Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included
mayor bloomberg, de Blasio I call Bloomed Blasio, Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton, Reznick, O'Neill Know a lot about fixing crime don't they?

See bottom of Blog to see info Unions, Wiki page, Vote Quinn OUT! etc.

See my YouTubes & Blog Postings on CityTime Corruption starting w/ May 27, 2010 Suzannah B. Troy's 1st YouTube on CityTime calling for NO renewal w/ SAIC and a full investigation!!! Reminder: Rudy gave us SAIC & CityTime (We didn’t need either-Mike ran with it Tax Payer’s Titanic)
Don't believe the news, New Yorkers are angry & will not vote for BLOOMBERG! Note: Mayor Bloomberg and his top deputies & key staff all took immunity in the Haggerty trial. Why? Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and committed perjury Haggerty Trial. Next the CityTime Trial with Team Bloomberg suffering amnesia yet again! Stay tuned! Vote for Christine Quinn if YOU want Mike to have a 4th term from the golf course! In front of SAIC NY offices demanding way more than 600 million $ back for The People of NYC ! Letter in Defense of Suzannah's YouTube Channel GoogleE-Burka by Louis Flores URGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed!
Mike Yelled down Aug. 20 CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wake-up New Yorkers -- How about 1 Billion dollars back from SAIC CityTime + NY Pension Scams On Going!

Today 4 hours ago see link below....4 but no NYC newspapers interested...ho hum....

is SAIC going to have an Enron ending and when are we the tax payers of NYC going to get our money back and also wake-up????????????   Wake-up New Yorkers!!!!

Nothing in the newspapers....why?  To protect the public from Bloomberg resign for the massive mishandling of all these tech contracts as well as the pensions and he is restructuring now?  We can be thankful he did not hire Jon Corzine!

"Since 2000, the Company has developed and implemented an automated timekeeping and workforce management system ("CityTime") for certain agencies of the City of New York. "

"Subsequently, on June 2, 2011, the Company disclosed that an internal investigation could not validate all the time recorded to the CityTime program by its program manager. " Note, and I reported this a bunch of times. SAIC did not even have its own timetracking system during a large portion of the Citytime engagement and their own executives stated in 2006 there billing was a mess.

In the meantime back at the farm, NYC asked for their 600million dollars of money back! Why is it when the dollars get large it takes 6  months since Mayor Bloomberg asked for the money back that we still don't have the money, or is to take the political pressure of to ask and then not get the money. Note,  SAIC in its last financial report had plenty money to estimate the loss from legal fees and administrative costs to the tune of 232K on their Q3 8k, none of that allocated to the City of New York.

p.s.  Folks!  Mike Bloomberg allowed our NY Pensions to be so abused and poorly handled besides raided along with Bill Thompson so my question is why, oh why are we allowing Mike Bloomberg to restructure pensions now?

My answer is because his pals like Steve Rattner are down raiding them!  Mike still keeps Steve Rattner on his private payroll not NYC gov like many of his pals even though Steve pleaded the 5th 63 times!!!!!!!

Rudy Threw Away AutoTime for CityTime The Tax Payer's Titanic

AutoTime was created and run by city workers and could have been expanded but the fix was in and the trend continues to outsource at the "mega-expense" of tax payers allowing contracts to over run in the  mega-millions and not just a few but almost every one the fix was in.  I dubbed Mike Bloomberg the king of outsourcing.

No one stopped the over run at 10,000 or half a million and the hidden costs of throwing away payroll systems that worked including two years as Bloomberg and SAIC rushed for bragging rights on SAIC's website only to be replaced with this.

Than we forced Bloomberg to demand 600 million dollars back but I said Mike Bloomberg low balled us.

I want 1 billion dollars for the tax payers of NYC X 3 RICO!

Please look carefully at this letter.  I want to see other correspondence and communications referred to in the past pre-this letter, don't you?

