Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included
mayor bloomberg, de Blasio I call Bloomed Blasio, Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton, Reznick, O'Neill Know a lot about fixing crime don't they?

See bottom of Blog to see info Unions, Wiki page, Vote Quinn OUT! etc.

See my YouTubes & Blog Postings on CityTime Corruption starting w/ May 27, 2010 Suzannah B. Troy's 1st YouTube on CityTime calling for NO renewal w/ SAIC and a full investigation!!! Reminder: Rudy gave us SAIC & CityTime (We didn’t need either-Mike ran with it Tax Payer’s Titanic)
Don't believe the news, New Yorkers are angry & will not vote for BLOOMBERG! Note: Mayor Bloomberg and his top deputies & key staff all took immunity in the Haggerty trial. Why? Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and committed perjury Haggerty Trial. Next the CityTime Trial with Team Bloomberg suffering amnesia yet again! Stay tuned! Vote for Christine Quinn if YOU want Mike to have a 4th term from the golf course! In front of SAIC NY offices demanding way more than 600 million $ back for The People of NYC ! Letter in Defense of Suzannah's YouTube Channel GoogleE-Burka by Louis Flores URGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed!
Mike Yelled down Aug. 20 CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech

Saturday, April 30, 2011

We need a Hospital in the W. Village -- How many hospitals are there on the Upper East Side? Suzannah B. Troy’s YouTubes from today’s Rally in front of St. Vincent’s Year Anniversary Rudin Family Mike’s Pals Don’t want to bother with a hospital just a lot of fake p.r. in my opinion, thanks, Suzannah B. Troy

Yetta Kurland Unity Interview by Suzannah B. Troy

Yetta Kurland’s Powerful Speech today

Dr. Kaufman -- He lays it all out and contrasts the upper East Side to the W. Village with no hospital.

Dr. Kaufman Part 2

Alan Bounville Civil Disobedience Is a Must to Get A Hosptial 4/30/11

St. Vincent's Grave 1 Year Anniversary Speakers

 We Need a Hospital Rudin's are u listening?

Christine Quinn Call Me Speaker Liar Traitor but don’t call me Ma’am / We Need a hospital rally

Where Does king Bloomberg Get His Health Care? The Rally for a New Hospital

The Rudin Family, Christine Quinn and gang along with Mike Bloomberg have done us in.

Check my YouTube channel for speeches from today.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Bloomberg's NYC NYPD Rape Victim Put on Trial + NYPD Ticket Fix Cover-up

Suzannah B. Troy Asks You to Join her for Protest in front of Pat Lynch and Joe Tacopina’s Offices after Rape Trial if Pat Lynch doesn’t condemn PBA paid rape cop lawyers Venus Fly Trap remark

Dear Allies: If Pat Lynch the head of the PBA doesn’t condemn Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel NYPD Rape Cop lawyers behavior after the trial join me to protest in front of Pat Lynch’s and Joe Tacopina’s offices. We will have large photos and Venus Fly Trap Seigel’s words for bruised rape victim’s vagina.

NYC has a rape epidemic.  Rapes are up 24 percent and under reported.

Is the PBA inviting an open season on women being raped by corrupt cops and protected by high priced ($750 an hour rate) lawyer who beats up the rape victim and puts her on trial?

NYPD Ticket Fix Scandal The Names City Hall Staff still in deep cover but Bronx Asst. District Attorney Jennifer Troiano May have received favored treatment

Thursday, April 28, 2011

YouTube Search Engine Type Mike Bloomberg Find Suzannah B. Troy’s YouTube Mike Bloomberg Covers for SAIC as a Featured YouTube up top!

Click on the above image to take a better look.

Let’s us see....I am discriminated against a lot here in NYC and have few resources while Mike Bloomberg and SAIC have Billions BUT little old me has a YouTube exposing Mike Bloomberg Covering for SAIC and it is featured up top -- even highlighted as a featured YouTube!

