Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included
mayor bloomberg, de Blasio I call Bloomed Blasio, Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton, Reznick, O'Neill Know a lot about fixing crime don't they?

See bottom of Blog to see info Unions, Wiki page, Vote Quinn OUT! etc.

See my YouTubes & Blog Postings on CityTime Corruption starting w/ May 27, 2010 Suzannah B. Troy's 1st YouTube on CityTime calling for NO renewal w/ SAIC and a full investigation!!! Reminder: Rudy gave us SAIC & CityTime (We didn’t need either-Mike ran with it Tax Payer’s Titanic)
Don't believe the news, New Yorkers are angry & will not vote for BLOOMBERG! Note: Mayor Bloomberg and his top deputies & key staff all took immunity in the Haggerty trial. Why? Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and committed perjury Haggerty Trial. Next the CityTime Trial with Team Bloomberg suffering amnesia yet again! Stay tuned! Vote for Christine Quinn if YOU want Mike to have a 4th term from the golf course! In front of SAIC NY offices demanding way more than 600 million $ back for The People of NYC ! Letter in Defense of Suzannah's YouTube Channel GoogleE-Burka by Louis Flores URGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed!
Mike Yelled down Aug. 20 CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech

Friday, July 31, 2009

Christine Quinn called a whore? Did she sell out democracy? Small businesses? Sold the city to developers w/ kickbacks aka campaign contributions?

Read this article and "buy" the way after reading it you might not want to vote for Melinda Katz and any and all city council members that voted to extend term limits.

Christine Quinn is included in this practice of taking money from developers. Read this piece by Benjamin Lesser and the last two paragraphs expose Quinn's damming behavior.

Mike Bloomberg when asked for a comment on the above answered he loves his mini-me or something like that...he is so predictable!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bloomberg Newzzz by Suzannah B. Troy, read it, vote for Tony Avella for Mayor

Suzannah B. Troy at the Jane Jacob's street naming protesting Mayor Bloomberg King of New York as well as Christine Quinn.

I urge you to read my piece "Bloomberg Newzzz" and all you democrats to get out and vote for Tony Avella for mayor.

Bill Thompson I am sure is a nice man but he couldn't stop the pension scandals which was like white collar crime time City Hall. Please read this article

Please read this article re: Bill Thompson's office being investigated because of pension scandals. The city just seems so darn corrupt if Thompson couldn't stop this how is he going to be mayor?

Tony Avella and Charles Barron, the only two city council members with integrity voted no to this Coney Island make over take over = destroying NYC's

Charles Barron and Tony Avella, both voted against throwing out term limits because that is like throwing away democracy denying the people a referendum both voted -- THEY WERE THE ONLY TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS TO VOTE 'NO' to this hideous make-over take-over, that again robs the people NYC literally from right out under them; robs the city of it's soul!

Under Bloomberg, socialite mega millionaire, wicked witch Amanda Burden, Christine Quinn and many of her city council members either stealing money or getting campaign contributions from developers that look more like commission pay for pork payments -- it was no surprise.

I don't have to thank Charles Barron or Tony Avella for having integrity when it comes to democracy -- not being quiet when democratic process is literally being robbed and flushed down the toilet for greed and stupidity just like what brought down Wall Street and the people had to pay; the same here Barron and Avella stood up for the people with yet another obscene land grab okayed with Mike the developers best friend Bloomberg blessing!

9-11 was horrific -- I saw the planes gaping holes -- yes there were holes -- it wasn't one hole that I saw -- I remember people standing on 5th Avenue with their car doors open, radios blasting and people standing by the opened doors of their cars listening and crying... I remember walking further West, seeing another gaping hole in the WTC towers.

I went home and sat with a neighbor and than the Towers collapsed.

I voted for Mike Bloomberg because he was a businessman and he and his cronies and Mike's zombies steal -- oops still repeat this mantra "he is a bussinesman."

