the mail!!!!!!!
Tony Avella is out so it is business as usual at City Hall, hold your nose it stinks of corruption get ready for more community crushing development!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Heartbroken, Tony losing means another term for Mike Bloomberg and democracy has been stolen. Yes when you deny the people a referendum you throw away

Yes, Derr helped Quinn to win. So many people pointed out she would be helping Quinn but she was too stubborn and willfully obtuse to listen.
Corruption NYC politicos on primary day breaking the law at street level the arrogance of it all
Go to this blog posting, see my newest YouTube. Learn why even if Tony Avella doesn't win, he wins for exposing corruption. That is what my YouTube art -- my series starting with my very first "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York" is all about, exposing corruption.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Fed Up New Yorkers The Primary Issue with their endorsements and muck racking, a must read
Happy to see they endorsed Tony Avella oops, they don't endorse Tony but there is a really nice ad for Tony Avella check it out, Norman Siegel and Yetta Kurland!!!!
Thanks to Queen's Crap because I can find what I need on your blog!!!!!
Thanks to Fed Up New Yorkers for featuring Mayor Bloomberg King of New York and BloombergNewzzz my blogs!!!!!!!
Tony Avella for Mayor!!!!!!!!
Please turn out Sept. 15th and tell all your friends to vote for Tony Avella for mayor of NYC. We need change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bloomberg Watch features my lastest Youtube which exposes Christine Quinn's largest donors are outside the district!
Christine Quinn's major donor outside district. Rosemary Kuropat has done a detailed analysis of donors to the Quinn 2009 campain and found that nearly two-thirds of Quinn donors are from outside Council District 3, and 3/4s of donations of $1,000 or more are from out-of-district donors. Kuropat blogs under the name Kronicler and is the author of
Christine Quinn's major donor outside district. Rosemary Kuropat has done a detailed analysis of donors to the Quinn 2009 campain and found that nearly two-thirds of Quinn donors are from outside Council District 3, and 3/4s of donations of $1,000 or more are from out-of-district donors. Kuropat blogs under the name Kronicler and is the author of
Queens Crap features my Tony Avella Little Italy San Generro Festival YouTube top right hand corner!!!!!!!!
Suzannah B. Troy attends screening of The Promise of New York a must see primer for Sept. 15
The Promise of New York
*Saturday September 12th, 9PM; Dixon Place; $10
161 Chrystie ST, New York, NY
(212) 219-0736;
161 Chrystie ST, New York, NY
(212) 219-0736;
If you are not repulsed by Mike Bloomberg than see this movie! He barely appears in the film and so does mayor Koch but you will be turned off because the same struggles we are having now with the media and political machines with the exception of Tony Avella still are true but even more so.
Raul Barcelona tells you an entertaining story of a comedian, school teacher, passionate New Yorker and "an artist" that are also running for mayor and Barcelona will make you laugh a lot but he ends with Mike Bloomberg's "Promise of New York" and I don't want anymore promises from Mike Bloomberg! See this movie and be entertained and educated in a fun way about what you need to do to run for mayor. By the way, the school teacher rules!!!!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Mayor King Mike Bloomberg "Being There" the nighmare of NYC a horror spoof movie I would like to make
I would like to make a film parody of "Being There" part 2 nightmare NYC about an above average intelligence man who is so bland most people don't find him offensive. He is so slick and the king of spin...he mesmerizes and hypnotizes people with his money...people don't seem to notice the mass evictions (i.e. Manhattanville by Columbia U., 47 East 3rd St by greedy landlord Ecomakis, Willets Point, Brooklyn neighborhood by Ratner, The New York eminent Domain Times)... NYU's tear down of St. Ann's, 120 E12th St. and the illegal air space sale above St. Ann's by the USPS to NYU to date remains "unpoliced" lucky devils NYU and USPS. The USPS has lost aprox 14 BILLION dollars in the last three years and from street level to air space they make the Mafia look classy so no surprise the USPS and NYU collaborate and a shady real estate deal that I believe endangers our community and ditto for Cooper Union's supersizing by dilapidated subway station at Astor Place. Guilliani's city planner said "NO" to Cooper Union, it is a shell game. That didn't stop the wicked witch of the East Village, Amanda socialte mega millionaire city planner in aiding and abetting Cooper Union just like she did NYU, Columbia U., New York Law school dorm on 3rd Street and every greedy developer that wanted to bust through zoning. Amanda Burden did put a cap on the MOMA which perhaps is due to people like me constantly exposing the peoples' "BURDEN", Amanda's obscene dealings or Charlie Rose or some other really good friend complained his view would be blocked by the MOMA supersizing. Amanda Burden's response to the MOMA was laughable considering that she is the destroyer of so much of our historical New York.
people don't seem to remember all the construction accidents, infrastructure breaks including the one that looked like a terror attack by Grand Central...Bloomberg pushed a way too rapid tsunami of development -- so reckless and dangerous people died and or were injured and Mike Bloomberg knew the city agencies did not have enough inspectors to monitor and police what was going down....and apparently the inspectors needed inspecting.