Wow,  a miracle in YouTubeland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It doesn’t get better.

Mike and SAIC spend how much money to “sell their message” and I am an artist that did this YouTube for .00000000000000000000000000009 percent of what they spend

Beats using a can of spray paint not that I ever have on the streets of NYC to get a message out!

CityTime Mazer Crook Gerald Shargel Mafia Lawyer, SAIC, NYPD Ticket Fix Give us the Names of the Politicians + Why Hush Hush on NYC Budget Cuts Mike bloomberg is Freddie Krueger when it comes it comes to Cuts-- Cut his Campaign Staff and his pals

1)  I miss writing about Gerald Shargel.  He “almost” feels like a breath of fresh air compared to Tacopina.

If I ever got in to trouble would I want Shargel or Tacopina?  Well I couldn’t afford either!  How did Mazer get the money, did he steal it?  I want to do stand-up comedy especially my schitck about Mike Bloomberg screwing the tax payers and than hand out the NYC condoms probably made in a sweat shop in Malaysia.

WHY DO WE HEAR NOTHING ABOUT SAIC BEING SERVED SUBPOENAS -- what the hell is going on?  Am I allowed to share a gut feeling?  Thank you.  I think many consultants including some from SAIC were stealing.  In this CNN iReport a specific SAIC guy is fingered!  Why have we heard nothing?

Have you watched me SAIC Mike the Pimp YouTubes?

Ooops another consultant caught stealing Board of Ed. See link above.

2) Why is the media agreeing not to ask Mike Bloomberg who at City Hall got their tickets fixed by the NYPD?  Why no names?

3)  Why is there no info on the cuts to come -- is Mike Bloomberg (billionaire Freddy Krueger of Budget cuts) afraid of a revolution?  People are furious.

Step down Bloomberg and take corrupt Christine Quinn a complete sell out with out but first pay a fine of 6 billion dollars for your dirty 3rd term deals.  You stole a third term.

4)  Haggerty Trial   by the way Bloomberg broke campaign laws...
Wayne Barrett came right out and wrote it so it that why he got fired from The Village Voice.

Mike Bloomberg’s NYC Rape Epidemic Part 2 Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel Beat-Up NYPD Rape Victim Does that Make Them Hell Bound ? Yu Yau, the 23-year-old raped, beaten to death aspired to be a lawyer to help people is in Heaven

We can’t expect Mike Bloomberg to do anything based on his misogynist condescending testimony in the sex discrimination trial against his company which was kept hush hush until after he stole a 3rd term.

Read on:

This is one Daughter a rape victim brutally murdered and her Mother that Joe Tacopina and his underling Chad Seigel will not be able to degrade, humiliate and rape again in court.   We don’t have to worry that an ignorant, prejudice jury will blame the victim and refuse to believe she was raped.

And the PBA are paying Tacopina and Seigel to do it!  Rapes are up 25% in NY and rapes are under reported.
Is Pat Lynch going to speak up and censure Tacopina and Seigel for their Venus Fly Trap comment?

Yu Yau, a 23-year-old  was brutally  raped  and than murdered here in NYC  .  Yu Yau is in a special place in Heaven where no one can hurt her anymore. No one should die the way she did.  She was walking and a creature posing as a human grabbed her by her hair, pulled her in to an alley and raped her.   He than grabbed a pipe and beat her to death.

If she had lived she might have had to testify in court and face a man or woman like Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel who probably had a good laugh about comparing a bruised rape victim’s vagina to a Venus Fly trap as they pound away at the rape victim day after day painting her as not credible for sundry reasons as if this must be some great joy or hobby of hers wanting to put her self through another form of rape courtesy of the NYPD PBA’s fund that got Joe Tacopina to take the case.   Tacopina brags on his website about charging $750 and hour.   

Tacopina came from humble beginnings so showing off a very expensive watch or car is very, very important to him as is winning even if it means doing something that feels highly criminal and illegal and that is putting an innocent victim on trial instead of the NYPD rape cops.