Just like the people crying on 5th Avenue listening to the radio watching the Towers burn, the memory of the parishioners crying and praying on the street, many of them on their knees is burned in my psyche psyche 1 |ˈsīkē| |ˈsaɪki| |ˈsʌɪki|
nounthe human soul, mind,
I woke up in my home of 20 years to find my neighborhood turning in to a bad xerox of midtown turning in to a bad xerox of midtown.
I made a youtube that I can't find -- it suggested Mike marry Christine Quinn and that he turned City Hall in to supersized condos and an amusement center.
Mike Bloomberg and gang destroyed this city in the name of progress, they displacement record amounts of New Yorkers and NYU,Columbia U., Cooper Union and other greedy developers would fly us out if they could to get rid of us. We are an inconvenient truth -- over very existences -- not even people to tired and wary to raise their voices in opposition. Many won't be voting against Mike Bloomberg because they just don't leave her anymore evicted in mass evictions, eminent domain grabs galore thanks to the likes of Mike Bloomberg and gang.
Cooper Union and students would be the only real estate magnate group to yell at displaced people and small businesses -- we need to displace you for our free tution. Everyone else is not so stupid but it doesn't stop them from pushing their propaganda -- total lies which anyone with eyes can see since the newspapers owned by real estate magnates -- even the pathetic little sell out "The Village is owned by John air space Sutter who I believed sold air space to Donald soulless Trump so he could blot our vision from the memory of The WTC with his heinous testament to why men need "very big cars" and very big displays of wealth.
Like the "new" Yankee Stadium -- this new new york is not for middle class and the poor. Babe Ruth did not build this stadium but greed and a lot of tax payers dolllars, tax payers that can't afford a seat to watch a game that originated on the street.

Welcome to Mike Bloomberg's "new" hideous New York!
Read "Bloomberg Newzzz"

I am voting for Tony Avella.
Don't fall in to the trap -- the phony lie that Mike can save this city -- Mike Bloomberg sold this city -- he sold the people of this great city out -- literally and every small business has folded or is on the "verge",
don't let it be a "D" see the above link -- there is no DILEMMA -- vote this man and his "crew", his gang, his company and that includes every city council member that voted to extend term limits. Also any city council member that took money or favors from developers and that includes NYU, Cooper Union or Columbia U in any way shape or form -- if it did happen -- it needs to be exposed. It is one thing for them to advertise in every newspapers and get puff pieces and oped pieces published because of their money but if we can find politicos took any favor or a promise of position -- they need to go....These institutions of higher ed are experts at greasing palms...
I called for City Council's votes on term limits to be tossed out because they are tainted and now the newspapers have stop reporting on corruption at City Hall.

I am voting for Tony Avella. I want you to vote for Tony Avella

I want Thompson to explain how he did not effectively stop the pension scandals to me but if he beats Avella, I will vote for him over Bloomberg.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

You are a disgrace!

Leonard Levitt NYPD Confidential Giuliani forgives Mort Zuckerman's $38 million forfeiture fee for failing to close Coliseum deal

Page 51 Leonard Levitt NYPD Confidential Giuliani forgives Mort Zuckerman's $38 million forfeiture fee for failing to close Coliseum deal,

Giuliani was just the warm up for Bloomberg who took catering to developers aka know as real estate magnates -- who gee happen to own all the newspapers, etc.

Reading about what appears to be Giuliani's adulterous affair and how he gave this woman huge big fat raises and enormous power for a 30 year old woman -- nice --- you know what they say you have to give //// to get a head! She was able to continue working for the city after Giuliani replaced her with his "soul mate" and she got another raise! She became the head of tourism at $150,ooo. Wow, most socialites are paid a big lump sum as a settlement for services here in NYC. Nice work Giuliani, you did not have to pay out of your own pocket!

I guess women that know their place with regard to powerful men can always find a position.

Giuliani, another emperor of NYC wannabe, had a double standard when it came to ethics, morality and conflicts of interests.