The streets are in such awful shape that they had to be better in Colonial Times. Some of the water pipes bursting are from before the Civil War.
He and Amanda socialite mega millionaire city planner pushed real estate wheelings and dealings that are so shady it is amazing there are not arrests. Mike Bloomberg provides Amanda's special friend Charlie Rose with offices and now is pushing his show globally and let us face facts, the guy is not that talented but he has powerful friends like Mike and Amanda which makes you wonder about Mike and Amanda connections -- that he would place her as head of city planning to people that people's "Burden". She has a 40 million dollar trust fund for her kids and every move she makes is for rich real estate magnate that act like are "trust fund babies".
So far in the pension scandals that rocked City Hall that most people don't seem to know about again no corruption splatters on King Mike Bloomberg even though Steve Rattner, Mike's personal money manger ( and rumored to be best friends with owner of The New York Times and his money manger, rumor Rattner is Mort Zuckerman's money manager -- don't know if that is true)...
Mike Bloomberg is spending an obscene amount of money to win. It would be cheaper to just hire hitmen to knock off his opponents but Mike would not do that. Mike doesn't break the laws, he just changes them like he did about term limits. He and Christine Quinn knew that City Council was being investigated for corruption and they did not say because of this investigation it would be wrong for City Council to vote on term limits. Gee, would that be the "Conflict of Interest Committee" that doesn't think anything is a conflict of interest until The New York Post humiliates them in to doing their job and even than they just take the humiliation.
Mike doesn't believe there should be any limits for a rich guy like him including spending money for his campaign and he does so like a meth addict--he can't advertise enough, open up enough campaign offices and there are no rival advertisements on TV yet Mike wants to cap their campaign funds. If anyone needs a cap, it is Mike Bloomberg.
Biggest joke other than the conflict of interest committee is Christine Quinn coming out and saying the conflict of interest board said it is not a conflict of interest to for city council to vote on term limits. You know I did a parody of her saying that on YouTube.
This is truly a nightmare "Being There" Mike Bloomberg the movie -- a horror comedy -- more horror than comedy and I am waiting to awaken from the worst nightmare post Sept. 11, the reign of Mike Bloomberg.
Amanda socialite Burden,
Mike Bloomberg
Friday, September 11, 2009
Mike Bloomberg the campaign lies Broadway below 12th Street ABC land loathes Mike Bloomberg
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Betrayal at Ground Zero letter published in The Wall Street Journal, the betrayal has grown exponentially
The Betrayal has grown exponentially in too many ways to count. Mayor Bloomberg closed our firehouses after Sept. 11 and I want them all re-opened.
He has denied the FDNY, NYPD, PAPD, EMS and all uniformed rescue workers that died that day in record number their rank.
I am too exhausted to keep writing the long list that includes Sept. 11 heroes that died after the day as if a slow motion death from inhaling the death dust or Bobby and Joey that were taken because of Sept. 11 but just a different day and year but still Sept. 11 heroes.
Exhausted, angry, feel tears behind my eyes.
After writing this piece, I walked out on the street and saw a handsome young man carrying his son and wearing a t-shirt honoring Bobby and Joseph, and at the bottom it says I am with you heart breaking. I was too tired to make any contact and he was carrying his beautiful little son so I just snapped a picture. How haunting....
Jorge Posada willfully obtuse or just ignorant of Bloomberg's community crushing tsunami of development = mass evictions
Jorge Posada, who earns multi-millions of dollars here in NYC and is not a resident of New York so therefore he cannot vote in the mayoral election came out endorsing Mike Bloomberg.
Besides the fact the Yankees are obscenely over paid, their new hideous stadium should never have been built especially with tax payer money and they can't even make the play-offs, where does their catcher Posada get off endorsing a mayor who pushes mass evictions unless Posada and the Yankee just don't care about New Yorkers that can't afford their tickets...they just want the tax payers money.
Columbia University has mass evicted an entire neighborhood Mahattanville abusing eminent domain although there are a few hold outs. Done in the East Village, Lower East Side, NYU, Cooper Union and even NY Law who doesn't have a campus in the EV have managed to pull off shady real estate deals with Mike Bloomberg and socialite mega millionaire city planner Amanda Burden, the people's burden, aiding and abetting their greedy real estate magnate friends as more people are displaced and small businesses are closing in record number.