These rape cops from the 9th Precinct did not call an ambulance.  I have seen the NYPD from the 9th Precinct do this countless times for homeless men and women but they made up their mind they had a living breathing Barbie doll to toy with.    Is NYPD officer Moreno a sex addict?  He admits he is an alcoholic and he thinks kissing a young woman’s shoulder is a form of alcoholic counseling but he denies raping her although based on her bruised cervix the forensic nurse says the bruising supports her story she was raped from behind.   This  young woman is almost to be rape cop’s  daughter but he preyed on her and toyed with her as she vomited and vomited and the 2 cops on their final visit of several through out the night, even making a false 911 call to get sent over by her place and video footage from the bar next doors cameras make it pretty obvious these cops were rotten to the core.

Note:  I ask if NYPD P.O. is a sex addict because an addict will destroy their lives, their families, a job in to get their fix and in this case his fix was some kind of sexual encounter with a beautiful young woman so drunk she repeatedly vomited over and over which was not deterrent for Moreno.  Reminder he admits kissing her shoulder.

Tacopina got the heroin in the rape cop’s locker thrown out.  How I don’t know.   He has friends and persuasive skills?

Yu Yau wanted to be a lawyer but not the kind that Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel are which has them getting prime real estate in a very hot place and they will have lots of company but all very lonely despite the crowds.

Yu Yau came here to help her family.    To send money back to her family...   Now her mother is here dying from grief and a broken heart that will not mend.

Yu Yau won’t be degraded again here in NYC in a NY Court.   Where are the Judges, the DA and the politicians as well as the well monied groups.   They are all silent.

Welcome to Misogynist NYC.

If Pat Lynch does not give Tacopina and Seigel Hell for their Venus Fly Trap comment and their hateful behavior putting a rape victim on trial than the PBA is sending a message --- attention all corrupt cops -- rape more innocent women because we got Tacopina and Seigel as a deterrent for rape victims to come forward.

Rest in Peace Yu Yau and I am sorry for all the suffering and pain your family is enduring here on Earth.   Yu Yau if you can work miracles from Heaven please stop the monsters here on earth and the lawyers like Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel that beat up the victims and rape them again, in a sense murder of a different kind.   

Rest in Peace Yu Yau.  Rest In PEACE.

Board of Ed Tech Resembling CityTime Grand Theft? So Much Wrong Tech NYC Under Bloomberg, Ex-Consultant Accused of Stealing Millions From Schools -- so much consultants stealing yet he lay-offs the NYC gov pouring money in to tech deals that are mostly flawed but make consultants wealthier

From The New York Times an excerpt -- click above to keep reading!

A former consultant for the Department of Education surrendered to federal authorities on Thursday to face charges that he stole $3.6 million in the six years he worked managing projects that were meant to provide Internet access to city schools.

Verizon and I.B.M., the largest of the vendors involved in the projects, played a role in the scheme and profited from it, according to the city’s special commissioner of investigation, Richard J. Condon.

The allegations emerged just as the department is gearing up to increase its technology spending by roughly $550 million in the next year alone, even as it contends with sharp drops in state aid that could force teacher layoffs.

Mike Bloomberg Served a Claim for 100 million $ in Damages from Parent’s Union + Suzannah B. Troy wants Mike Sued for 6 Billion $ for stolen 3rd term

By the way, Christine Quinn sold the great lie we needed Mike for a third term to help us with the economy....Did Mike Bloomberg help you with the economy?