This went on beyond Gerard Denault and this went back in time I think to Rudy Giuliani Time because the system was a lemon and is a lemon but how many people made money off this as the tax payers were being robbed literally?  Don't forget contractors, sub-contractors and "quality control" would be laughable but I want our money back and that goes for an investigation across the boards on every government contract where the over-rides where in the millions to mega-millions and it was in sooooo many contracts.

Not how Mike Bloomberg runs his private empire but what do you expect from a man who gives his campaign staff NYC gov jobs, creates dummy companies and even his charity to funnel even more money to his chosen few as the people are robbed.

He went from praising SAIC to finally demanding 600,000 million back and that is just not enough.

This exposes Gartner's role but Glenn Hutchin's company is a sacred cow as are all his interests and he is part of the ruling elite with his biz billing NYC tax payers a lot is what I hear but I can't get a figure on how much money we have paid Gartner since Mike Bloomberg went in to office.

The only thing we don't ask Gartner for advice on NYC gov is on how to use the toilets at City Hall, hardee har.  I hear some collect NY Pensions but not want to live in NY.

My point is we can employ huge numbers of City Workers and open fire houses and expand city serves if we aren't being over billed in what may total 2 billion?  Just guessing on all the massive over-runs on all these gov contracts and mostly tech + add all the politicians from Albany to City Hall that are stealing tax payer money, getting kick backs and finding ways to get bonuses like Christine Quinn giving "lulus" the same day Goldman Sachs gave their bonuses.  Christine Quinn is using slush aka tax payer money and lulu to buy the mayor job the way she helped Mike steal an illegal third term so she can keep the revolving door of corruption going so we must vote her out.  She brushed aside two investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James and discouraged a third.

We should be looking to prosecute and sue across the boards to get our money back and than make sure it is not business as usual.


Teachers Say Fire Mike Bloomberg

Bloomberg wants to fire bad teachers. Fire a bad mayor!!!

Where is article to fire a bad mayor?

Christine Quinn Dirt Bag To Return $ Darn, I thought she was going to reimburse tax payers for her and her staffs staggering high priced defense attorneys that specialize in White Collar crimes legal bills. Christine Quinn must be 1st and last City Council member to get away with approving Sullivan and Cromwell for get staff courtesy of tax payers -- same firm Goldman Sachs uses!!! Do you want someone for mayor who confuses tax payer money with Goldman Sachs? Corrupt Quinn pushed through an illegal 3rd term. George Washington would have hung her and Bloomberg for treason.

Monday, January 30, 2012

True News Broke Story Redistricting Scam!

Redistricting for the State Senate and State Assembly......

Elected leaders in Albany running the scam.....

First they release the bad maps and than they have a 2nd map.....which is a bait switch to protect each State Assembly person so they can win very easily in their district and ditto for the State Senate.

There 2 sets of books and 2 set of maps.

All bull s//t when they say we are heading for reform --- the only thing that would create change would be an Independent redistricting committee which they promised to support and none kept their promise.

Christine Quinn for Mayor of NYC if you want Mike Bloomberg for a 4th term!

Vomit! Treasure Dept Approves HUGE Pay Days Execs TARP recipients — Citigroup, Bank of America, AIG, General Motors, Ally, Chrysler, and Chrysler Financial

The audit looked at seven of the biggest TARP recipients — Citigroup, Bank of America, AIG, General Motors, Ally, Chrysler, and Chrysler Financial.
Two of those, Citigroup and Bank of America, paid back their government loans before the end of 2009, so they would be free to pay their execs whatever they wanted.
Of the remaining companies, AIG repeatedly insisted on the biggest pay packages and represented 80% of Feinberg’s “headaches,” the audit said.
The company received more than $180 billion in federal bailout money in 2008, and even today, after paying back billions, it is still 70% owned by the federal government.
But at the recession’s height in spring 2009, AIG had the audacity to press Feinberg for raises ranging from 20% to 550% for its top employees, the report said.
Backed by top Treasury aides, AIG argued that unless it got those raises, key people would leave and the government would not get its money back. 