What a massive conflict of interest and so unprofessional but Giuliani would describe it as an issue of the heart just like his present relationship is about soul.
What a slimy, slimy man --- I am so happy he has found his soul mate!

So sad that I believed Mike Bloomberg was going to be different and better! Innovative but innovations were how to sell the city from right under the people of New York to NYU, Cooper Union, etc. No wonder Mort Zuckerman joined John Sexton (best friend Jon Corzine, formely head of Goldman Sachs) in the chorus of "Mike Bloomberg must have a third term".

I guess Levitt won't be getting a job at The NY Daily News anytime soon. Do you think they will publish anymore of my letters. I think not.

Mike Jr. aka Christine Quinn Slush Fund Liar & may I add she was part of the gang that flushed democracy down the toilet & takes $$$ from developers

I wish I was there -- please make sure to read the early posting on this site with links to The New York Daily News stating that Quinn, Melinda Katz and many others take campaign contributions from developers that seem more like commissions or kickbacks. Doesn't it make you want to puke when you go to the steps of City Hall, when you right council members and our mayor asking for help and they are too busy counting campaign contributions from developers to give a dam -- power corrupts -- time to flush them all from City Hall and reclaim democracy!!!!!!

Vote no third term for any of the city council that voted to extend terming limits starting with Quinn.

From Albany to City Hall, the people of New York City have been robbed and instead of putting homeless people on an airplane out of here, now about giving this corrupt self serving politicians one way ticket to jail if we could pull their heads out of corrupt developers //// -- many of them I bet have fines galore from DEP and ECB but hey -- just like the corrupt politics in New York -- for the most part -- they are all above the law!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sssh, notice the media coverage of NY Political corruption has gone quiet suddenly? Read my very long piece "Bloomberg Newzzz" -- and I think he keeps socialite mega million, Amanda Burden, City Planner around because compared to her, Bloomberg is warm and cuddly! Also, since contacting the press with Bloomberg Newzz and calling for the "term limits deal ordeal", votes by a tainted City Council to be tossed out" -- I have noticed the press has stopped giving us any news on the on going investigation at City Hall. Amazing, every time the news shows politicians in handcuffs in New Jersey, I keep wondering why every New York politico has avoided such photos and media coverage. Even corruption at City Hall is "neatly" handled!

Very public arrests are needed here in NYC!!!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Norman Siegel's piece on why we need a Public Advocate on Bloomberg Newzzz

Bravo Norman Siegel and I want you for Public Advocate because you have the legal background and more experience in my opinion than anybody else running! The Brooklyn Council Member you refer to was one of several exposed by The New York Post for receiving a large amount of slush money described as discretionary from the mayor that would be king, Mike Bloomberg. Below is a link and just one paragraph for readers.
"Government Operations Committee chairman Simcha Felder (Brooklyn) received $1.9 million from the mayor's fund, far more than any of his council colleagues. He has received funds from Bloomberg's fund every year since 2003, in which time the allocations have doubled. It is widely believed Felder supports a term-limits change." Excerpt from The New York Post piece

I have written a long piece called Bloomberg Newzzz and in it I state my belief that we do need a Public Advocate, now more than ever.

NOTE: Silmcha Felder endorses Mark Green which is all the more reason to vote for Norman Siegel!

Suzannah B. Troy in $6 recession bikini top w/ iphone reading "Bloomberg Newzzz" She thinks Bloomie is going to lose!!!!!!!

Politicians in Albany abusing campaign money and it is legal but feels criminal! Reform is needed so that it is criminal.

Politicians in Albany abusing campaign money and it is legal but feels criminal! Reform is needed so that it is criminal.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

How many city council members got big bucks from developers? Too many & all voted to extend term limits. Melinda Katz got big bucks Christine Quinn

Read this article and "buy" the way after reading it you might not want to vote for Melinda Katz and any and all city council members that voted to extend term limits.