No Quinn for mayor -- Quinn Bloomberg belong in jail.
What Cathie Black appointed as school chancellor because she brokered a real estate deal for Mort Zuckerman and Mike Bloomberg sold the air rights?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Coalition for the Homeless Mayor Bloomberg Homelessness record high

Dear S.,
The City’s own data confirm it: Homelessness in New York City is at record levels.
The cause? As our analysis in this year’s State of the Homeless report shows, Mayor Bloomberg’s failed homeless policies top the list.
New evidence shows that the Mayor's short-term, bureaucratic programs have become little more than a revolving door back to homelessness. The result is record shelter populations and thousands of families denied the chance to rebuild their lives.
Enough is enough. Please send a letter to Mayor Bloomberg right now, asking him to use what we know works – permanent, affordable housing – to fight the homelessness crisis he helped create.
Go to:
Help us collect 500 letters by Friday, and we’ll deliver them directly to City Hall.
No matter how you cut it, the state of the homeless is the worst in New York City’s history: More than 113,000 homeless people slept in municipal shelters in Fiscal Year 2010, including a record 43,000 children, a 9% increase from 2009, and a 37% increase from when Mayor Bloomberg first took office.
But high unemployment and the housing crisis aren’t the only reasons. Mayor Bloomberg replaced proven Federal assistance with failed programs, like the time-limited Advantage subsidy, that have become a revolving door back to the shelter system for thousands of homeless families. In fact, according to the City’s data, nearly half of the record numbers of people entering shelters last year have been homeless before – almost double the ratebefore the Mayor put his failed programs in place.
We’re urging the Mayor to return to the time-tested practice of giving homeless families priority access to permanent, affordable housing options, like public housing and Federal housing vouchers.
Send your letter here:
Mary Brosnahan
Executive Director
Coalition for the Homeless
PS – Read more about our “One in Three” Plan to Reduce Homelessness in our State of the Homeless report:

Bloomberg NYC Rape Epidemic PBA Lawyer Joe Tacopina Inviting Corrupt Cops to Rape unless Pat Lynch condemns Tacopina Segal viscous tactics

The newest YouTube is coming. NYC is having a rape epidemic which is no surprise because under Bloomberg the city has gone to hell. Rapes are under reported and are still up 24 percent.

Joe Tacopina continues to put the rape victim on trial. Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel

Two people have said to me why would a woman put her self through this kind of abuse and exposure unless she was raped?

MTA Metro Cards Break Rip-Offs Corruption NYC Bloomberg Infrastructure

New YouTube: Bloomberg DOB The Death Toll Rises Bronx Fire

Albany Wife Beater NYC Tax Payers -Koch paid Bloomberg Mouthpiece
Apr 27, 2011

1) Albany treats NYC tax payer like a wife beater 2) Koch, Bloomberg's hired talking leith never talks pay to play pension fund abuse starting with Mike, owner of nytimes, this paper's BF Steve Rattner and others. Read City for Sale, learn how corrupt Koch was from get go but it took 3 terms for dead body

NYC Rape Epidemic Thank Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel Misogyny Rapes Under Reported Up 25 % by Suzannah B. Troy

Mayor Bloomberg Special Probe NYPD escort Rapper but Not Probe and info on how at City Hall got the NYPD to fix their tickets!

To date the people of New York are being prevented from the names of who at City Hall got tickets fixed by the NYPD.

We don’t even need a special probe but as usual Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn are cover-up for their corrupt pals and themselves.

Meanwhile New Yorkers are ticketed up to their eyeballs.

By the way, the rapper is rich enough to hire his own escort just like Mike should be paying his campaign staff out of his own pocket not robbing and raping the tax payers and that includes putting his sister’s friend in a top job NYC gov., CityTime SAIC Gartner and how many consultants out sourced , etc. etc. etc. 

Bronx Fire Death Toll DOB Death Toll so NYDN sells Lie! DOB need to call NYPD in as escort! DOB protects corrupt slum lords, scum lords

The bottom line is the City of NY protects scum lords, slum developers, corruption from contractors to developers.  The DOB inspectors could have gotten the NYPD to escort them and they did not!  Just Mike Bloomberg trying to do more cover-ups for DOB because DOB has so much blood on their hands.  They turn a blind eye because X amount are getting their palms greased and X amount just are not doing their job.   There are good DOB inspectors out there that care but very few and the death toll rises especially under Bloomberg. Christine Quinn gave amnesty to how many developers and landlords with DOB and ECB fines will we are having massive budget cuts.

