Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included
mayor bloomberg, de Blasio I call Bloomed Blasio, Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton, Reznick, O'Neill Know a lot about fixing crime don't they?

See bottom of Blog to see info Unions, Wiki page, Vote Quinn OUT! etc.

See my YouTubes & Blog Postings on CityTime Corruption starting w/ May 27, 2010 Suzannah B. Troy's 1st YouTube on CityTime calling for NO renewal w/ SAIC and a full investigation!!! Reminder: Rudy gave us SAIC & CityTime (We didn’t need either-Mike ran with it Tax Payer’s Titanic)
Don't believe the news, New Yorkers are angry & will not vote for BLOOMBERG! Note: Mayor Bloomberg and his top deputies & key staff all took immunity in the Haggerty trial. Why? Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and committed perjury Haggerty Trial. Next the CityTime Trial with Team Bloomberg suffering amnesia yet again! Stay tuned! Vote for Christine Quinn if YOU want Mike to have a 4th term from the golf course! In front of SAIC NY offices demanding way more than 600 million $ back for The People of NYC ! Letter in Defense of Suzannah's YouTube Channel GoogleE-Burka by Louis Flores URGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed!
Mike Yelled down Aug. 20 CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

SAIC like Repeat Sex Offender and Protected by Media Beyond Gross

Heard on the street and I agree fully!!!!!!
The street is sick of the media UNDERREPORTING what matters. Not that the street is keeping count, but a least 6 if not 10 or 20 law firms are suing the one of the LARGEST US DEFENSE CONTRACTORS for SEC FRAUD, if your not one of the growing thousands that read this blog, you should start. Us underlings will continue to report this peacably because we are not the corrupt side of this equation.  We think there is GROSS  UNDERREPORTING by the major media. ALERT SAIC is a repeat offender, just like a sex offender, you will never punish them, keep sending them new bait ie no bid contracts and never hold  accountable the politicians and corporate offices who purpetrate fraud, profit on no bid contracts, live for overbilling practices and change order.   To the MEDIA THE STREET  is well read,  well educated and will not stop speaking up till justice is served with arrest of polilticians that conspire for NO BID contracts.

Note from Suzannah B. Troy:  Isn't it interesting we, the USA have a 17 trillion dollar deficit and a mega rise in tech contracts here NYC gov with Defense contractors who happen to be bilking us for mega-millions and that is across the board....CityTime, ECTP the 911 Tech System -- Northrop Grumman , FDNY wireless using Raytheon, etc......good for defense companies but the NYC tax payers being robbed and raped mega bucks that I believe total over a billion easy under mayor Mike Bloomberg who was suppose to be a whiz.

He also has given all his friends, his sister's friend (Pat Harris' step son and Bloomberg's sister pal head jobs Information Technology (try not to puke) and their kids jobs and perks courtesy of the NYC tax payers and Mike Bloomberg has rewarded a culture of failure and a revolving door of corruption.  

Mayor Bloomberg Quinn FBI US Att Blind But Not For Liu + No To 14M$ Rayt...

US Attorney
Manhattan DA
Blind eye-itis Bloomberg Quinn

+ Defense contractor Raytheon 14 Million must be stopped.
500 M for FDNY wireless enough!!! Too much

Is Liu ran lame duck?

Bloomberg Quinn must resign before Liu. Lui stopped CityTime and ECTP theft.

Bill Thompson failed us CityTime and NY Pensions.

Bill DeBlasio zero response to me re DOB and slum developer illegalities

ps Any names we know sold off SAIC stock?

Also look to MTA SAIC deal now SAIC Lucent. Look!
Sent from my iPhone

Ready New York Preparing for Emergency NY but no mention Full Service Trauma Level 1 Hospital W. Village

Suzannah Troy sent this email:

I just received a copy of   “Ready New York”  Preparing for Emergencies in New York.

Interesting that there is no reference as to predetermining which hospital a family should meet at, in fact they don’t even discuss Hospitals...