Christine Quinn is included in this practice of taking money from developers. Read this piece by Benjamin Lesser and the last two paragraphs expose Quinn's damming behavior.

When city council members give pork to developers and developers turn around and make campaign donations is that like city council members getting a commission on the pork aka tax payers money they give to that like kick backs or favors, scratch my back, I will scratch yours....

The mayor pushed a tsunami of community crushing development and these city council members that don't consider themselves corrupt took campaign contributions from developers. No wonder they want to deny us a referendum and stay on a third term and forever if possible.

In the damming piece by Benjamin Lesser he exposes how corrupt city council members can even appear to be helping with affordable housing but oops they gave pork to developers with bad track records. Gee, I wonder why.

From Albany to City Hall the people of New York and especially the inhabitants of NYC who are not part of the elite rich got screwed in the worst ways by politicians that are suppose to be serving the public but they forgot that along the way when it became about their egos, greed and stupidity.

City Council members including Quinn flushed democracy down the toilet so they could continue these practices. How many city council members are in bed with developers...? Too many and asking city council for help fighting developers crushing our community is like asking the developers' mayor or socialite city planner mega millionaire Amanda Burden for help....

don't expect any.

Final Rally to Save Coney Island.

Final Save Coney Island Rally (Sun.) before the City Council Vote!!


The City Council is voting next Wednesday on the City's flawed Coney Island plan. This Sunday, we will make ourselves heard loud and clear:

The City Council must FIX the plan or KILL the plan. The future of Coney Island as an amusement destination hangs on the balance.

WHAT: Rally to Save Coney Island
WHEN: Sunday, July 26th at 1 p.m.
WHERE: By the steps of Brooklyn Borough Hall

Coney Island "Mayor" and Mermaid Parade founder Dick Zigun
Historian and "Coney Island: Lost and Found" author Charles Denson
Cyclone operator and former Astroland co-owner Carol Albert
Owner of Coney Island's Lola Staar Souvenir Boutique Dianna Carlin
Miss Cyclone Angie Pontani
World Famous *BOB*
The Great Fredini

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Suzannah B. Troy adds part of "Part 2" Bloomberg Newzzz

You will find I repeat phrases like "Amanda Burden, socialite mega millionaire city planner, wicked witch of the East Village"
or "NYU, the evil empire, the purple reign of terror"

I repeat often St. Ann's from 1847 survived everything all these years but NYU's need and greed to build yet another mega dorm in the East Village.

"Cooper Union's hideous fractured aquarium new Studio"

Mayor Mike green mayor? Not, unless you are talking green as in buying a third term!

Photo from 1010 news -- see link

Oopsseee the mayor has been busted....time to watch my Mike Bloomberg Propaganda Bra YouTube!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

my Mayor Bloomberg King of New York Poster Is Democracy for Sale? poster

Stop Bloomberg a YouTube not by me!

Revisiting protesting Christine Quinn Ms. Scandalous but city council has quite a few Ms. Scandalouses

Revisiting Suzannah $6 recession bikini top & Christine Quinn "ms scanadalous: although city council has quite a few Ms. Scandalouses Suzannah B. Troy in $6 recession bikini top protesting Christine Quinn and corruption at City Hall!!!!

Comment at the very bottom of this article calls for Christine Quinn's resignation.

The last two paragraphs of the above link is very damming article clearly implicating city councils and they last two paragraphs expose Christine Quinn. After reading the last 2 paragraphs I wondered if Dermott is going to return the 2 million she gave them and in return oh should I say that or does that entitle Quinn to handcuff braclets -- it would an average person but hey when it comes to politicians, they are above the law -- at least until a force higher and federal takes a look and even than they manage to remain above the law.

Speaking of handcuffs -- Quinn has so far avoided handcuffs because we tax payers are paying for top lawyers that specialize in white collar crime for her and her staff. How wonderful that city council staff starting with Quinn need high priced lawyers that specialize in White Collar Crime!!!!!!!!!!! TWEED del dee TWEED del dumb....