I have a Yankee baseball of faded signatures of the entire team with my favorite Yankee, other than Babe Ruth was captain and for over achievers you know I am talking about Thurman Munson.
Posada is willfully obtuse or ignorant or he just doesn't care about the mass evictions of long term community members, small businesses and the fact supermarkets are almost extinct under the greedy corrupt wheelings and dealings under Bloomberg who only now claims a bit of awareness of corrupt DOB inspectors but he sure didn't care he pushed a way too rapid tsunami of development that he knew would not be policed and was reckless in too many ways to count including the death tolls and injuries.
Bloomberg has the luck of the devil because the accidental governor -- I think he is the guy that used campaign money or tax payer money to pay for hotel trysts when having adulterous outings won't endorse Mike Bloomberg.
Again for voters who are dazzled by Mike's mega bucks and not willing to simply look at the damage done - the gov with the lowest popularity ratings refusing to endorse him is a win. I keep thinking of "Being There" except Mike is no dummy but he is no public servant either.
For over achievers -- it takes little to no brain power to guess how I feel about a pampered spoiled sports star obscenely over paid Jeter tieing any record of Gerhig's because baseball was not a pampered sport than and every technology edge that can be given to Jeter has been given to him. I don't believe he has used steroids but everything else possible to compete against athletes with no such edge which again makes you shake your head at Babe Ruth's achievements. Babe was a great pitcher but so loved by the people that they had him stop pitching so he could play every game.
I love noshing and so did Babe. His coaches had to take him aside and tell him no more stuffing his face in the dug out. How funny.
Besides the fact the Yankees are obscenely over paid, their new hideous stadium should never have been built especially with tax payer money and they can't even make the play-offs, where does their catcher Posada get off endorsing a mayor who pushes mass evictions unless Posada and the Yankee just don't care about New Yorkers that can't afford their tickets...they just want the tax payers money.
Columbia University has mass evicted an entire neighborhood Mahattanville abusing eminent domain although there are a few hold outs. Done in the East Village, Lower East Side, NYU, Cooper Union and even NY Law who doesn't have a campus in the EV have managed to pull off shady real estate deals with Mike Bloomberg and socialite mega millionaire city planner Amanda Burden, the people's burden, aiding and abetting their greedy real estate magnate friends as more people are displaced and small businesses are closing in record number.
I have a Yankee baseball of faded signatures of the entire team with my favorite Yankee, other than Babe Ruth was captain and for over achievers you know I am talking about Thurman Munson.
Posada is willfully obtuse or ignorant or he just doesn't care about the mass evictions of long term community members, small businesses and the fact supermarkets are almost extinct under the greedy corrupt wheelings and dealings under Bloomberg who only now claims a bit of awareness of corrupt DOB inspectors but he sure didn't care he pushed a way too rapid tsunami of development that he knew would not be policed and was reckless in too many ways to count including the death tolls and injuries.
Bloomberg has the luck of the devil because the accidental governor -- I think he is the guy that used campaign money or tax payer money to pay for hotel trysts when having adulterous outings won't endorse Mike Bloomberg.
Again for voters who are dazzled by Mike's mega bucks and not willing to simply look at the damage done - the gov with the lowest popularity ratings refusing to endorse him is a win. I keep thinking of "Being There" except Mike is no dummy but he is no public servant either.
For over achievers -- it takes little to no brain power to guess how I feel about a pampered spoiled sports star obscenely over paid Jeter tieing any record of Gerhig's because baseball was not a pampered sport than and every technology edge that can be given to Jeter has been given to him. I don't believe he has used steroids but everything else possible to compete against athletes with no such edge which again makes you shake your head at Babe Ruth's achievements. Babe was a great pitcher but so loved by the people that they had him stop pitching so he could play every game.
I love noshing and so did Babe. His coaches had to take him aside and tell him no more stuffing his face in the dug out. How funny.
The new era is all about spin -- spinning stories -- phony public relations with little to no substance from City Hall to the new hideous Yankee Stadium where people most hurt by Bloomberg's community crushing tsunami can't afford a ticket. Nice going Posada.
Thurmon is my most favorite catcher ever!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Christine Quinn scandal exposed by Village Voice re: Quinn padding campaign staff with City Council staff evokes more questions
I have a series of YouTubes covering the scandal outside re: The Villager and NYU with the Christine Quinn debate against her opponents but we have concerns that Quinn received preferential treatment from The Villager enabling her to pad the audience with her supporters. We want to know if her supporters "inside" the debate were also her campaign staff which is as reported in The Village Voice is made up of 33 percent of her City Council staff which is quite large and surprisingly well paid!