In the section “Know the New York City Hazards” they include the following categories

Winter Weather

Severe Weather

Costal Storm’s and Hurricanes

Extreme Heat

Utilities Disruptions

Building Collapses and Explosions



Carbon monoxide

Hazardous Materials, Chemical Spills & radiation Exposure

Disease Outbreaks & Biological Events


All of these disasters will require large scale medical services which won’t be available without a proper hospital.

Ready New York also has a pamphlet on Pandemic Flu

I don’t have time to quote it but they do say the hospitals and medical services will be taxed and it could last for months.

I ordered several copies for distribution if anyone wants to come and pick some up let me know.

Mayor Mike Any Comment CityTime SAIC insider trading? Continue to re-post. The link under YouTube legal document a must see -- Westlane Police and Fire shareholders SAIC suing SAIC for a list of thangs we know CityTime plus insider trading by top SAIC officials?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg, CityTime SAIC, Insider Trading? Looksie Above the Law NYC Gov & ?

Go to this tube and see links under text portion -- even has dirt on Cy Vance and Mark Guma campaign troubles as well as Mark Guma his wife Maura Keaney and Christine Quinn -- talk about 1 degree of separation and or political financial incest and don't forget Mike Bloomberg and Team Bloomberg and Mike using tax payer money to help his friends, their kids etc as well as steal third term and he committed perjury and broke campaign laws which carry jail time.  If the FBI investigated Christine Quinn and her pals I believe Quinn might be in more trouble than Liu?

What do you think?

Seems like top officials SAIC, NYC gov and else where protected doesn't it?

The NY Times Censorship of Suzannah B. Troy on Behalf of Christine Quinn -- John Liu Treatment vs. Christine Quinn Immunity

Below is the comment I posted and the time of the post is 6:40PM.  One we believe the NYTimes censors us and or time delays as much as a day or two to protect Quinn.  I am part of a group of bloggers that also is convinced the NYT brought in an out of town lesbian new reporter that is not qualified for NY Politics reporting but was brought in because of her sexual orientation with the goal to push through Christine Quinn but the real reason is to protect The NY Times's financial investments they way the owner of the paper hoped that Mike Bloomberg and Team Bloomberg would do so.  The NYT keeps getting the worst karma punishment possible but hasn't inspired them to act honorably. 

I will post on my blog and ask if this will be censored by The NYT on behalf of Quinn.  Christine Quinn Ms. Slush and Intimidation is protected so no FBI probes and the Manhattan DA and US Attorney has given her unofficial immunity.  Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and committed perjury during the Haggerty trial.  Both Bloomberg and Quinn abused tax payer money aka slush to pushed through an illegal third term.  George Washington would have tried them for treason.  Let the FBI investigate Quinn using NYC gov time and slush plus lulus to attempt to win the job of mayor as well as back room deals including with Bloomberg.   The FBI won't just like no one was interested in the SEC shredding documents and handing their resumes to Maddoff.  For more on billionaire oligarchs motivates to kill John Liu off politically

Now dear Blog Readers:  Here is a p.s. that I did not attempt to post!

The New York Times in my opinion is protecting Quinn and also censoring critics so here goes.  
Note:  We do not have one political leader running for mayor from NYC gov that is honest.  Not one.
Very sad and upsetting.  Christine Quinn is a big crook, bigger than John Liu and Liu shut down CityTime corruption and CityTime 2 robbery aka ECTP 911 Tech System.  as much as possible although I still believe the tax payers are being robbed massively over billed and the work not monitored so they are robbing us still across the boards as the newest report re: FDNY wireless by Defense Contractor Raytheon who wants 15 million more on top of the 500 million we gave them.   

Bloomberg Tech FDNY Raytheon SAIC, Christine Quinn Protected John Liu Dead Man

posted a lot more all today including SAIC CityTime top officials insider trading?