Don't be surprised if one day there is a revolution if this keeps up.

I read Mike Daly's piece today and the disgrace senators in denial and I wrote comments stating there should be a counter flashing how much these ego maniacs are costing the tax payers and that goes for city hall. They cost of corruption, ego maniacs that refuse to work together, etc cost us and so much so when taxes are raised even more people will be forced out...although people are leaving in droves as it is.

I told Michael a bartender at Zoe's and he thought it was such a great idea he suggested the counter showing how much these "politicos' are costing tax payers be an app on iphone.

Poll says NY voters angry over Senate Coup If only we could put a ticker up of how much the clowns in Albany are costing tax payers!

I wish we could have the senators investigated as well as city council and the community boards because they don't seem to understand they serve the people of New York but operate like mini-oligarchs, fat cats that are too high on ego trips and power plays.

This is suppose to be a democracy where you serve the people not abuse or even enjoy the power you think you have and are in fact abusing.

With community boards, we did not vote for these people so therefore community boards are the most undemocratic part of city government and also the best kept secret on purpose.

Stop and ask a New Yorker if they know there is a community board. Most do not know and if they do most have written them off which is how power players in the community want to keep it.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sent to press & activist lawyers, I want tainted city council votes to extend term limits tossed!

Baez makes 5 city council members tainted by corruption
that voted to extend term limits
and there are more scandals coming
exposing corrupt wheelings and dealings city hall...

I do not have your resources -- the majority of my info comes from reading The NY Post and The NY Post but it is obvious
we need legal action immediately to toss city council votes to extend term limits.

Term limits deal, ordeal, let's call the whole thing off.

Tom Kennedy, a youtuber pointed out Seabrook's and Stewart's aides might be taking the fall for them but we agree it is hard to believe they are not guilty. Didn't they keep tabs on money to make sure it was going to where it should be.

I don't have your resources but I count 5 tainted aides that voted for term limits, more corruption is going to be exposed and it is time to throw out the term limit vote by city council as tainted and invalid.

Sorry Bloomberg wasted all that money on a campaign he clearly had no right to run unless he won that right from New Yorkers via a referendum not through tainted votes by corrupt city council members.

Suzannah B. Troy

Here is David Siefman's latest slush fund scandal news...

Term limits deal ordeal? Let's call the whole thing off!

The NY Post articles exposing Bloomberg's slush money and Quinn's high priced defense attorney & top law firms for staff at tax payers expense!

Folks there is so much corruption I can't keep up with the news reports to post but I want to revisit these. When ever I hear Simcha Felder and Peter Vallone Jr. speak I think of the large slush pay offs, oops, I mean slush money they received from king mayor Mike Bloomberg.
Look at this one to see Peter Vallone's face and the fact he and Felder received millions in slush money from Bloomberg in slush--- inspiration for voting for a third term and more slush money -- they were give money that is called discretionary meaning they can spend any way they want.


See above link to be reminded Christine Quinn (in like Flynn--for old movie fans Errol Flynn) felt compelled to spell large amounts of tax payer money for top law firms and for her a top defense lawyer that specializes in white collar crime -- at the time this article was written the bill was heading toward one quarter of a million so how much are the tax payers being billed to date?
Go to youtube and click on links to newspaper articles in the text portion.

Tony Avella for Mayor!!!!!!! He is an honest council member and a fighter for the people of NYC.

Tony Avella is an honest council member. I know that sounds like a contradiction "honest" "council member" but he is and a true fighter for the people. I am voting for Tony Avella, I want him for mayor.

Martinez part of the corrupt gang that denied us a referendum and voted for us, thanks mayor Bloomberg

Please note that Arroyo, Stewart, Seabrook and Martinez voted to extend term limits, does that mean we can take their votes back and rescind the term limits deal ordeal?

