Note anyone involved gaslighting me CRIMES erased for Dr Andrew Fagelman office do not buy my book "Mayor Bloomberg King of NY urging You not to vote for Bloomberg" City NYPD DA green lighted crimes mycase BloomdeBlasio era like I'm Jew Early stages Nazi G
Mike Bloomberg Team Bloomberg outed suspends Twitter vs old days Complete freedom to censor harass on google YouTube
 | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
@MikeBloomberg Mike if u don't think utop NYPD 01 did anything wrong in my case, Eric Garner case I'd like to question u Ray Kelly Underoath televised along with oligarchs in NY city officials that push through 3rd terd/hung w/ Jeffrey Epstein and or Ghislaine Maxwell! Release Your NDA Ex NYPD!
Typo 3rd term - it's almost 2 AM I woke up yet again PTSD of course I'm making typos so I was punched in the head threatened almost 8 years I don't have justice it all started under Bloomberg...
Feb 19 update:
Dear Michael Goodwin NY Post
If you go to Amazon and search Mayor Bloomberg you'll find my book I copied and paste did links to many of your articles before your editors came to your desk and gave you were talking to straighten you out courtesy of Mike Bloomberg and Howard Rubenstein the same Howard Rubenstein that pushed through Mike Bloomberg's third term, rudin luxury condos in place of Vincent's hospital which had a rape crisis center -- I'm only going to have it up a short time
Mike Bloomberg bots campaign flunkies/volunteers spammed YouTube opposition 3rd term push my youtube channel removed #censorship Wikipedia page on it Google apology DELETED in my book! rubenstein Jeffrey Epstein R MB's 3rd term!
Update Feb 16, 2020
Note: Feb 16 last night 2am woke-up PTSDing Dr Andrew Fagelman assault youtube - he has never showed remorse along w/ Delita Hooks -- the opposite...
I got up to go to the bathroom - I lost my balance and I hit the bridge of my nose I think I have a hairline fracture I went to the emergency room and the doctor said it could be a hairline fracture but there's nothing to be will heal.
Well I was violated my body repeatedly violated October 1, 2012 and I haven't been able to heal quite the opposite so having this book out makes me feel somehow just a little bit safer in the world...
I am beyond exhausted I am beyond tired I've never functions in my life with so little sleep for so many years as I continue to be treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany and the started under mayor Mike Bloomberg and not better more of the same or possible worse...
Note anyone involved gaslighting me CRIMES erased for Dr Andrew Fagelman office do not buy my book "Mayor Bloomberg King of NY urging You not to vote for Bloomberg" City NYPD DA green lighted crimes mycase BloomdeBlasio era like I'm Jew Early stages Nazi G
My first self published book it's the second book I've written but it's the first that's actually self published it's up on Amazon and white voters should not vote for Michael Bloomberg it does have a lot of PTSD trauma from being gaslighted on behalf of Dr Andrew Fagelman office violence...
I may keep this book up for one or two months and I'm taking it down until I get an agent and a publisher.
I wanted this book out in December it's already taken way too long to get this out but maybe now I'll be able to sleep because of the public has this even a small group of people in the public then maybe I'm a notch safer or if something terrible happens to me the public will know!
I am Jewish, I would like a Jewish Presidentnot Mike Bloomberg- Mass Exodus under Mike, not a Passover Sedar -- The Exodus continues under mayor de Blasio who sold us a fairy tale first term...he won the 2nd practically by default & voter apathy on link read about the book At the bottom I say twice if you are involved in any criminal activity gaslighting do not buy this book that's got to be a first for Amazon and I hope it gets peoples attention I really am trying to bring attention to the fact I'm a victim of criminal activity that I was and continue to be treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany because it's not OK to hit me it's not OK to threaten me it's not OK to tell me I have no rights and to make me drop charges
Note: Feb 16 last night 2am woke-up PTSDing Dr Andrew Fagelman assault youtube - he has never showed remorse along w/ Delita Hooks -- the opposite...
I got up to go to the bathroom - I lost my balance and I hit the bridge of my nose I think I have a hairline fracture I went to the emergency room and the doctor said it could be a hairline fracture but there's nothing to be will heal.
This is Richard Cohen's photo and it was in the Corbis Archive.. the corbis archive was purchased and this image is no more..
I was on Vimeo but Barry Diller -- Jeffrey EPSTEIN and Ghislaine Maxwell's friend and Diller a really creep is Mike Bloomberg's friend and I am guessing Rubenstein's pal too...