If you have any knowledge please contact the author of the Village Voice piece!
Thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy
Also please check out the Quinn Report
Check out scandal section on Mike Bloomberg mayors against illegal guns coalition
Folks: This email was sent to me.....Check out the recent updates to the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Wikipedia page. You'll find the scandals section interesting...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
DOB mobbed up as in rife with corruption, what a relief since Bloomberg pushed a reckless tsunami of community crushing development
Vote Bloomberg and his puppets out of office!!!!!!!
Read my comment on Queen's Crap!
Mike Bloomberg's stock picks prove he doesn't belong in city gov but on TV, smoke and mirrors
I heard a radio DJ just mesmerized by Mike's stock picks and it saddened me. It was like the pathetic piece written on Mike Bloomberg in The New Yorker where it appears MikeBloomberg mesmerizes people with his money and supposedly business acumen but if he had this supposed gift why is the city bust, the pension fund was raided under his watch by "money managers" and Mike did not break the law re: term limits, he changed the law.
He with his puppet, sell out Christine Quinn denied us, the people a referendum and knowingly pushed a vote by a city council being investigated -- and the investigation is on going. So far every council member implicated and or their staff happened to vote to extend term limits.
Being mesmerized by Mike Bloomberg's stock pics is like investigators that visited Bernie Maddoff and instead of investigating him, hand him their resume. Mike Bloomberg is not Bernie Maddoff but his job is to serve the people of New York and he has failed. He has displaced far more New Yorers than serve them.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Juan Gonzalez on Mike Bloomberg's bad math! Mike Bloomberg the king of spin, the spin he is in, as in full of....spin
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wayne Barrett's piece on Bloomberg keeping his billions separate from his mayoral obligations yeah right!
Hey Wayne! Great job except you did not delve in to the Steve Rattner pension scandal and honey I wanted you to dig! Check out New York Time pieces and two pieces in The New York Daily News. Too tired to add links yet again for you folks. I like my piece Bloomberg Newzzz better and my painting of Bloomberg turned portrait is much better than the cover art for The Village Voice.
Good job Wayne. The piece in The New Yorker was a sell out piece written by a star struck author. I am just glad The New Yorker did not put red white and blue gems in the crown. Again my art was better and yes I sent my poster and piece to The New Yorker.
Aahhh, time to relive a magical first YouTube "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York". He is not going to break any laws, just change them!"
Queens Crap posts Christine Quinn being booed, more blogs plus a poll on Quinn from NY1 see Devil wears Marshalls
the devil's link above has the NY1 Poll slamming Quinn -- the poll shows people don't want Quinn for a third term.
the devil's link above has the NY1 Poll slamming Quinn -- the poll shows people don't want Quinn for a third term.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Christine Quinn is booed as she enters a fund raiser and the protest continues thru Chelsea...Note: Quinn's head is down
The primary is Sept. 15th and make sure to tell everyone you know that lives in Chelsea to vote Christine Quinn out of office.
If you are out of town call Board of Elections and get an absentee ballot.
Board of Elections
212 868-3692
hit zero and ask the operator for assistance,
make sure to get an absentee ballot if you are away!
Read the dishonor role of shame and vote these politicos that flushed democracy down the toilet out.
Mike Bloomberg, Christine Quinn and city council had to know there was an investigation which is on going in to city council members and their staff and therefore votes are tainted.
They had no right to deny us a referendum.
Also new anti-Quinn website --demand the truth...
The Promise of New York will be having screenings in the East Village and Brooklyn coming very soon.
The director found my YouTubes and he is an admirer of my work! His work follows some comedians who happen to be running for mayor of NYC and it is a statement on the times we are living in!
The director found my YouTubes and he is an admirer of my work! His work follows some comedians who happen to be running for mayor of NYC and it is a statement on the times we are living in!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Pension Scandals splashes on Thompson but it seems Mike is corruption splash proof although Steve Rattner is his money manager
Also more proof Mike is corruption splash proof is Bloomberg's knowledge of City Council being investigated for corruption and still pressing them to vote on term limits rather than giving the people a referendum.
Reclaim democracy, vote Bloomberg out of office. Sept. 15, vote for Tony Avella for Mayor.
Also more proof Mike is corruption splash proof is Bloomberg's knowledge of City Council being investigated for corruption and still pressing them to vote on term limits rather than giving the people a referendum.
Reclaim democracy, vote Bloomberg out of office. Sept. 15, vote for Tony Avella for Mayor.
Mike Bloomberg,
pension scandal,
Tim Robbins,
Village Voice
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