  • Michael Douglas FBI Insider Trading ad! 
    Wow!  You scratch my back -- what did the FBI do for Douglas harder har?  Also complete cover-up media black-out Rudy Giuliani Mike Bloomberg CityTime city crime scandal and newest law suit against SAIC by shareholders filed in NY by Westlane Police and Fire suggested Insider Trading by top SAIC officials putting a smiley faces on SAIC stocks as they sold them -- oopsie.  Didn't the SEC shred materials Madoff relatedly and even hand Madoff resumes.  Let's face it there is a distinct population above the law NYC, NY, across the USA and the SEC, FBI and US Attorney along with Manhattan DA blind deaf and dumb.

Christine Quinn Protected as John Liu Treasurer Arrested Slush abuse by Bloomberg Quinn. Bloomberg broke campaign laws and my gut feeling Quinn broke and is breaking campaign laws but Liu Dead man waking -- google that read why Murdoch Bloomberg and all companies involved in corruption CityTime ECTP Wireless Generation owned by Murdoch board of Ed deal brokered by Klein wanted Liu dead politically.

And don't forget Quinn took $$$ from same person as Liu

Cy Vance and Mark Guma now Quinn's campaign guyed accused of less than ethical campaign practices and Quinn and Guma's wife Keaney accused of less than ethical behavior by Jim Dwyer re: intimidation union members.

Preet are u going to investigate NYC gov auditors and SAIC auditors CityTime? Mike committed perjury and broke campaign laws. FBI and Preet blind deaf and dumb protecting Oligarchs NY and puppets like Quinn.

NY State Comptroller DiNapoli Cries Foul on Tech Contracts but not as loudly as Suzannah Troy

Comptroller DiNapoli accuses state technology agency of wasting millions through favoritism for contracts. Suzannah Troy crying a lot louder and I want our money back plus damages. Applies to State deals as well but Bloomberg king of corrupt tech deals -- most ever!!!

See my new posts youtube on SAIC CityTime scandal -- insider trading? This sent to me by blog supporter!
If Bloomburg were the CIO of ANY American company,  given the incredible run of IT disasters on his term, he would be RIF'ed a long time ago.

CityTime SAIC Top Officials Insider Trading?

Bloomberg Tech Mess FDNY Wireless Raytheon Defense Contractor!‘net’_worth

Just another $14.3 million, and the city’s much-touted $500 million wireless network will be able to do some of what it was supposed to do, officials said.Fire Department officials told a City Council hearing yesterday that defense contractor Raytheon is six months away from putting crucial information
By Sally Goldenberg Josh Margolin NY Post.

From Suzannah -With Bloomberg, Harris, Page and Christine Quinn feel free to charge NYC tax payer 14 million dollars more or a billion!

Criminals go in to NYC gov jobs and begin careers stealing thousands of tax payers dollars--next millions or even a billion -- NY tax payers don't care and after that work at The White House!!!

Understand why we have harsh cuts, closing, corrupted health care and  why US gov (meaning tax payers) has 17 Trillion dollars in debt which by the way China mostly owns. 

Americans except corrupt political leaders as we have no one honest to step forward.  

Sent from my iPhone

CityTime Career Killers for Christine Quinn Bill Thompson

Bloomberg and Quinn resign and forget about Bill Thompson as well. CityTime now accusations top SAIC officials insider trading as they bilked NYC tax payers? Hint Mike and Rudy forget The White House.

Mayor Bloomberg Cess Pool Tech Crimes 1 Board of Ed Trial begins!

Criminals go in to NYC gov jobs and begin careers stealing thousands of tax payers dollars--next millions or even a billion -- NY tax payers don't care and after that work at The White House!!!

Understand why we have harsh cuts, closing, corrupted health care and  why US gov (meaning tax payers) has 17 Trillion dollars in debt which by the way China mostly owns. 

Americans except corrupt political leaders as we have no one honest to step forward.  

Sent from my iPhone

CityTime SAIC Down For Maintenance More Than Any Other System NYC Gov?

Although SAIC banned from NY gov contracts they are still involved in CityTime - a flawed Orwellian Time Clock billing us big I am sure. Rumor has it the system is down like clock for maintenance -- as in CityTime high maintenance? Reminder Bloomberg and Rose Gill Hearn praised CityTime as in stating it works! But for whom, thieves?

