Saic forbes predict they will slump further for earnings call.
From the street we say history needs to be made -- US Attorney Preet Bharara redo the indictment. This company in my artistic opinion is corrupt and one half billion does not get a out of jail free card for SAIC with Gerald Denault as the ultimate scape goat when the Richard Valcich letter says other wise.
Folks my reading of only part of the Richard Valcich whistle blowing letter has over 1,000 hits and FYI
Bill Thompson’s name as well as Mike Bloomberg’s is on the bottom of every page.
Tell me why did the head of Department of Investigation leave shortly there after and why did Rose Gill Hearn do nothing!!!!!!
Click on the link above for more links including to Richard Valcich’s letter who for some reason is now very quiet! Hmmmmm. From Hero to nothing to say!
In front of SAIC’s offices --- my first time trying to speak and holding a mega-phone but I am the only one to say 500,000 million back is too low a figure. I want a billion x 3 RICO for The People of New York! I was the only speaker to say so. June 5 noon steps of City Hall we join up again and now the Unions lead by Local 375 DC37 will demand more money back!
I had researched SAIC before I attended a meeting I was invited to by someone from Local 375 DC37 and I went home and made this YouTube.
Again I was the only one to say No Renewal with SAIC! Instead we need a full investigation!
Since than SAIC is banned from doing any biz here in NY with the State and City.
Thank you.
See you at City Hall June 5th at noon and we want a lot more money back.
I want more than a billion back on ECTP the 911 Tech system, and how about FDNY wireless, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, NICE, Seedco, etc.
No arrests of NYC gov officials and no auditors held accountable on either side of the contract dealings.
Shouldn’t we be suing SAIC’s auditors as well which I believe is Deloitte?
Ditto for the other deals where so far we have zero accountability.
Under Bloomberg zero arrests of the people that should be arrested and way too many false arrests of people that are innocent.
How ironic Mike Bloomberg with multi-Watergates, a mayor who should have been forced out along with his puppet Christine Quinn who pushed through an illegal third term and brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime and discouraged a third aren’t serving a term in jail. Mike just got busted for illegally using a heliport chronically breaking curfew for 6 months and when he is confronted by ABC news he lies and says he is not doing anything wrong. So City Hall.
What does Mark Page have to say? Can we get a full re-imbursement for Howie Wolfson and other robbers salaries -- campaign staffers the tax payers are forced to pay their 6 figure salary.
If Mike Bloomberg ran his private business the way he has run NYC gov with billions in over rides and mostly tech contracts Mike would be homeless along with his daughters and ex-wife. He wouldn’t be on the Forbes list.
Amazing Forbes gives SAIC a low rating with all of SAIC’s help from very special very connected friends getting them awards and a 2 billion dollar contract with the Pentagon I call a bail-out to prevent an Enron ending.
I want a record amount of billions of dollars back for the People of NYC and I don’t want City Council or Scott Stringer all with Marie Antoinette complex’s to get their hands on it -- and their friends, relatives, boyfriends and girlfriends -- I want the money to get to the People of NYC, our children, the homeless, re-open Fire Houses closed after 9-11, hire more NYPD, re-open schools and make them better, pre-school care, and more and more so the People actually feel the difference.
Right now the quality of life has dropped and many New Yorkers live some where between a recession and a depression except for Christine Quinn and her pals, Mike Bloomberg and his pals and their kids, ditto Amanda the People’s Burden, etc.
Please do not forget Rudy Giuiani and pals profited.... Peter Powers and other men that were Rudy’s deputy mayors plus an guy that was a lawyer for Rudy on the NY Pensions than became a 2nd in command DOITT. Look to Doitt guys turned lobbyists or went to work for Defense contractors and Deutsche the math..... Even what’s her name (Liz Holzman) is a lobbyist for SAIC as the People got robbed and raped largest white collar crimes ever and ECTP as well look at the lobbyists -- see the names of lobbyist companies working on CityTime and ECTP and you will see familiar names and DOITT names.
by the way what has happen to Sal Salomone?