Read more:

Deutsche Bank 60 Wall Street Speigel DB Faces Potential Law Suits

Deutsche Bank 60 Wall Street systematic harassment OWS evokes the "old" DB.

Mayor Mike Bloomberg school chancellor elect Cathie Black urges Sex App ...

Did we ever learn how much Cathie Black's Golden Parachute was?

Read about the real estate deal she brokered for guess who pre- her magical hiring NYC gov.!

Mort Zuckerman and Mike Bloomberg --names ring a bell?

Mayor Bloomberg Press Conference XXX 2012 Resigns Largest Scandals Ever...

Anonymous-Mayor Michael Bloomberg, You Are a Target Of Anonymous

Mayor Mike Presides over his Koch's doll's Center naming

Mike has a Diana doll, a koch doll, Charlie  Rose is his ken doll....

Do you think the moderators will let this comment up?

Bloomberg may be forced to resign in 2012 but enjoy him with his paid for mayor Koch doll and Rudin destroying our community in the West Village by making sure we did not get protective zoning for a hospital only where St. Vincent’s was for his luxury condos makes sure Koch’s rent is next to nothing. Koch’s 3rd term was riddled with scandal and the papers called for his head yet Bloomberg’s scandals massive and Mike committed perjury during Haggerty trial and broke campaign laws which both carry jail time.

CityTime SAIC Scandal Corruption Baton Giuliani Time?

 Google says this is my journal or diary. I am an artist and I say everything on the Internet and pretty much my life is my art. I want to see every piece of NYC gov SAIC contract and emails letters faxes etc starting with Rudy Guiliani because I think We the People are entitled to a larger refund than the 600 million we got Mike Bloomberg the king of outsourcing and on the largest and most corruption including over billing -- a revolving door of corruption in general --in mega billions in almost every single tech contract and most also happen to be flawed. 

Rumor is CityTime was and is a flawed and will be tossed. Just a reminder Karen Shaffer asst deputy commissioner of Dept of aging used a pencil to steal 22,000 ? and got busted and unlike "the little People" was not arrested -- or made to pay back all the money. FYI if you or I stole $$,$$$$ not judge would accept our sob stories. Mike protects upper management the way he has been including committing Perjury during Haggerty trial and broke campaign laws which is a Misdemeanor A and both carry jail time. 

 For the People of NYC one great hope are the law firms advertising to represent SAIC shareholders re: CityTime and SAIC top officials because this went on beyond Denault and back in time Giuliani Time -- and SAIC like NYC had auditors and top officials responsible for over seeing excessive spending and tardy and below par productivity but even more spending for outsourcing and quality control. ps When 80 million dollars tax payer dollars stolen by Spherion consultants doing Quality Control CityTime -- hardee har Bloomberg was still pushing SAIC like a drug king pin pushes heroin!!!!

CityTime SAIC Scandal Pre-Gerard Denault Google says this is my journal or diary. I am an artist and I say everything on the Internet and pretty much my life is my art. I want to see every piece of NYC gov SAIC contract and emails letters faxes etc starting with Rudy Guiliani because I think We the People are entitled to a larger refund than the 600 million we got Mike Bloomberg the king of outsourcing and on the largest and most corruption including over billing in mega billions in almost every single tech contract and most also happen to be flawed. Rumor is CityTime was and is a flawed and will be tossed.

Just a reminder Karen Shaffer asst deputy commissioner of Dept of aging used a pencil to steal 22,000 ? and got busted and unlike "the little People" was not arrested -- or made to pay back all the money. FYI if you or I stole $$,$$$$ not judge would accept our sob stories.  Mike protects upper management the way he has been including committing Perjury during Haggerty trial and broke campaign laws which is a Misdemeanor A and both carry jail time. For the People of NYC one great hope are the law firms advertising to represent SAIC shareholders re: CityTime and SAIC top officials because this went on beyond Denault and back in time Giuliani Time -- and SAIC like NYC had auditors and top officials responsible for over seeing excessive spending and tardy and below par productivity but even more spending for outsourcing and quality control. ps When 80 million dollars tax payer dollars stolen by Spherion consultants doing Quality Control CityTime -- hardee har Bloomberg was still pushing SAIC like a drug king pin pushes heroin!!!!

