Yes, Mike has done some good and the next mayor can continue but do way better because he will actually represent the people of New York rather than greedy community crushing developers including NYU, Cooper Union and Columbia U.
Now the harsh ugly reality --- the streets of New York are in the most awful shape in many years.
Crime is up although statistics don't show it. The NYPD is doing the best it can I hope but they had the hit of recruiting with only $24,000 and they are at the smallest number of NYPD policing the largest population in NYC history reported and unreported population.
Mike closed firehouses as he pushed a tsunami of community crushing development.
Mike is closing homeless shelters like Peter's Place and Huss House.
I have never seen the mayor show up at one eviction battle. When he talked about evictions tonight I want to puke because I couldn't swallow his dishonest slick answer. I watched an entire building, 47 East 3rd Street being evicted and it was wrong and showed the same callous soulless monsterous greed of a Bernie Maddoff, Columbia U. and NYU and Cooper Union and many other developers and landlords. They only thing the mayor has not done is join these greedy monsters in providing buses and trains to move us out.
Tony Avella shows up to fight evictions and I interviewed fighting Columbia U. abuse of eminent domain abuse.
There are more homeless people on the street -- just look and use your eyes -- it is hard to miss.
I called 311 and very few issues were ever resolved and most were not.
Mike Bloomberg pushed nightlife and for me as a woman I want to point out as the mayor pushed nightlife while he continued our crush our communities and make it impossible to remain in our neighborhoods. We don't recognize our neighborhoods and how many women were raped and murdered and their horrific deaths were associated with nightlife that has been forced down our throats, in fact-- one woman's body is stll missing and another woman was raped two days ago. Do I hear any outrage? No! Because nightlife and under Bloomberg the people with money are more important than our communities.
Bill Thompson and Mike Bloomberg let a pension scandal of massive greed happen right under their noses and under Mike City Council aides are being arrest and their bosses should be arrested as well. Under Mike, Christine Quinn had to hire a top white collar crime defense attorney paid for by our tax dollars.
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July 2nd, 2009 at 7:09 pm
Thank you to the Working Family Party for providing the people of New York with this opportunity. I felt you did a good job and asked important questions. I am disappointed you did not ask the mayor and Bill Thompson about the conflicts of interests and financial scandals regarding the pension scandals and Christine Quinn — City Council slushgate.
Other wise you did a good job and thank you for the opportunity to hear New Yorkers ask important questions and the candidates answer. It did not change my decision — I am voting for the Tony Avella because as some of your representatives pointed out tonight — he is honest.