Why didn’t the news reporters for the NYDN ask DOB spokesperson why DOB Inspectors did not call the NYPD?  Cover-up and damage control by NYC gov and friends at NYDN, nyc gov!  Cathie Black brokered a huge real estate deal for the owner of this newspaper and Mike Bloomberg sold the air rights.  We will never ever get the truth and here a little boy and his parents dies horrific deaths.  Mike wants to close firehouses and cut FDNY while he and his pals grow richer and even more arrogant.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Inside Job documentary on the crooks on Wall St., Academics, The White House Criminal no Jail time mega mega million dollar parachutes

Not in the movie....what billionaire got out of jail early for pedophile sex predator guilt in exchange for helping the Feds understand Bear Stearns debacle....

Don’t buy it....So what else could he help the Feds with.....?

All liars, screwed the people of this country and reverberated around the world.

Greenspan, Robert Rubin and Hank Paulson come off like monstrous criminals but so many people do.

Goldman Sachs comes off like A Satanical Investment Bank and Credit Suisse had to pay a 536 million dollar fine....guess what for.....what the movie....

p.s.  Film hits on Financial Bigs using prostitutes and even drugs oh and don’t forget Lobbyists and you know what I call my YouTubes on SAIC

Extreme greed extreme excesses and still going strong as NYers know watching Mike Bloomberg steal a third term with Christine Quinn’s help....You can see a lot of this going on here in NYC with Bloomberg’s blessings and in many ways extreme greed greatly harming the People of NY.

How ironic I talk about the criminal activities with Columbia University,  NYU, Cooper Union, NY Law and how their greed has crushed our community....a tsunami of community crushing development....on my Bloomberg Poster I used the term economic tsunami Inside Job.

Must see film.....

Pat Lynch head of PBA Publicly Gave Joe Tacopina Hell Over Brancato but remains quiet over treatment of Rape Victim Venus Fly Trap Verbal Batterings

The president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, Patrick J. Lynch, even publicly accused Joseph of bad behavior in the courtroom, saying, "a professional attorney laughing as if this was a joke in front of a dead man's family is the most insulting thing that ever happened in front of a bench in this state." A spokesman for the PBA tells Page Six Magazine Lynch does not wish to comment any further on the matter because he doesn't want to give Tacopina any more press coverage.

Read more:

Pat Lynch YouTube Pat Say Something Now or After the Trial YOU HAVE to speak up!

New today!

Joe Tacopina NYPD PBA Rape Cop Lawyer Mel Gibson Misogyny & the Law

Adam Lisberg Leaves NYDN Editor in Chief City Hall News -- Adam couldn’t even say Mike Bloomberg Broke Campaign Laws

Adam wrote an article and the header Bloomberg may have broken campaign laws months after Wayne Barrett wrote:

Mike Bloomberg Broke Election Law, Admit His Own Lawyers

So my question is is Adam going to continue to go easy on Mike Bloomberg who grows more unpopular every day!

Bronx Fire kills boy and parents. Are more People DEAD because DOB dropped the ball? NYC Gov DOB protects slum lords developers not the people of NY

Hard to Beat Mike Bloomberg but Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel Misogynist NYC Award Winners Making Even More Hellish for Rape Victims NYPD PBA Lawyers for Rape Cop beat up victim verbal victimizing her again!

Mike Bloomberg Not Used To Scrutiny
John Liu --- "As part of his agenda, Mr. Liu has blasted the administration’s $700 million CityTime automated payroll project, which is now the focus of a federal corruption case. He has accused the Economic Development Corporation, a favorite target, of owing the city more than $125 million."

Sent from my iPhone
Bloomberg not transparent, smoke, mirrors and lies.