Bloomberg Multi-Watergates CityTime Explosive NYC Tax Payers in Coma Wake Up!

My latest and greatest iMovie is now available on YouTube. You can view it at:

Mayor Bloomberg News SAIC suit CityTime Insider Trading?

Bloomberg Quinn resign -- Quinn had a direct role enabling SAIC in further rip-off!

Monday, February 27, 2012

CityTime Scandal SAIC 13 Legal Investigations New York Tax Payers in A Coma Mike Bloomberg's favorite state!!! NYC tax payers stay in a coma because Bloomberg Quinn love you to be living dead!!!

Mayor Bloomberg News SAIC suit CityTime Insider Trading? NYC Gov Officials Zero Accountability CityTime and Other Tech Titanic thanks to Team Bloomberg

My latest and greatest iMovie is now available on YouTube. You can view it at:

Mayor Bloomberg News SAIC suit CityTime Insider Trading?

Bloomberg Quinn resign -- Quinn had a direct role enabling SAIC in further rip-off!


SAIC Join Suzannah Troy's Non Stop Demand Give Us Our $ + Damages!

"Recent revelations about SAIC's alleged overbilling practices and numerous failures to adhere to proper accounting standards as part of the overbilling scheme prompted the firms to investigate possible breaches of fiduciary duties and other violations of state law by SAIC's top management and directors. Based on our investigation, we are prepared to pursue litigation to preserve the company and the value of SAIC stock for all shareholders, including seeking removal of certain officers and directors and monetary payments," said shareholder rights attorney Willie Briscoe. 

Lawfirms are NOT pleased with SAIC and are seeking money  for all SAIC shareholders. They want their money back too~!
Note from Suzannah Troy - I am on record demanding way more than 600 million we got Mike to ask for. In front of SAIC's NYC office with Local 375 DC 37.

As NY Press Silent CityTime SAIC Scandal Exploding?

SAIC, Inc. : Hagens Berman Investigates Knowledge of SAIC Top Management of Overbilling Scheme Hey Rudy and Mike can we have a televised meeting on SAIC and CityTime with your deputies? Also any names we know on shareholder's list of stock owners SAIC?

CityTime SAIC law suits by Share Holders Accuse SAIC of Insider Trading? Mike praised SAIC and Rudy's guy's lobbyist -- meanwhile besides screwing over NYC tax payers....

point #92 and #93 in the complaint pdf

????! Soxley shareholders are suing top saic execs frauded investors with inflated stock price and Deb Alderson plus others may have profited....? Is this insider trading??????? Huge on their 33.9 million dollars of sales...nsider trading? Just wondering out loud -- off with her head says angry critic. Yikes.

Hey any familiar names on shareholders list?

SAIC CityTime Scandal King Mike Bloomberg Mega- Fool City Hall NYC

Again I beat out every newspaper and media outlet and the link above shows u legal doc Westlane Fire and Police are suing top officials of SAIC not only for CityTime debacle but if my uneducated art brain understands correctly stock manipulation (insider trading) as well...? Interesting how Bloomberg Team Bloomberg including Pat Harris possibly her step son and judge husband appointed to MTA board with Mark Page and city council speaker Christine Quinn pushed SAIC like heroin and they were all drug king pins and lobbyists some Rudy's boys - Rudy who gave us citytime and SAIC both rotten pretty much from get go - ? Just theorizing and wondering to myself out loud. When Spherion 80 million dollar theft tax payer money CityTime broke Mike on record praising SAIC so Mike Bloomberg - mega fool idiot and sadly he is allegedly the smartest wealthiest person at City Hall. He is protected like Christine Quinn who went on NY1 and lied - usual NY 1 informercial - no tough questions softball - Quin lied and stated she was on top of CityTime.