Rupert Murdoch Tweets Silent on new Arrests Hacking including Police!

 Rupert Murdoch 

Spanish unemployment 48 per cent, youth 25. Sounds more like depression and socially dangerous.

Curious, interested great issues, ensuring alternative voices. Lucky with six great kids and wonderful, busy wife.

R u joking Rupert Murdoch?

What is the latest on the phone hacking scandal?

From Wiki page:

 Employees of the newspaper were accused of engaging in phone hacking, police bribery, and exercising improper influence in the pursuit of publishing stories. 

(From Suzannah B. Troy:  Great to know Murdoch's News Corp NYC or LA has not bribed the POLICE!
Bernie Kerik get out of jail free card.....?)

At least Rupert has not murdered people he wants silenced!

Don't expect to read about any of this in The NY Post or The NY Daily News.  Mort Zuckerman for some bizarre reason decided to hire one of Murdoch's top guys Colin Mylers --  from oversees in the land of Murdoch phone hacking and bribing police to run the NY Daily News!!!!!!!

Rewind Third Term Illegal Push Christine Quinn For Mike Bloomberg

Will Suzannah Troy's Comment Make it Past Censors NY Times Bill Rudin

Posted 4:20pm

6:10 made it up past NY Times censors!
What is the point of a politically correct park for the dead when People are dying now because there is no hospital and we need a full service trauma level 1 hospital my point being we were forced to bail-out banks but not given even the option to bail - out hospitals as well as watch dog groups to prevent abuse. The NY Times ran an obit on Richard Sheirer, Rudy guy that pulled over at 10th avenue and 14th St only to die at Beth Israel. I stand out there by St V's and protest and listen to stories of extra long waits at Beth Israel, St V over-run.

I asked NY1 who was there filming today and I ask you what good is an AIDS park with people dying. St V helped AIDS patients and Rudin is offering a Duane Reade on steroids with 2 cots. No park until we have a world class full service hospital and ditto for Queens and Brooklyn. How is Cy Vance's investigation in to St. V crooks going? Amanda the People 's Burden, City Planning commissioner shame on you!

NY Post Reform different ideas on reform than Suzannah Troy's

Pension reform?  When are we going to stop greedy stupid rich folks raid the pensions.  Can we the tax payers sue Goldman Sach for mishandling the FDNY and NYPD pensions?  If so let's get the law suit rolling asap.  The NY Post Sue Edelman did 2 powerful exposes on the mishandling of the NY Pensions which cost tax payers a fortune.  Also explain Mike Bloomberg's late in the third term restructuring pensions after his best friend Steve Rattner was busted for pay to play NY Pensions  and forced to step down from his White House to spend more time with his family -- yeah right -- his family Mike Bloomberg.  Mike keeps him employed despite Steve Rattner pleading the 5th 62 times and being banned by the SEC.  Is Rattner helping Mike Bloomberg restructure the pensions?

St. Vincent's From Hospitals to Health Care

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mort Zuckerman Murdoch's Guy Blacks Out Murdoch Hack Arrests London?

Mort Zuckerman wow have you sunk to a new low.

Folks sick in bed. Not good at being sick. Requires being still and resting. Made typos left out words. I am a feminist who thinks Greg Kelly innocent -- not smart but innocent. Name a paralegal that brings a well known news caster to her law firm and has sex in her bosses office? Real world male or female the paralegal would be fired unless the boss approved and who cares about ethics and legal document laying around , etc. What is interesting is the timing along with 2 other Kelly news stories.

Interesting law firm.