"...Bloomberg said, “I don’t think he did anything wrong. I happen to think the charge against him is ridiculous.” He added, “I’ve always stood up for anybody that works with me who gets attacked by the press. Steven Rattner’s a very close friend of mine and remains a close friend.” IAC/InterActiveCorp chairman Barry Diller, a former Lazard client of Rattner’s and a Quadrangle investor, is another steadfast supporter. The S.E.C. and A.G. cases are “understandably a burden to him but he is dealing with it well,” says Diller. “He is trying to isolate it and not dwell on it. He has compartmentalized it, which I think is healthy. He is a very interesting guy…"
Who has been involved in CENSORING ME — Barry Diller Vimeo, Bloomberg’s flunkies got my YouTube channel removed before an election he barely one — his “third term” — google apologized and who was behind removing the Wikipedia page
Eric Garner in his own handwriting The New York Times will not allow you to read Eric in his own words because they're protecting Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly? Eric says illegal stop and frisk escalated to sexual assault to NYPD planting drugs on him?
This was me protesting Mike's 3rd term -- even President George Washington refused a third term and to be King but not Mike?
Greed machine full throttle --
look who testified at City Hall Mike must have a third term
including John Sexton a real estate magnate using higher ed for his higher greed crushing our communities while he and Columbia University play real life monopoly with Bloomberg and his puppets like Scott Stringer empowering all wrong doing -- Stringer made sure my case was not settled Stringer made sure to protect Civil rights violations and all NYPD crimes because Bloomberg, George Arzt, Rubenstein, etc would not like that along with how many cops that are retired on the payroll doing fixing and favors like the retired NYPD commander on Rudin's payroll I caught trying to fix a ticket?
Mike Bloomberg off shore how about Rattner and Bloomberg -- why was Rattner banned by the SEC and what was Bloomberg's response? What was the bonus that Bloomberg gave him that year? The same figure as the SEC hit Rattner with?
Jeffrey EPSTEIN was off shore even running his own Virgin Islands scam here in NYC and who protected him and aided and abetted him?
The Manhattan DA, NYPD -- Rubenstein -- media killing news for all of them?
Than I am savagely violated assaulted at Dr Andrew Fagelman's and he and his employee are teflon committing perjury because they can -- they are even more teflon than Jeffrey EPSTEIN?
‘Naked auditors’ case shows Wall Street not cured of sexism.
By Susan Antilla / Bloomberg.
I removed the photo from my new book, book 2 Mayor Bloomberg King of New sickening to me Dr Andrew Fagelman does not understand the Hippocratic oath but he got an NYU Stern Business degree (did he get his degree discounted because of any his relationship with NYU?),there are the Bloomberg lawsuits by women employees, and Jeffrey Epstein and so much more not news....
for me to use the photo in my book exposing Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel - me protesting them and the NYPD rape cops near the First precinct - I was standing in front of DSK's rented penthouse.... I would have to pay so I will use on my blog
"No one played a larger role in making the term-limit extension happen than public relations giant Howard Rubenstein, who, usually only an agent for the town’s invisible heavy lifters, became a “principal” this time, according to those in the know. Rubenstein, who represents Bloomberg L.P., insists he did his term-limits work as a “volunteer.” He got client Murdoch in on the deal and sat Bloomberg and Deputy Mayor Ed Skyler down with Ron Lauder, another client and the billionaire who got the term-limits law passed in the first place, way back in 1993. Lauder, who was already doing ads opposing an extension, agreed to muzzle himself. Rubenstein also reached out to Zuckerman and Sulzberger, appeared as an unnamed source in the Times story that launched the buildup to the bill, served as the spoon that fed the Post the Lauder story, and put together the press conference that 12 supportive unions held at City Hall. Yet, as intimately involved as he was every step of the way, Rubenstein’s chronology of how the mayor made his decision demolishes the notion that the market crash was the cause."
Steve Rattner, AG Cuomo's Office Cross Swords Over Kickbacks Lawsuit: Updated
"From what I can tell and what the authorities have said...he and his company did nothing wrong," said Bloomberg.
Morris' lawyer brazenly admitted as much in a stunning response to Cuomo's indictment:
"It should come as a shock to no one that 'knowing people' matters, and that individuals with political connections frequently enjoy readier access to government decision-makers than do others."