Note the head of this list is Christine Quinn and I would add Mike Bloomberg because I voted for him and he betrayed my vote, twice.
He did not fight for us the community against community crushing developers starting with NYU and Cooper Union but he helped them crush our community.

He also flushed democracy down the toilet. He is buying a third term and he thought he could buy one for Christine Quinn after he is done being the mayor king but Quinn is no longer in like Flynn, she has burned too many bridges. In one of my early youtubes I had advised Mike to simple marry her so he could legally run the city this way rather than the term limits debacle but no Mike had to add to the collapse of yet another infrastructure....democracy.

Poll on The New York Daily News website shows 86 percent believe corruption systemic aka City Hall rife with corruption!

The hottest like for NYC politico is handcuffs!!!!!!!!!

That is what New Yorkers think!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Suzannah B. Troy wearing $6 dollar recession bikini top WATCH THE YOUTUBE! City council taking campaign money = Christine Quinn she is no Jane Jacobs!

Read the article below and the last few paragraphs expose how Quinn took campaign money from a developer....It is worse than that and how she could show up to Jane Jacobs street naming at all is beyond under person with an understand of right and wrong but hey it is city council who overwhelmingly doesn't understand right from wrong! Thank goodness we have our first city council member resigning and I hope more are to come but first they are arrrested at City Council to send a message, stop robbing the tax payers you are suppose to be serving!

David Yassky did not explain law to helper kind of like not understanding denying us a referendum was wrong aka robbing us of democracy!

David Yassky's young campaign staffer was attaching campaign posters to light poles along the 2nd Avenue and I informed him he was breakng the law, removed them and handed back to him. He removed the ones he was putting up and said he did not know. I guess this is all knew to David Yassky but no that can't be, David is pretending yet again he doesn't understand right from wrong just like he did denying the people of New York a referendum! I want to put my posters up on the light poles but I was told is against the law and David Yassky know this is so but I am guessing he believes he is above the law...."business" as is true the public servants supposedly representing the people of New York act more like organized crime and they are confident they are above the law. Thank goodness we have one resignation of a council member in the bag and he has pleaded guilty but we need public arrests and representatives that will stop robbing the tax payers...finally they are some arrests but more arrests are needed. See my first youtube "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York". I am exhausted. There are more links please check text portion m

Also for those who want to see real news -- mucking racking news exposing corruption --- see me in my recession $6 bikini top with my slushgate sign and shouting out about Quinn taking money from developers at Jane Jacobs street signing! Ooops did not make the news -- I even called the nypost and nydailynews editor -- I guess they thought I would have middle aged saggy breasts..... check text portion for Benjamin Lessings piece exposioning mega slush fund and more corruption!

TWEED del dee tweed dumb city hall!!!!!!!!

So glad we have one city council member out and pleading guilty!
Suzannah B. Troy

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What is it going to take from Albany to City hall, voting, handcuffs or a revolution?

Posing as serving the people jokers in senate cost New Yorkers $65 mill which means more cuts for NYC, more proof we need term limits!

Team Bloomberg runs big fat lie in NY Post saying Mike is a fighter for our communities!


IS ANYONE AWARE OF THE PENSION SCANDAL AND THE FACT IT HAPPENED RIGHT UNDER BILL THOMPSON'S NOSE? YES, HE DID NOTE IT WAS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST BUT HE DID NOT STOP THE GREEDY /$%$%$%s so how could he be mayor especially with the unending city council scandals? The newest exposed in The NY Daily News about getting pay offs from developers including Christine Quinn?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I was sent this article & it states WFP was set in advance to back Bloomberg

I contacted WFP and asked is this true. If I don't hear an answer than we will know soon enough.

I want Bloomberg out of office.

Read Daily gotham on Bloomberg's trained monkeys (frankly I like monkeys better)

I posted this on WFP blog but I don't know if they will approve it.