On to Murdoch NY Post and NYDN refuse to report arrests another police officer and journalist Murdoch company England.

Deutsche Bank Amanda Burden 60 Wall Street Toilet Out of Order Harassment OWS, See DB attempt to evict 103 Year Old African American Woman Death Bed, Amanda Burden DB Nazi-esque?

Deutsche Bank worth how many trillion?  Well Deutsche Bank and Amanda Burden you evil vile corrupt shrew make sure the toilets are open at 60 Wall Street Public Private Space and I don't to hear excuses and or blame by DB about why.

If you want a taste of the real Deutsche Bank watch DB try to evict a 103 year old African woman on her death bad from her home!

Amanda the People's Burden is the head of City Planning and she is the most corrupt city planner ever to  even pretend she represents the People of NY.  She represents the greedest most ruthless developers posing as Mother Teresa -- yes the newest dirty deed refusing The People protecting zoning so ONLY a hospital could be built where St. Vincent's was.  Don't worry  Cy Vance won't even begin a prosecution of St. V. corrupt dealing let alone look at Rudin's acquisition and DOB giving Rudin permission to begin demolition even though City Planning had yet to rule on zoning because the fix was in and even Dept. of Building was in on it (as usual?).

Toilets closed again -- ask me how much I hate Amanda Burden and Deutsche Bank.
DB can figure out how to make trillions -- probably plenty off of Jewish Gold they stole as they helped in the mass murder via financing Auschwitz and IG Farben.

So Amanda Burden has a dirty filthy hand in the toilets or the lack of availablity because 60 Wall Street is a privately public owned space.   She could have made sure that for instance when I was there and witness a handicap woman in a wheel chair in need of toilet -- have use of a toilet but Deutsche Bank and Amanda Burden support the systematic harassment of Occupy Wall Street which I had an in your face taste of.

I went home and google Deutsche Bank Nazis and it took me time to allow myself to fully understand Deutsche Banks direct Nazi role -- financing Deutsche Bank and IG Farben as in the gas to mass murder Jews before robbing and torturing and starving them to death and also the expermination by Dr. Mengele.

Until Deutsche Bank removes their in my opinion  very disturbed ex Marines -- who harass Occupy Wall Street and OWS visitors with intimidation and language like 'I f//cked your Mother", You are shit." I am not a civil servant I don't have to give you my name.

By the way a small skinny ex marine woman with very long hair and high heels and low skirts with real fur coat is the queen nazi of the abusive men dressed in black with no identification and refuse to admit they work for DB.  The NYPD told me the truth.

Until DB fires them and hires human beings I will keep posting.

I looked up info on whether they paid my friend for their role in his torture and slavery...still working on it but guess what?  If Dr. Mengele experimented on you -- you compensation still falls under "slave labor".  Nice huh?

If Deutsche Bank's abusive security had not been so Nazi-esque I would never have learned all this.

Part 1 of Deutsche Bank The Scream is about to break 800 views soon and you can see the fur clad Nazi queen and even her say of me, "Here she comes."   I won't rest until you are fired.  I had this before with someone who is abusive and that person is protected so I wait for karma pie to be served.  I wrote a fictional story where the heroine is murdered but she comes back as a ghost and her ghost is angry than Hamlet's Dad.   In my fictional story justice is served.  

In real life I am patient, very patient and the good news about people that screw with me is they always under estimate me.  I also think G-d or Karma serves Justice better than court systems sometimes.

By the way Deutsche Bank profited big time from stealing from the Jews including our gold and Credit Suisse was one of the Swiss banks that was the Nazi's bankers but DB was pure Nazi in direct action to exterminate the Jews.

NYC is My Community Take action! Reclaim This GREAT City!

Time to do CPR on NYC's heart and soul.

