Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included
mayor bloomberg, de Blasio I call Bloomed Blasio, Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton, Reznick, O'Neill Know a lot about fixing crime don't they?

See bottom of Blog to see info Unions, Wiki page, Vote Quinn OUT! etc.

See my YouTubes & Blog Postings on CityTime Corruption starting w/ May 27, 2010 Suzannah B. Troy's 1st YouTube on CityTime calling for NO renewal w/ SAIC and a full investigation!!! Reminder: Rudy gave us SAIC & CityTime (We didn’t need either-Mike ran with it Tax Payer’s Titanic)
Don't believe the news, New Yorkers are angry & will not vote for BLOOMBERG! Note: Mayor Bloomberg and his top deputies & key staff all took immunity in the Haggerty trial. Why? Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and committed perjury Haggerty Trial. Next the CityTime Trial with Team Bloomberg suffering amnesia yet again! Stay tuned! Vote for Christine Quinn if YOU want Mike to have a 4th term from the golf course! In front of SAIC NY offices demanding way more than 600 million $ back for The People of NYC ! Letter in Defense of Suzannah's YouTube Channel GoogleE-Burka by Louis Flores URGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed!
Mike Yelled down Aug. 20 CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech

Friday, October 21, 2016

Under Mayor Mike Bloomberg corrupt Ray Kelly for sale like cheap candy Critic isn't safe in a doctor's office Soho where the First Precinct does fixing and favors as well as retaliation the video evidence breaks 350,000 views

Years now de Blasio Bloomdeblasio but unlike Bloomberg he could go to jail because he doesn't have lots of money so he can't buy the friends the Bloomberg has bought but 3 police commissioners and the NYPD IA crimes still protected..

waiting for mayor and pc that won't cover up crimes how ever long the wait is

Dr. Fagelman Assault Receptionist Delita Hooks Punches Patient and LIES to the NYPD and Dr Andrew Fagelman has not fired her but protected her violence and lies YouTube 350,000 views and was he part of the goal to have the NYPD COERCE Victim?

If so -- if Dr Andrew Fagleman was party to wrong doing it sounds to me like he is party to a pile up of crimes from the MD's to the NYPD -- so far no JUSTICE so thanks for helping the YouTube hit 350,000 views.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Cyril Almeida reporter banned from leaving Pakinstan I tweet him He is not alone stay strong nyc USA mayor Bloomberg, Ray Kelly, de Blasio and Bratton, Zachary Carter well party to violence and lies at the doctors office to the NYPD Who joined in the threats and lied and police reports so they're all party to violence and lies from Dr Andrew Fagelman.

.@cyalm Stay strong nyc USA NYPD nycgov party to violence lies attack MD office NYPD joined in violence LIED police reports threatened me

.@cyalm NYC Mayor Bloomberg, Ray Kelly, de Blasio Bratton, Zachary Carter party to violence lies including NYPD me etc because of my blog

@NYCMayorsOffice @BilldeBlasio I voted for Bill. He has Zachary Carter gang lie in court like Bloomberg for NYPD

Cyril Almeida reporter banned from leaving Pakinstan I tweet him He is not alone stay strong nyc USA mayor Bloomberg, Ray Kelly, de Blasio and Bratton, Zachary Carter well party to violence and lies at the doctors office to the NYPD  Who joined in the threats and lied and police reports so they're all party to violence and lies from Dr Andrew Fagelman.

New York City government officials are willing to protect violence in mice at a doctors office lie in court because they don't like my  New York City government officials are willing to protect violence of mice at a doctors office lie in court because they don't like my blog!

 They're willing to break laws the party breaking laws because they don't like a critic.

.@cyalm NYC, USA mayor michael Bloomberg, de Blasio protect crimes if they don't like critics
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
.@cyalm… Hole in my retina etc MD's office violence lies than NYPD internal affairs nyc gov joined in!!! NYC, USA!

.@MikeBloomberg @WHO Mike who called Cy Vance had him ask Judge to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status shocking Judge a 1st for her!