Posted from iPhone

Susan Edelman The NY Post City flubs $600M special-ed fed funding

The city has failed to collect nearly $600 million in federal reimbursement for special-education services such as speech, physical therapy and counseling over the last six years, The Post has learned.

Read more:

Mike Bloomberg doesn’t want to raise taxes on rich people just tax and ticket middle class and poor as Mike covers up for Pols that get their tickets fixed by the NYPD

Mike doesn’t want to raise taxes but just find every way possible to tax and ticket the middle class and poor.  By the way are we ever going to get the names of the politicians and pals of Bloomberg and gang that got their tickets fixed by the NYPD or is the cover-up going to be continued like it has for so much at City Hall from slush funds to SAIC, Gartner and other consultants CityTime?

The NY Post Part 2 in Series of Inept Teachers impossible to remove (p.s. The NY Post hasn’t covered Rupert Murdoch 2.7 million dollar tech deal brokered by Joe Klein w/ Board of Ed. Hey it has been less than a year can he do that?

I am protesting The NY Post by not reading it or visiting the website however if there is an article re: NYC gov, corruption I do have to go there.

Remember my last comment was calling for more investigative reporting on Gartner based on this article by Sally Goldenberg on Gartner’s role in CityTime Spherion, etc.

Than I was banned from commenting.

FYI, Gartner is also involved in tech deal with Board of Ed and the owner Glenn Hutchins and Rupert Murdoch are on the board of the Partnership for New York.

The NY Post, conflicts of interest, integrity lapses  and censorship....?

Join us on April 30, 2011, for a rally at St. Vincent's Hospital - "It's not a done deal."

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hey Mike Bloomberg, what’s new? Still no names of city officials that got tickets fixed, no updates on SAIC Subpoenas + grossly over paying consultants some say were stealing, NYC Budget Cuts?, NYers even angrier!!!

New Yorkers want Mike Bloomberg out of office now....recall Mike Bloomberg.

Can you believe the names of all the city officials that got their tickets fixed?   Why haven’t been given any.   Mike Bloomberg, mr. smoke,  mirrors  and lies is at it again....speaking of what is the latest on SAIC and haven’t heard anything either.   Besides that rumor is people oops, consultants have been accused of stealing all long, lying on their times sheets will they were suppose to prevent city workers from stealing on there and I am talking many different companies.

Mike is more and more despised.   It is pretty amazing.

I can’t keep up with it all but New Yorkers are even angrier!

I have 2 of these posters left and they are spoken for.

I have to have some figure out how to duplicate them and make them in to dart boards.   Thank I could be rich!  Just joking.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Recall Bloomberg -- People Calling for the Immediate Removal of Mike Bloomberg

I was told how nice Mike looked when he was interviewed the other day.  How Mike Bloomberg appears to take good care of himself.

I replied yes but he doesn’t take care of the People of NYC at all.  He sold us out.

Recall Bloomberg.

CityTime Spherion Hires Lobbyist Suri Kasirer Who Bills Big Time $ and the cover-ups continue including for SAIC and so many consultants + Gartner’s role in doing quality control!

Records show that Suri Kasirer, who consistently reports earning more than any lobbyist working in city government, was hired Feb. 15 to work on behalf of Spherion Atlantic Enterprises.

Read more:

The NY Post Slim Bucket Web Editor and Editors have banned me from commenting preventing from pointing out another cover-up CityTime involving Gartner.  Read link above.   Gartner is owned by Glenn Hutchins and like SAIC is a sacred cow.  Glenn and Rupert Murdoch are on the board of “Partnership of NY.  Stay familiar with this partnership and see which NYC gov officials are connected as well.