CityTime: Just one example of countless tech Titanics for tax payers under Team Bloomberg and underscores one of many reasons Quinn should never be mayor.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chris Coffey Bloomberg Guy (Sexy, Mike Sugar Daddy?)

chris coffey

chris coffey


Bloomberg guy, Government guy, Equality Guy, Media Guy (Old/New), MadeInNY Film/TV Guy

CityTime Look 1 example SAIC Shareholders Suing SAIC CityTime!!!

CITY OF WESTLAND POLICE AND FIRE : RETIREMENT SYSTEM, On Behalf of Itself : and All Others Similarly Situated ---- (from law suit - they are shareholders SAIC).

 What is unusual is Denault's bosses are listed -- and NYC gov and the US Attorney have yet to hold Denault's bosses accountable!!! Why?

 NYC gov officials have yet to be held accountable so they don't want to after SAIC officials as if they are mutually all trying to cover their asses and Denault was suppose to be the fall guy? 

 Did SAIC issue false information to shareholders? High level officers page 26 profited from SAIC? Deb Alderson she just got canned is listed as one example.

I want a billion x 3 for People of NYC. 

Folks: Beyond exhausted.  

SAIC CEO 1M $ Golden Parachute Despite CityTime, Tricare , etc Some how I think Cathie Black cashed out way more before her NYC gov golden parachute -- some people wander the earth collecting golden parachutes. Mike Bloomberg Patti Harris any thoughts...?

CityTime SAIC Scandal Rewind: Richard Valcich's Whistle Blowing Letter

Franklin & Marshall College Bloomberg buys $ Corrupt Pat Harris College Naming!

Bloomberg and Pat Harris explain your amnesia during the Haggerty trial and Mike committed perjury.  Harris lied when she said to Dennis Vacco she wanted to help him but that lie is not quite perjury.  Pat explain your son leaving and his large salary in the face of all the tech Titanics under Bloomberg.

Hey college kids learn about corruption, nepotism and back room deals and thank Patty Harris!

Here's an article with her husband and you will recognize some other political names as well $queezing folks!  Nice work if you can get it.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

SAIC CEO Golden Parachute like Cathie Black?

SAIC infamous CityTime NYC Gov count law suits

NY Post Reveals Corrupted Teacher Ratings But Protects Mike Bloomberg FYI: Mike Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg , Christine Quinn and certain principals and vice principals get F- for abusing tax payer money and have avoided arrest (oh and their role in CityTime corruption including Quinn)!!! NY Post not interested in reporting those news stories!!!! Mike broke campaign laws which is a Misdemeanor A carries jail time, Mike committed perjury = jail time, Mike and Christine Quinn pushed thru an illegal 3rd term abusing slush aka tax payer money and made back room deals with each other, NYU and Bill Rudin and that is the short list.

Explain to school kids Mike how you stand by Steve Rattner NY pensios PAy to play who pleaded the 5th 64 times and was allowed to than buy his way out of jail / he paid to not go to jail and plead guilty. We can only thank our lucky stars Mike did not put Rattner or Jon Corzine in charge of NY Pension restructuring late in 3rd term after his pals raided and Goldman Sachs did an awful job with NYPD and FDNY pensions. Note: Bill Sanderson killed a story on infrastructure breaks from water to sewage from St Marks place plus man hole covers exploding years in the making which has been common LES and NYC because Mike pushed reckless Tsunami. Is NY Post killing other important news stories?

Friday, February 24, 2012

NYC Teachers Ratings? How About Principals I hear some principal like Mike Bloomberg above the law and accountability and their "vices" as well.