  1. Suzannah B. Troy says:

    Your comment is waiting moderation.

    Thank you to the Working Family Party for providing the people of New York with this opportunity. I felt you did a good job and asked important questions. I am disappointed you did not ask the mayor and Bill Thompson about the conflicts of interests and financial scandals regarding the pension scandals and Christine Quinn — City Council slushgate.

    Other wise you did a good job and thank you for the opportunity to hear New Yorkers ask important questions and the candidates answer. It did not change my decision — I am voting for the Tony Avella because as some of your representatives pointed out tonight — he is honest.

No Third term for mayor Bloomberg King of New York!!! Is democracy for sale?

Suzannah B. Troy, Mayor Bloomberg King of New York, Is democracy for sale? poster, Mike + NYU destroyed what I knew and loved, oust the king!

WFP Mayoral Forum/Watched the king of NY, Mike and as usual he talks a good show but reality is a different experience

Yes, Mike has done some good and the next mayor can continue but do way better because he will actually represent the people of New York rather than greedy community crushing developers including NYU, Cooper Union and Columbia U.

Now the harsh ugly reality --- the streets of New York are in the most awful shape in many years.
Crime is up although statistics don't show it. The NYPD is doing the best it can I hope but they had the hit of recruiting with only $24,000 and they are at the smallest number of NYPD policing the largest population in NYC history reported and unreported population.

Mike closed firehouses as he pushed a tsunami of community crushing development.

Mike is closing homeless shelters like Peter's Place and Huss House.

I have never seen the mayor show up at one eviction battle. When he talked about evictions tonight I want to puke because I couldn't swallow his dishonest slick answer. I watched an entire building, 47 East 3rd Street being evicted and it was wrong and showed the same callous soulless monsterous greed of a Bernie Maddoff, Columbia U. and NYU and Cooper Union and many other developers and landlords. They only thing the mayor has not done is join these greedy monsters in providing buses and trains to move us out.

Tony Avella shows up to fight evictions and I interviewed fighting Columbia U. abuse of eminent domain abuse.

There are more homeless people on the street -- just look and use your eyes -- it is hard to miss.

I called 311 and very few issues were ever resolved and most were not.

Mike Bloomberg pushed nightlife and for me as a woman I want to point out as the mayor pushed nightlife while he continued our crush our communities and make it impossible to remain in our neighborhoods. We don't recognize our neighborhoods and how many women were raped and murdered and their horrific deaths were associated with nightlife that has been forced down our throats, in fact-- one woman's body is stll missing and another woman was raped two days ago. Do I hear any outrage? No! Because nightlife and under Bloomberg the people with money are more important than our communities.

Bill Thompson and Mike Bloomberg let a pension scandal of massive greed happen right under their noses and under Mike City Council aides are being arrest and their bosses should be arrested as well. Under Mike, Christine Quinn had to hire a top white collar crime defense attorney paid for by our tax dollars.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Norman Siegel interviewed by Suzannah Troy in front of Kunstler house, Margaret Kunstler fund raiser for Norman Public Advoate

Activist just contacted me about Norman's involvement with night life.
I have to talk to Norman about this. Norman and I stood together fighting fire house closings and he helped me feel safe to go out and post my Mike bloomberg King of New York posters but NYU mega dorming the East Village to death and nightlife made life unliveable and it has hurt the middle classes and poor.
* I just spoke to Norman Siegel about the activists concerns and my include corruption and he made it clear that as public advocate he would fight for us the people of New York and he agrees about noise and clearly he is against corruption. I spoke to him about the latest woman being raped, the women raped and murdered and he understood where I am coming from.

He told me if people want to talk to him, call him and he will set up a meeting. I support his work taking on Christine Quinn and the slushgate scandal and I support Norman Siegel for Public Advocate.

I am voting for Norman Siegel! Here is a trivia question...what if Mike Bloomberg suddenly quit to become a professional golfer? Who takes over?