NYPD Rape Cop Lawyers Tacopina Seigel Venus Fly Trap & Rapes Are Up! Even Fewer Girls & Women will Come forward unless PBA NYPD Take Action

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bloomberg NYPD Ticket Fix, NYPD Rape Cop Lawyers Venus Fly Trap, Teeth, Lisbeth Sanders

Subject: Lynch NYPD must censure Tacopina Seigel for Venus Fly Trap even more rapes will be under reported + cover up City Hall
the above on NYC gov Mike Bloomberg cover up on NYPD ticket fixing -- press won't ask Mike for the names City Hall

but all the tubes point out EVEN more women will not go to the NYPD because (the above link makes references to film "teeth" and how rapist -- a powerful man that abuses his power and he is Lisbeth's legal guardian in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - although both films I believe where scripted by men -- the women get justice on their own.

1) we have rape cops
2) we have the rape cop lawyers Tacopina and Seigel raping her all over again and their hateful misogynist terminology Venus Fly Trap for a vagina.

Rapes are up in NYC and even more will go unreported because New York women will be afraid to call 911 and look how hateful and monstrous the PBA's NYPD lawyers are towards women.

For Earth Day, Banner Launched Via Balloons At Washington Square Arch to Protest Use of Rainforest Wood In New Park Benches

Click above to see major protest against Bloomberg 

More on the Earth Day action at the Park at my blog...
Environmental activists took to Washington Square Park on Friday, Earth Day, with a flamboyant action in which large, colorful, helium-filled balloons ascended to the top of the Arch with a banner proclaiming, “Mayor Bloomberg: Why was the Amazon logged for Wash. Square Park Benches?” The new benche
2 hours ago ·  ·  · Share

Bloomberg proposes another tech system to prevent NYPD ticket fix, ya mean like CityTime the tax Payers Titanic?

Let me count the flawed and failed tech systems under Bloomberg that have made consultants rich as nyc gov workers are laid off - mike BloOmberg king of outsourcing and screwing the middle class and poor.

We lose hospitals (think Mine's pals Rudin family hiring Ed Koch to sell their unwanted development. )

How many tickets have Mike's family friends at City Hall had fixed. Deputy Mayors? Etc. While NYers ticketed up to their eye balls.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Is Bloomberg covering up for elected officials and some deputy mayors NYPD ticket fix

I don't know, just asking?
Just wondering..... why don't we have any names. More cover ups for Team Bloomberg and slushy city council?

Just asking.

What's up with SAIC - they were served with subponeas remember?

What's happening with flawed 911 Tech System?

What important news is not being reported?

A lot.

Christine Quinn Protest NYPD Exploited by Mike's mini me Christine Quinn

In case you didn't know Christine Quinn has been sued 4 times for back rent -- clearly knows zip about money and thinks NYC tax payers are an Investment Bank hiring Goldman Sachs white collar defense firm Sullivan & Cromwell to represent her staff. Her defense attorney charges only 650 dollars an hour paid by the people.

I continue to demand all legal bills starting with Christine Quinn's be posted on NYC gov website.

Go to Donny Moss's facebook to see the large NYPD presence for Quinn's regular Peaceful Protestors.

NYPD Fixed Tickets for High Ranking NYC Officials

Whom ever these officials are -- they deserve jail time.  They have parking placards and are chauffeured around and they have the audacity to ask the NYPD to throw out their tickets.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mike Bloomberg can sigh with relief Joseph Tacopina's assistant lawyer Chad Seigel Wins Misogynist NYC Pig Award for Vile Comment describing Rape Victim

Mike Bloomberg was going to win  the award for his testimony in the sex discrimination case but Chad Seigel turns out to be a much more vile pig.

Sorry for insulting pigs -- they are much cuter.

Note as usual the well funded women’s groups remain silent as usual.

I had to post this on the NYDN and let us be clear -- the proof is in -- these guys are guilty as sin!
Yeah and the two police officers as well.
1) visit Joseph Tacopina’s website!  It is a must see.  I always wondered how he looks himself in the mirror?  He does with lots and lots of adoration!  2) Do you think he scripted the offensive comment or did Chad Siegel think that up all by himself.  Look at his staff including Joe’s very pretty young lawyer that probably looks like the Gap exec.  Shame on Joe Tacopina and Chad Siegel.  Maybe one day some men will treat you the very same way and make the same comment about you private most areas.