Christine Quinn Treatment of Picture the Homeless Pure Abuse! + Christine Quinn Sold Out Blog NYU Expansion

Quinn has a history of abuse of homeless. Google Christine Quinn picture the homeless. She banned the homeless group from attending City Council meeting until Norman Siegel gave her lawyers an education on the 1st amendment. She is a two faced liar playing good cop bad cop with Mike. I made 3 short tubes on her at NYU protest last night. See the one with my big posterior and Emily Giske Bill Rudin and Bloomberg written on it back room deals pay to play! Serve a term in jail!!!! This mentions she is Bloomberg, NYU and Emily Giskie's puppet -- read the blog post Christine Quinn Emily Giskie finger licking good how Giskie lobbyist for biz like Kentucky Fried Chicken and Quinn's stance on paid sick days, etc. I have two more YouTubes -- one stating she does not even visit her own district in bed with John Sexton NYU Pres. who ran down and testified Mike must have a third term (to push through community crushing development!) and he other pointing out no hospital in her district because she is taking sooo much money from Bill Rudin family and pals. She is such a fake and a poser. I wear a neon red wig like a wake-up call.

Read more:

Christine Quinn wants to continue Rudy and Mike's work to help NYU make the as many New Yorkers homeless and continue to push out the People for temporary living for college kids as well as weigh way to heavy on old NY's infrastructure with zone busting with NYU junior Cooper Union.


Here are the photos from Donny Moss and also Louis Flores post both LGBT activists against Christine Quinn!
Thanks for participating in the protest last night. Louis Flores posted a great blog about it, which I posted to my Facebook wall. If you want to spread the word about the protest, then please feel free to link to it from one of our walls or paste this link directly onto yours or link to the photos on my wall:

Here is the text that I used on my wall to describe the event:
As hundreds of people stood in line to enter a community board meeting in the Village last night, 15 volunteers working on the campaign against Christine Quinn had the opportunity to engage with civic-minded NYers. For better or worse, we were preaching to the converted. Average NYers who pay attention to city politics told us that they share our views and encouraged us to keep up the fight. In a matter of minutes, we distributed hundreds of handouts, with people asking us if they could have extras to give to their friends.

Mayor Bloomberg Stampede Lawyers File Suit SAIC CityTime

8k coming SAIC has to disclose these filings of lawsuits against SAIC re: CityTime!

What about Gerald Denault suing SAIC Valentine's Day in Delaware Court.
True or False. He won. SAIC has to pay Denault's legal bills.

If a poor person steals he goes to jail but SAIC steals and they get more awards and gov. contracts?

SAIC still working on CityTime and will until NYC gov throws this out the way they threw out Maximus another Rudy failed program.
Mike Bloomberg pushed SAIC like he was a drug king pin pushing heroin.

I want a billion times 3 RICO back for the People of NYC.
Bloomberg quietly tosses Maximus nightmare courtesy of Rudy Giuliani.
Reminder Rudy's boys SAIC lobbyists.
Bye Bye Mike Bloomberg's legacy...from term limits, NYC schools to Tech Titanics like CityTime!

Protest last nigh Christine Quinn mayor NEVER NYU Rudin Bloomberg Burden
NYPD respected my 1rst Amendment right to protest!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mayor Bloomberg Stampede Lawyers File Suit SAIC CityTime

8k coming SAIC has to disclose these filings of lawsuits against SAIC re: CityTime!

What about Gerald Denault suing SAIC Valentine's Day in Delaware Court.
True or False. He won. SAIC has to pay Denault's legal bills.

If a poor person steals he goes to jail but SAIC steals and they get more awards and gov. contracts?

SAIC still working on CityTime and will until NYC gov throws this out the way they threw out Maximus another Rudy failed program.
Mike Bloomberg pushed SAIC like he was a drug king pin pushing heroin.

I want a billion times 3 RICO back for the People of NYC.

Protest last nigh Christine Quinn mayor NEVER NYU Rudin Bloomberg Burden
NYPD respected my 1rst Amendment right to protest!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike Bloomberg Bertha Lewis Big Wet Kiss + Ratner Troubles

Rewind and now and True News: On the Third Day of the Ratner Lobbyists Bribe Trail the NYP Begins Covering, NYT and DN still in Black Out Mode
NYT had reporters there, but no story today yet?  And now this Last paragraph of post article:
During yesterday’s testimony, it was also revealed that state Assemblyman Joseph Lentol (D-Brooklyn) helped broker the first meeting with Jereis and FCR officials in June 2006 at Marco Polo Ristorante

