Dear Mike: In the private sector when you are a billionaire you can say anything you want, you may get sued but as mayor you are in theory suppose to be diplomatic. Aren't you suppose to be a smart guy?
Suzannah B. Troy
Mayor Bloomberg's (Un)Greatest Hits
Mayor Bloomberg has apologized -- quite elaborately -- if he offended anyone with his remark this week about "inebriated" people hanging out the windows of the American Irish Historical Society, but our Adam Lisberg has compiled this list of other cringeworthy cracks Hizzoner has made:
- Feb. 5, 2011, about protesters at a school closing panel
"That was so much better than having to reach in and let the little sonofabitch bite you."
- Feb. 2, 2011, dissing groundhog Staten Island Chuck
- Feb. 2, 2011, dissing groundhog Staten Island Chuck
"The city is going fine. Broadway shows were full last night. There are lots of tourists here enjoying themselves."
- Dec. 27, 2010, downplaying the city's botched blizzard response
- Dec. 27, 2010, downplaying the city's botched blizzard response
"Tom Frieden's with us - Friedman - yes, well, Foley."
- Sept. 17, 2010, trying to remember the name of his health commissioner, Thomas Farley
- Sept. 17, 2010, trying to remember the name of his health commissioner, Thomas Farley
"The guy that runs BP didn't exactly go down there and blow up the well."
- June 10, 2010, defending BP CEO Tony Hayward during the gulf oil spill
- June 10, 2010, defending BP CEO Tony Hayward during the gulf oil spill
"We successfully advocated for reducing or eliminating the unincorporated business tax for some 17,000 freeloaders."
- May 12, 2010, trying to praise freelancers
- May 12, 2010, trying to praise freelancers
"You're a disgrace."
- May 28, 2009, to a reporter who questioned his rationale for a third term
- May 28, 2009, to a reporter who questioned his rationale for a third term
"Jumping to any conclusion - it may be just one of those things, an accident, that happens."
- April 26, 2009, defending Con Edison after a Queens mom died from a leaky gas line
- April 26, 2009, defending Con Edison after a Queens mom died from a leaky gas line
"This is just too important to get disruptive, and maybe we'll just take everything outside."
- April 16, 2009, as a disabled reporter tried to stop a tape recorder from playing during a news conference
- April 16, 2009, as a disabled reporter tried to stop a tape recorder from playing during a news conference
"There are plenty of heroes. It's just in this case, the science says this was not a hero."
- Oct. 29, 2007, about the death of NYPD Detective James Zadroga after working at Ground Zero
- Oct. 29, 2007, about the death of NYPD Detective James Zadroga after working at Ground Zero
"Kevin Burke deserves a thanks from this city. He's worked as hard as he can every single day since then, as has everybody at Con Ed."
- July 24, 2006, defending Con Edison's CEO during the Queens blackout
- July 24, 2006, defending Con Edison's CEO during the Queens blackout
"Governor Pataki and I laid the tombstone for the Freedom Tower at the site of the World Trade Center."
- Aug. 30, 2004, after laying the cornerstone
- Aug. 30, 2004, after laying the cornerstone
"The guy was fat - big guy - but heavy. And the food was inedible."
- Jan. 20, 2004, describing dinner at the home of diet doctor Robert Atkins
- Jan. 20, 2004, describing dinner at the home of diet doctor Robert Atkins
"If the police damaged our children the way our educational system did, we'd go shoot the police commissioner."
- April 26, 2002, talking about school reform
- April 26, 2002, talking about school reform