Bloomberg News Reporter Covering Bloomberg Conflict of Interest

Bloomberg is Mr. Conflict of Interests Galore, City Hall and Albany players are as well...
FYI, I don’t read The NY Times and NY Post because of their bias reporting especially on (now dethroned king) Mike so I depend on people to send me articles I need to post so thank you.

Most of the news reporting is because for instance the owners of the new york times and nydn are best friends with Steve Rattner and although Rupert Murdoch didn’t use Rattner as a money manager Murdoch is part of the billionaires boys club and they all seemed to have agreed to not report any voices of opposition to mayor Mike Bloomberg and to do their best to make sure he got his 3rd term to protect their real estate, financial and or tech deals.

Reminder in  the book City for Sale: Ed Koch and the Betrayal of New York, it is reported that 50 news reporters handed Rupert Murdoch a signed petition for his biased news reporting in favor or Koch who was running for mayor his first time.

No group of news reporters would do such a courageous deed now.

Tom Robbins resigning from The Village Voice when Wayne Barrett was fired is proof there are some reporters brave enough to put it all on the line but not many are.

More just stay “on script” these days...not all but too many.

Mayor Bloomberg Christine Quinn the budget Nightmare on Elm Street

mayor Mike Bloomberg City Hall NYC Budget Nightmare on Elm Street, What is going to happen
Do you notice mayor Mike Bloomberg is not making news and there is no reporting on NYC’s budget crisis?

Isn’t that weird?

Are there bombs going to be dropped?  Is there going to be a Nightmare On Elm Street but instead City Hall?

What is with zero news on anything NYC gov from the budget crisis, to Christine Quinn Slush fund scandals and her high priced lawyer bills to SAIC and CityTime to the flawed 911 Tech system to is Larry Seabrook and the Arroyos mom and daughter ever going to jail in this decade or what?  

Just wondering....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mayor Mike Bloomberg featured on Misogynist NYC for testimony which was hushed on sexual discrimination cases private empire

Just a reminder, our mayor, Mike Bloomberg is featured on my Misogynist NYC blog most recently for the media silence as in hush hush  until way after the election on his testimony on the sexual discrimination cases in his private empire not to be confused with the public empire aka NYC gov.

Gerald Shargel Move Over, Let’s Take a Look at Joseph Tacopina’s Website! Hey Tacopina, how much are you charging an hour to represent the rape cop?
Joseph Tacopina (I call him tapioca -- you all know English is not my first language but I haven’t figure out what is my first language so calling him tapoica was easier than TACO-PINA!

I thought Gerald Shargel’s website was fascinating but Joseph Tacopina’s is hilarious only because it is clear this guy thinks he is the Brad Pitt of defense attorneys!

Joseph Tacopina is on my misogynist NYC blog and I give him hell often regarding his defense tactics on behalf of the rape cops.  I may have written how do you look yourself in the mirror?  Well the answer -- often and with a lot of adoration!

Checking out “tapioca’s website is a must!   I am not going to tell you what you see but check it out!
Wow, does this guy really, really, REALLY like himself!   When he retires from law he is going to  teach classes in self-esteem.

If the word “super lawyer” is not in your vocabulary than after checking out his website it will be added. 

Hey, Joseph Tacopina how much do you charge an hour for representing the rape cop?
Do you think if I call his office and ask he will answer my question?  I emailed him the question.

Hey Joseph:  You want to ask a rape victim about her sex life?  How about having to reveal to jurors you represented murderer Joran Van Sloot!

p.s. Mike Bloomberg is featured on my Misogynist NYC blog most recently for the media silence as in hush hush  until way after the election on his testimony on the sexual discrimination cases in his private empire not to be confused with the public empire aka NYC gov.