Stampede of Law Firms File in NY to represent SAIC Shareholders CityTime Scandal NY Media Blacks Out to Protect Team Bloomberg Quinn even more law firms -- stampede of firms SAIC - see yesterday's YouTube where I name 1st. and third; Watch this for bigger picture, the cover-ups from the fact this went on way back and CityTime massive fraud as exposed in NYC gov office of payroll letter -- feb 2003 where Richard Valcich sites even more correspondence and communications with SAIC that indicate less than ethical behavior and my guess back in time Rudy Time because system was always flawed. Mije should have thrown out CityTime the way Mike threw out Rudy's Maximus. Mike instead pushed over 700 million over ride of tax payer money on the books. Rudy and Mike forget white house jobs. Note media protecting Team Bloomberg and Christine Quinn all implicated CityTime besides illegal slushy 3rd term. SAIC also protected.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg SAiC CityTime Trial better than Haggerty Trial!!!!!

Just a reminder Team Bloomberg suffered severe amnesia during Haggerty Trial and Mike committed perjury as well as broke campaign laws which both carry jail time.

Christine Quinn Doesn't Visit Her Own District! Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn Out of Office ASAP!

Mayor Bloomberg SAiC mega suit filed NY?

Suzannah Troy Protesting Christine Quinn photo by Louis Flores NYU John Sexton Protest

Great photo by activist Louis Flores and he made the photo and text I blew up and laminated of Christine Quinn sucking face with Bill Rudin who gave her enormous kick backs aka campaign donations to smooth they way for no trauma level 1 full service hospital in the West Village but Rudin Luxury Condos and the vile Amanda the People's Burden -- worst commissioner of City Planning ever pushed the the deal refusing to give St. Vincent's zoning protect for a hospital.

I am wiped out -- very little sleep and for some reason I got very, very very excited and passionate. 

Thanks to Louis for the photo and what a great turn out.  I hugged and kiss people that told me I said what they wanted to say.

It does not not get better than that!!!!!

Suzannah B. Troy YouTubes Protesting Christine Quinn Bloomberg John Sexton NYU Rudin!!!!

Suzannah B. Troy as Christine Quinn with NYPD! Protest Christine Quinn Bloomberg John Sexton NYU Rudin!!!!

Here I am protesting Christine Quinn and NYU, Rudin and the NYPD respected my 1st Amendment right!
Great photo by activist Louis Flores and he made the photo and text I blew up and laminated of Christine Quinn sucking face with Bill Rudin who gave her enormous kick backs aka campaign donations to smooth they way for no trauma level 1 full service hospital in the West Village but Rudin Luxury Condos and the vile Amanda the People's Burden -- worst commissioner of City Planning ever pushed the the deal refusing to give St. Vincent's zoning protect for a hospital. I am wiped out -- very little sleep and for some reason I got very, very very excited and passionate. Thanks to Louis for the photo and what a great turn out. I hugged and kiss people that told me I said what they wanted to say. It does not not get better than that!!!!!

Breaking News New SAIC CityTime Lawsuit by SAIC Shareholders NY
Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP File Law Class Action SAIC Law Suit!!! Folks three law suits against SAIC CityTime.

"The complaint alleges that during the Class Period defendants issued materially false and misleading statements regarding the Company's financial performance and future prospects. Specifically, defendants misrepresented and/or failed to disclose the following adverse facts: (a) that SAIC had overbilled New York City hundreds of millions of dollars on the CityTime Project, a project associated with the modernization of New York City's employee payroll system, over a multi-year period; (b) that, as a result of SAIC's known, but undisclosed, overbilling practices, its operating results during the Class Period were materially misstated; (c) that SAIC's overbilling practices subjected the Company to numerous undisclosed risks, including monetary risks and reputational risks, particularly because government agencies are SAIC's primary customers and any harm to its reputation and/or relationships with such agencies would adversely affect its future revenues and growth prospects; (d) that, as a result of the foregoing circumstances, SAIC violated applicable accounting standards associated with the recognition of revenue and the disclosure and accounting for loss contingencies; (e) that the Company's financial statements were not fairly presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and were materially false and misleading; (f) that certifications issued by defendants Kenneth C. Dahlberg and Mark W. Sopp associated with the Company's internal and disclosure controls were materially false and misleading; and (g) that, based on the foregoing, defendants lacked a reasonable basis for their positive statements about the Company and its business and prospects.
"The revelation that SAIC would incur a probable loss on CityTime was significant because, pursuant to applicable accounting rules, it served as an acknowledgement that, once the Company could reasonably estimate the amount, SAIC would incur a charge against its earnings for the wrongful conduct alleged herein on CityTime. "