Murdoch's Colin Myler New York Daily News Joe Tacopina Baby Lisa News Corp Another Cop Arrested London

Since Murdoch's Colin Myler took power at The NY Daily News the People's newspaper now is far more trashier than the NY Post and murmurs that he gave Joe Hell Bound Tacopina a joke of a page to write on rape -- joke because it is a given Greg Kelly's accuser has no evidence to back up her claim so why did Colin Myler give Tacopina the bogus page in NYDN -- a sure thing not like Joe Tacopina's major fumble in a major network stating he thought Weiner's twitter account could have been hacked or used by someone other than him - wrong and Melissa Grace erases Joe Tacopina from an embarrassing loss where Joe again blamed the woman victim but New Yorkers jurors did not buy his misogyny despite the victim's "colorful" past.  So why is the NYDN doing all this "fixing and favors" for Joe Tacopina?

Funny I used terms like "fixing and favors" -- the same terms I use for the NYPD PBA like I have trying to get the name of City Officials that got their tickets fixed or favors direct from PBA officials and or NYPD -- trust me I am not the only one in the blog-o-sphere wondering why the cover-ups and it actually involves news reporters as well...hmmm.

Does Colin Myler and gang at the NYDN  want inside info from Joe Tacopina --  and or his connections -- what are his connections by the way.   I am still hoping Bernie Kerik will write a 2nd biography and we will learn more about Kerik -- perhaps one of the most corrupt NYPD police commissioners and Tacopina's unique relationship so special was Kerik's admiration of Joe he gave him gifts?  

Which reminds me:

Given Colin Myler's special relationship direct to the hacking scandal and Murdoch is he now going to do some extra special handling of the hacking scandal as in kill the NYDN from reporting on it?

Maybe Colin Myler gave Joe misogynist Tacopina that pathetic piece of crap to write because it was quid per quo for something else like maybe some Baby Lisa info.  No Joe wouldn't trade info for ? what I don't know -- a baby maybe dead...excuse me for thinking out loud such a thought?  

Does Tacopina feel any responsibility for fighting for van Der Sloot's freedom and innocence and than he kills another young woman but at least he did not rape her like did Natalee Holloway?

Hey I am just a 49 and half year old artist NYC and this blog my journal according to Google so I am just asking these questions because the newspapers are not.

"The police officer involved, a 29-year-old man serving in the territorial policing command of the Metropolitan Police, the formal name for Scotland Yard, was arrested while at work at a central London police station. He was the second serving officer to be arrested as part of the investigation, known as Operation Elveden, following the arrest last month of a 52-year-old female officer. In all of the arrests, the suspects were released on bail."

(By the way -- any NYC counterparts in this Murdoch scandal or was this kind of reporting exclusive to England?)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg claims He Has not seen UFT Ad Attacking him!
Explain why Pat Harris hasn't resigned? Team Bloomberg jail

Mayor Bloomberg Resigns 2012 CityTime & Ogling Breasts City Hall

Zipper A Coney Island Film about Greed and Politics!

Blog readers! I can't wait to see this film!!!!!

A note from the film maker Amy:

A film about greed, politics, land use and public policy, ZIPPER tells the story behind the battle over an American cultural icon. Small-time ride operator, Eddie Miranda, proudly runs a 38-year-old carnival contraption called the Zipper in the heart of Coney Island’s gritty amusement district. When his rented lot is snatched up by an opportunistic real estate mogul, Eddie and his ride become casualties of a power struggle between the developer and the City of New York over the future of the “People’s Playground.’’ Be it an affront to history or just the path of progress, the spirit of Coney Island is at stake. In a market-driven world where growth often trumps preservation, the Zipper may be only the beginning of what is lost.

Please spread the word about Zipper. I have been working on it for 5 years. I really felt like it was important to tell the story of what actually happened in Coney Island and to take the city's economic development policies to task. It's funny and maddening and sad all at the same. The first 8 minutes of the rough cut is on the facebook page under videos. Would love to know what you think.

Thanks again for taking the time to talk to me and keep up the good work!


Amy Nicholson
Myrtle & Olive Productions