.@MikeBloomberg 911 tech remains the biggest corruption New York City government not want to rest NYPD top brass graft as contractors stole$

.@MikeBloomberg sea of taxpayer techTitanic's under u, ubuy NYPD like candy & u r party to NYPD crimes my case & Corp Counsel lying in court

FYI  contractors delivered late and they delivered crap  endangering all our lives and lobbyist left all the way to the bank .  this was many high tech disasters in a sea of taxpayer Titanics under Michael bloomberg.   Many of the contractors are tied to Homeland security NSA Pentagon The White House it's sick mean you're supposed to be patriotic not ripping us off especially in response to Sept 11,

mark Peters  under Bill Deblasio so the lie that overbilling is not stealing what it is but it was worse than that they delivered crap they delivered it late on 911 aka ectp.

De Blasio can't  afford to buy the NYPD  and my Case  was no different and even worse with corporate counsel.   De Blasio no progressive in my case is proof enough for me  I will never vote for him again and I just think he may  forced out and the girls to put Scott Stringer in a mini Mike Bloomberg want to be who make no changes  what do whatever every rich person asks him

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Monday, October 10, 2016

Mike Bloomberg Condemned Donald Trump how about his pal Jeffrey Epstein -- U won't find it in Bloomberg, Cy Vance and a lot more..

Unreadable and it isn't just the missing index with a list of very recognizable names including Cy Vance.

Is Epstein a billionaire?  How has he avoided being listed in the Forbes Billionaire list is he really is?  The book is a sham and shocking Patterson "sold" out -- dropped the bar way down-- hint -- he manages to omit Cyrus Vance -- Manhattan DA has a female asst. district attorney Jennifer Gaffney ask to lower Epstein's sex predator shocking the seasoned JUDGE who said NO!  Question is -- who put Cy Vance up to such a misogynist dirty deed...? “I have to tell you I am a little overwhelmed because I have never seen a prosecutor’s office do anything like this,” Justice Ruth Pickholz said, according to records. “I have done many (sex offender registration hearings) much less troubling than this one where the (prosecutor) would never make a downward argument like this.”  No brainer who made the call but Patterson wants to profit not write a hard hitting book that takes out to NYC where there are no arrests and Cy Vance and DAs are for sale.  I  will post link to NYDN article  Ok -- Patterson did Ghislaine Maxwell "a favor" not mentioning the supposed heiress is 1 of at least 9 children and she ended up in Manhattan FLAT BROKE when Epstein hired her or dated her... you pick the word choice -- same difference to Epstein.   Another wards Patterson is spewing propaganda the kind Bill Clinton likes so I am guess "Play it SAFE Patterson" is not going to ask hard questions about who called Cy Vance and came up with the idea to ask to lower Epstein's sex predator status and why!

To prove Patterson is a sham and should stick to FICTION there is not index in the back.


She is a pimp and she was broke.  She was wiling to do ANYTHING to have the clothes and lifestyle that "daddy" gave her and there are mysteries tied to her supposed house that Epstein's lawyer actually bought according to the NY Post and than there is the Epstein house that was really Wexner's.
Jeffrey Epstein, pimp special services girl friday Maxwell and Donald Trump use the word "favor" very differently than you and I.  I would tell you re: pimp Maxwell follow the money trail but you may be better off following the "favor" trail, clothing, trips....

I have Amazon Prime -- I am returning this book and wait for a non-fiction book with an index that has a lot more names in it including Cy Vance and the free sex predator app with Epstein's name but not Ghislaine Maxwell's.

There is a very very unattractive photo of Epstein as a young man -- very unflattering.

There is a very very unattractive photo of Epstein as a young man -- very unflattering.
The photo may give you some insights in to Epstein's "behavior".

He and Woody Allen also aging badly -- will have to grease the wheels to cope with their targets revolution....?

Mike Bloomberg Condemned Donald Trump how about his pal Jeffrey Epstein -- U won't find it in Bloomberg, Cy Vance and a lot more..

If it wasn't for one gutsy Florida cop who isn't for sale unlike the NYPD Epstein would still be at it here in the USA and NYC.

James Patterson's Jeffery Epstein Book a Fraud No Cy Vance Dirty Dealings NYC,  No Index Hint, Hint....