Bloomberg SAIC Cover-ups Brief Mention CityTime Leaves out 232 million dollar law suit by SAIC shareholders holding SAIC officials accountable for CityTime crime debacle, pre- trial date CityTime March 15 and SAIC shareholder quarterly meeting March 20 so what a coincidence CEO booted oops retiring early than original summer retirement date. Also 4.9 billion dollar law suit against SAIC by Tricare + 15 Afganistan people wrongly killed by drone courtesy of SAIC? Gerard Denault sued SAIC in court in Delaware Valentine 's Day and rumor is he won. SAIC has to pay his legal bills which is great news for NYC tax payers since my belief SAIC more guilty than Denault and this goes back in time Rudy Time. I want a billion x 3

Time To Take Mayoral Control Away From Mike Bloomberg

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Buddy Bronx on Bloomberg's Policies Schools did not impact education

Buddy Bronx 05:36 AM
Feb 22, 2012

Mr. Juan Gonzalez you are correct. Mayor Bloomberg's policies of the past ten years have not significantly impacted the education of the children of our city. The Bloomberg administration will twist the facts every each way to avoid taking the blame for no major improvement in test results. However, I do think there has been an improvement in the quality of new teachers entering the system over the past ten years. Unfortunately, once in the system for a few years, the reality of the situation is realized which results in a high turnover rate bordering around the 50% mark within 5-6 years. As the Mayor enters the twilight of his administration he may secretly come to the conclusion that he should have used another strategy in his attempt to improve our city's educational system. Neither the Mayor nor the Department of Education chose to work with the union/teachers to help get the job done. Their decision not to consult with the front line workers in their quest to improve the education of our children was another major strategic blunder (it will never be admitted, of course). So, here we are ten years later with many, if not most, teachers still using chalkboards and chalk for their lessons rather than high technology. Where did the $billions$ go? In addition, a strategy to improve the discipline in many schools could have easily improved the learning productivity within a classroom and the school.

Read more:

ECTP 911 Tech Troubles Exposed By John Liu CityTime 2 A good person wrote me telling me ECTP a NYPD FDNY problem not tech -- DOITT -- this press release is proof. City Island just one example of a death related in my opinion to ECTP tech flaws. This press release understated the corruption and mess.

NYC Gov Seibel Oracle to Replace Another Flawed System???

Oh goodie that will help me Seibel and Oracle even richer if true. Feel free to over bill NYC tax payers a few hundred million dollars or even a billion!!! Your best friends Mike Bloomberg and Pattie Harris. Christine Quinn promises to look the other way.

Suzannah Troy $8.70 Protest Dress Christine Quinn, Bloomberg, John Sexton NYU, Rudin, Emily Giske

Always trying to find my smile.

Tomorrow night activists will photograph me so you can read my writing slamming Quinn.
My front body has a check list including real estate sell-out,
term limits tax payer abuse aka slush 
back room deals to steal third term...

the back is killer starting up top
with Christine Quinn gave herself a raise same time
she approved lowering the NYPD's starting salary

I wrote about her being Bloomberg puppet
Emily Giske and Rudin pay to play pals!

Oh I forgot to write about CityTime on the dress.

Folks -- I am almost 50 -- this computer makes me look better than I am....
but hey if it gets people to wake-up it is worth it!!!!!!!