Exclusive from yesterday my exclusive Dept of Investigation Déjà Vu contacted same complaint to away into 14 but the 214 complain is anonymous.
No criminal investigation in to 911 - you can thank mayor Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly who defended the collapse of 911 under hurricane Sandy. You can thank Dept of Investigation, DOITT who I allege knew it.
You can thank Preet Bharara who was contacted by the 911 whistleblower, Cy Vance who refused John Liu's request for a criminal investigation ( press release May 31, 2012 remove by Scott Stringer Jan 2014 as soon as the back room dealing stringer comes into power). You can thank the majority of City Council not calling for a criminal investigation in to 911 -- current administration included, Rose Gill Hearn mayor Bloomberg's head of Department of investigation who received two kickback appointments from Mike so that leads us with the question is the new head of Department of investigation Mark Peters going to fall in line and not call for criminal investigation?
In an absurd exchange that could've been out of a movie or sick, Mr. peters would not get on the phone with me but help the conversation via his secretary telling me I had a report 911 Tech Corruption to Internal affairs.
I decided to audiotape two voicemails to Mr. Peters one informing him about Mr Bratton and Mr Dowd hosted a board meeting for FirstNet at one police Plaza have not heard back from Mr. peters or anyone at Dept investigation. The second was on 911 since mayor Deblasio now said Mr. peters is in charge of 911 investigation. Silence from DOI and then I learned this information!!!!
911 FirstNet Scandal All Roads Lead to SAIC?
911 Whistle Blowers NYPD First Precinct Det Squad Chief Dowd
http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.comThanks and gratitude for making a difference.
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.